NCLHELP.HLB  —  show  x25_access
    show  [node node-id] x25 access  attribute [,attribute...]
                                     all [attributes]
                                     all characteristics
                                     all counters
                                     all status

1  –  Characteristics

 o  maximum active ports

    Default: Implementation specific       Value: Implementation specific

    Total number of ports that can be active simultaneously. You
    cannot modify this characteristic. It is supplied as an argument
    to the create directive.

 o  version

    Default: Current version number

    Version number of the X.25 architecture specification to
    which the implementation conforms. You cannot modify this

2  –  Counters

 o  creation time

    Time at which this entity was created.

 o  incoming calls blocked

    Number of incoming calls that have been cleared at the X.25
    Access module because of security failures.

 o  incoming calls failed

    Number of incoming calls that have been cleared at the X.25
    Access module for reasons other than security failures.

 o  outgoing call configuration errors

    Number of calls that have failed due to misconfiguration of
    security management databases.

 o  outgoing calls blocked

    Number of outgoing calls that have been cleared at the
    X.25 Access module because of security failures.

 o  pvc accesses blocked (Tru64 UNIX)

    Number of PVC accesses that have failed due to security blocking.

 o  times port terminated

    Number of times the port terminated event has occurred.

3  –  Status

 o  active ports

    Sum of the number of SVCs on which a call is either being set up
    or is in the data phase. Or, for OpenVMS, the number of PVCs
    that have been allocated to users.

 o  state

    Status of the x25 access entity.

    off   The x25 access entity is disabled.

    on    The x25 access entity is enabled.

 o  uid

    Entity's unique identifier, which is generated when the entity is

4  –  application

    show  [node node-id] x25 access -
          application application-name  attribute [,attribute...]
                                        all [attributes]
                                        all characteristics
                                        all identifiers
                                        all status

    show x25 access application * all

    show x25 access application X29_LOGIN all

    show x25 access application X25_MAIL file, user

4.1  –  Characteristics

 o  account (Tru64 UNIX)

    Default: No service/account data               Value: String

    Default service or account identifier to be used when starting
    the applications process.

 o  activation data (Tru64 UNIX)

    Default: None                                  Value: String

    Data required to start the application process. This
    characteristic is optional. This attribute is not valid for
    an application of type X29 login.

 o  file

    Default: None                                  Value: File name

    Indicates the file name or command that is associated with starting a
    process for the represented application. This attribute is not valid
    for an application of type X29 login.

 o  filters

    Default: None                                 Value: Set of names

    Set of filters that are associated with filtering calls for
    either X.25 or X.29 applications represented by this entity.

 o  maximum activations (Tru64 UNIX)

    Default: 1                                    Value: 1-65535

    Maximum number of concurrent activations of the represented
    application that are possible. This characteristic is optional.

 o  template (Tru64 UNIX)

    Default: No template                   	Value: String

    Template used by the application process to accept the incoming
    call. Attempting to set this attribute for an application of
    type X25 is not valid, and will generate a constraint error.

 o  type

    Default: X25(0)                  Value: Enumerated (see description)

    Specifies the type of application.

    X25(0)         This application operates in X.25 mode

    X29(1)         This application operates in character mode.

    X29 login(2)   This is an application of X.29 type devoted
                   specifically to login sessions.

 o  user

    Default: No user ID                        Value: String

    Default user identification to be used to start the application
    process. This attribute is not valid for an application of
    type X29 login.

4.2  –  Identifier

 o  name

    Simple name assigned to the application when it is created.

4.3  –  Status

 o  state

    Default: None                 Value: On(0), Off(1)

    State of the application. This state can be changed by invoking
    the enable and disable directives.

5  –  dte_class

    show  [node node-id] x25 access -
                  dte class class-name  attribute [,attribute...]
                                        all [attributes]
                                        all characteristics
                                        all identifiers
                                        all status

    show x25 access dte class * name, type

    show x25 access dte class AUSTPAC all

5.1  –  Characteristics

 o  account (OpenVMS)

    Default: No service/account data                 Value: String

    Default service or account data to be used when connecting to
    the X.25 server on the gateway system specified by the node
    characteristic or service node characteristic. This attribute is
    supported only for DTE classes with characteristic type remote.

 o  DNIC

    Default: Supplied by   Value: DTE address of 3 or 4 digits length

    The first part of the Network User Address (NUA). This takes
    one of two forms: Either it is in the form of the Data Network
    Identification Code (DNIC) and is specified by 4 digits, or it
    is in the form of a Data Country Code (DCC) and is specified by
    3 digits. If no profile is specified, the default is null.

 o  International prefix

    Default: Supplied by            Value: DTE address of 1 digit only.

