NCLHELP.HLB  —  show  x25 relay (Alpha), pvc
    show [node node-id] x25 relay -
                      pvc pvc-name  attribute [,attribute...]
                                    all [attributes]
                                    all characteristics
                                    all counters
                                    all identifiers
                                    all status

1  –  Characteristics

 o  local PVC

    Default: No PVC name           Value: Simple name

    Name of the PVC entity that represents the local end of the

 o  remote DTE class

    Default: No DTE class          Value: Simple name

    DTE class to be used when setting up the remote end of the
    connection. It is only specified if the relayed PVC does not
    reside on the local system. This attribute is only applicable
    to connector nodes, and will not be visible in other

 o  remote PVC

    Default: No PVC name           Value: Simple-name

    Name of the PVC entity that represents the relayed end of the

 o  retry limit

    Default: 10                    Value: 0-65535

    Number of attempts that will be made to set up the PVC connection
    following the failure of an enable command. This attribute is
    only applicable to connector nodes, and will not be visible
    in other implementations.

 o  retry timer

    Default: 60                    Value: 1-65535

    Interval, in seconds, between retries. This attribute is only
    applicable to connector nodes, and will not be visible in
    other implementations.

 o  rights identifiers

    Default: No rights identifiers    Value: Set of simple names

    Rights identifiers possessed by this entity. These rights are
    used to access the local PVC and relayed PVC if it resides on the
    local system.

2  –  Counters

 o  connections made

    Number of successful connections made by this entity.

 o  creation time

    Time at which this entity was created.

 o  times connections lost

    Number of times that a successfully established PVC connection
    has been abnormally terminated.

 o  times retry limit exceeded

    Number of times that the retry limit has been reached when trying
    to set up a PVC connection.

3  –  Identifier

 o  name

    Simple name assigned to the PVC when it is created.

4  –  Status

 o  state

    State of the x25 relay pvc entity.

    failed   The retry mechanism has failed to set up the connection.

    off      The PVC is disabled.

    on       The PVC is enabled.

    retrying The Retry timer is running.

 o  uid

    Entity's unique identifier, which is generated when the entity is
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