    First digit of an X.121 address to indicate an international or
    internetwork call. If no profile is specified, the default is a
    null DTE address.

 o  local dtes

    Default: No names                             Value: Set of names

    Names of the local x25 protocol dte entities that belong to this
    DTE class. Note that these DTE entities need not exist when their
    names are entered in this set; DTEs that do not exist when the
    DTE class is used are not considered when the DTE class is used
    for an outgoing call.

    If an x25 protocol dte entity has status attribute state set to
    running when its name is added to local dtes, you must disable
    the DTE entity and reenable it (see the disable x25 protocol dte
    and enable x25 protocol dte commands) in order for the DTE to be
    considered when this DTE class is used for an outgoing call.

    You can specify this characteristic only for DTE classes with
    characteristic type local.

 o  local prefix

    Default: Supplied by            Value: DTE address of 1 digit only

    First digit of a DTE address to indicate a local call. If no
    profile is specified, the default is a null DTE address.

 o  node (OpenVMS)

    Default: No name                                Value: Full-name

    Node name of the remote gateway system on which the DTEs in this
    DTE class reside. Note that this characteristic is supported only
    if the service nodes characteristic is not supported.

    This characteristic is supported only for DTE classes
    with type characteristic set to remote.

 o  outgoing session template (OpenVMS)

    Default: Default or no name                        Value: String
    (see description)

    Name of the OSI Transport template to be used by the X.25 client to
    connect to the X.25 server on the gateway system. The default value
    default is valid only if OSI session control is being used. This
    attribute is supported only for DTE classes with characteristic
    type remote.

 o  profile

    Default: No profile                                Value: String

    Name of the profile that supplies the information required
    to perform X.121 mapping to or from a simple DTE address.
    The profile supplies the default values for the International
    prefix, Local prefix, DNIC and strip DNIC characteristics. This
    characteristic is specified by the profile argument in the create
    command. This argument is optional.

 o  security dte class

    Default: Default                                   Value: Name

    Name of the x25 access security dte class entity that controls
    inbound and outbound access using this DTE class.

 o  service nodes (OpenVMS)

    Default: No records                        Value: Set of records

    Names of the nodes that may be used as candidate X.25 gateway
    systems and their associated ratings. Each record consists of
    a full name that describes the candidate node and an integer
    that indicates its ratings. The records are listed in order
    of descending rating. Values are entered as [node=nodename,
    rating=integer]. The rating represents the maximum number of
    session control connections to the node pair.

 o  strip DNIC

    Default: False                             Value: True or false

    Defines whether the first part of the NUA (the DNIC or DCC
    specified by the DNIC characteristic) should be stripped for
    outgoing calls, and whether the network strips the first portion
    of the NUA from addresses it presents to the DTE.

 o  type

    Type of DTE class.

    local      The DTE class consists of local DTEs.

    remote     The DTE class consists of DTEs on a remote gateway

    The value of this characteristic is specified by the type
    argument in the create command.

 o  user (OpenVMS)

    Default: No user ID                                 Value: String

    Default user identification to be used when connecting to the
    gateway system specified by the service nodes characteristic.

5.2  –  Identifier

 o  name

    Simple name assigned to the DTE class when it is created.

5.3  –  Status

 o  usable dtes

    Set of DTEs that are enabled and belong to this DTE class. For
    outgoing calls, a DTE is picked from this set if it is eligible
    (that is, if its status attribute state is set to running). If
    there is more than one eligible DTE, a round-robin algorithm
    is used to select one of the eligible DTEs. A DTE is added to
    the set when it is enabled, and is removed from the set when
    it is disabled (see the enable x25 protocol dte and disable x25
    protocol dte commands).

6  –  filter

    show  [node node-id] x25 access -
                   filter filter-name  attribute [,attribute...]
                                       all [attributes]
                                       all characteristics
                                       all counters
                                       all identifiers
                                       all status

    show x25 access filter * name, incoming dte address

    show x25 access filter FILTER_1 all

6.1  –  Characteristics

 o  call data mask

    Default: No mask       Value: Hex string

    Mask to be applied to call user data in an incoming call. The
    result is compared, octet by octet, with the call data value

 o  call data value

    Default: No call user data     Value: Hex string

    Call user data value to be matched by this filter. This value is
    compared, octet by octet, with the masked call user data in the
    call request. This string must have the same length as the string
    specified for the call data mask characteristic.

 o  called address extension mask

    Default: No called address       Value: Hex string
    extension mask

    Mask to be applied to the called address extension in an incoming
    call. The result is compared, octet by octet, with the called
    address extension value characteristic.

 o  called address extension value

    Default: No called address       Value: Hex string
    extension value

    Called address extension value to be matched by this filter.
    This value is compared, octet by octet, with the masked called
    address extension value. This string must have the same length
    as the string specified in the called address extension mask

 o  group

    Default: No group name         Value: Group name

    Name of the x25 protocol group entity to be matched by this
    filter. The DTE must belong to this group for the filter to
    match. Wildcards can be used in the group name.

 o  inbound dte class

    Default: No DTE class          Value: Class name

    Name of the DTE class to be matched by this filter. The DTE must
    belong to this DTE class for the filter to match. This is the
    DECnet-Plus mechanism for specifying a local receiving DTE; see
    also the description of the receiving dte address characteristic.
    Wildcards can be used in the class name.

 o  incoming dte address

    Default: No DTE address         Value: DTE address

    Value to be matched with the "called address" field of an
    incoming call packet. Wildcards can be used in the incoming
    DTE address.

 o  originally called address

    Default: No address            Value: DTE address

    Value to be matched with the "originally called address" field of
    an incoming call that has been redirected. Wildcards can be used
    in the originally called DTE address.

 o  called nsap

    Default: No NSAP address      Value: NSAP address

    Value to be matched against the called address extension field
    of an incoming call packet when the field contents are encoded in
    ISO format.

 o  priority

    Default: 1             Value: 0-65535

    Filter's position in an ordered set of filters used for matching
    incoming calls.

 o  receiving dte address

    Default: No DTE address        Value: DTE address

    Address that is used to match the DTE address of the local
    receiving DTE. This characteristic is included for backward
    compatibility with Phase IV; the DECnet-Plus mechanism uses the
    dte class characteristic. Wildcards can be used in the receiving
    DTE address.

 o  redirect reason

    Default: Not specified           Value: See description

    Reason for matching a call that has been redirected.

    busy            The original destination was busy.

    not specified   Redirection was not checked.

    out of order    The original destination was not operational.

    systematic      Calls to the original destination are
                    systematically redirected.

    This value must be the same as the redirect reason in the call
    request for the filter to match.

 o  security filter

    Default: Default       Value: Security filter

    Name of the x25 access security filter entity that controls
    access to this filter. Wildcards can be used in the security
    filter name.

 o  sending dte address

    Default: No DTE address       Value: DTE address

    Value to be compared with the "calling address" field of an
    incoming call packet. These values must be the same for the
    filter to match. Wildcards can be used in the sending DTE

 o  subaddress range (OpenVMS VAX)

    Default: No range      Value: Set of one range

    Subaddress range value to be matched by this filter. Format the
    values to specify this subaddress range. This set must either
    be empty or contain exactly one value. This attribute has been
    retired; it has been included to allow the value of the attribute
    to be seen, but it cannot be modified.

6.2  –  Counters

 o  creation time

    Time at which this entity was created.

 o  incoming calls blocked

    Number of times that an incoming call that matched this filter
    has been cleared by security.

6.3  –  Identifier

 o  name

    Simple name assigned to the filter when it is created.

6.4  –  Status

 o  listener

    When the status attribute state is set to in use, this specifies
    the name of the entity that is the listener with which this
    filter is associated. When the status attribute state is set
    to free, this status is undefined.

 o  state

    Status of the x25 access filter entity.

    free     The filter is not associated with a listener, and is
             therefore not currently used in matching incoming calls.

    in use   The filter is associated with a listener, and is currently
             being used to match incoming calls.

 o  uid

    Entity's unique identifier, which is generated when the entity is

7  –  port

    show [node node-id] x25 access -
                     port port-name  attribute [,attribute...]
                                     all [attributes]
                                     all counters
                                     all identifiers
                                     all status

    show x25 access port * name, call direction

7.1  –  Counters

 o  data octets received

    Number of data octets received at the port.

 o  data octets sent

    Number of data octets sent by the port.

 o  pdus received

    Number of pdus received at the port.

 o  pdus sent

    Number of pdus sent by the port.

 o  reference time

    Time at which the port was created (if the circuit is a PVC), or
    the time at which the port was first used to send or receive a
    call at the X.25 user interface (if the circuit is an SVC).

 o  segments sent

    Number of segments of data sent by this port.

 o  segments received

    Number of segments of data received by this port.

7.2  –  Identifier

 o  name

    Simple name assigned to the port when it is created.

7.3  –  Status

 o  call association

    Name of the x25 access filter entity that matched an incoming
    call, or the name of the x25 access template entity used in
    making an outgoing call. This attribute is supported only if
    the status attribute port type is set to switched and the status
    attribute state is not set to open.

 o  call direction

    Direction of the call on an SVC.

    incoming   The call is an incoming call.

    outgoing   The call is an outgoing call.

    This attribute is supported only if the status attribute port
    type is set to switched and the status attribute state is not set
    to open.

 o  calling address extension

    Calling NSAP address that is carried transparently in an incoming
    or outgoing call packet. This attribute is supported only if
    the status attribute port type is set to switched and the status
    attribute state is not set to open.

 o  calling dte address

    Calling DTE address in a call request or incoming call packet
    (depending on the value of the status attribute call direction).
    This attribute is supported only if the status attribute port
    type is set to switched and the status attribute state is not set
    to open.

 o  channel

    Channel number of the underlying virtual circuit. This status
    is valid only if the port is at a gateway system and the status
    attribute state is not open.

 o  client

    Name of the entity that opened the port.

 o  dte class

    Name of the DTE class to which the DTE of the underlying virtual
    circuit belongs. This attribute is supported only if the status
    attribute state is not set to Open.

 o  fast select

    Specifies whether fast select is in operation for the call.

    fast select        Fast select in operation.

    no fast select     Fast select not in operation.

    not specified      Facility not requested.

    with response      Fast select with response in operation.

    This attribute is supported only if the status attribute port
    type is set to switched and the status attribute state is not set
    to open.

 o  group

    Name of the x25 protocol group entity (that is, CUG) associated
    with an incoming or outgoing call. This attribute is supported
    only if the status attribute port type is set to switched and the
    status attribute state is not set to open.

 o  incoming packet size

    Packet size, in octets, for incoming data on a virtual circuit.
    This attribute is supported only if the status attribute state is
    not set to open.

 o  incoming throughput class

    Throughput class for incoming data on a virtual circuit.

 o  incoming window size

    Window size for incoming data on a virtual circuit.

 o  local dte

    Name of the DTE entity associated with the call.

 o  originally called address

    If a call is redirected, this is the DTE address from which the
    call was redirected; otherwise, the address is null. This status
    is valid only if the status attribute redirect reason is not
    [not] redirected. This attribute is supported only if the status
    attribute port type is set to switched and the status attribute
    state is not set to open.

 o  outgoing packet size

    Packet size, in octets, for outgoing data on a virtual circuit.
    This attribute is supported only if the status attribute state is
    not set to Open.

 o  outgoing throughput class

    Throughput class for outgoing data on a virtual circuit.

 o  outgoing window size

    Window size for outgoing data on a virtual circuit. This
    attribute is supported only if the status attribute state is
    not set to open.

 o  protocol identifier

    First four octets of call data in the call. This attribute is
    supported only if the status attribute port type is set to
    switched and the status attribute state is not set to open.

 o  pvc

    Name of the pvc to which this port belongs. This attribute
    is present only if the status attribute port type is set to

 o  redirect reason

    Specifies whether a call has been redirected and, if so, the
    reason for the redirection.

    busy            The call has been redirected because the original
                    destination was busy.

    not redirected  The call has not been redirected.

    out of order    The call has been redirected because the original
                    destination was not operational.

    systematic      The call has been redirected because all calls to
                    the original destination have been systematically

    This attribute is supported only if the status attribute port
    type is set to switched and the status attribute state is not set
    to open.

 o  remote port

    Port at the source (that is, accessing) node (when the client is
    an X.25 server).

 o  reserved

    If the port is associated with a reserved Logical Channel Number
    (LCN), this specifies the name of the local DTE entity on which
    the LCN is reserved. A null string indicates that the port is
    not associated with a reserved LCN. This attribute is supported
    only if the status attribute port type is set to switched and the
    status attribute state is not set to open.

 o  reverse charging

    Specifies whether reverse charging is in operation for the call.
    This attribute is supported only if the status attribute port
    type is set to switched and the status attribute state is not set
    to open.

 o  state

    Status of the x25 access port entity.

    called         A call has been received and taken by a user.

    calling        A user is making a call.

    cleared        A Clear Indication or Clear Confirmation packet
                   has been received, or the X.25 Protocol module has
                   detected an error.

    cleared by     The port was cleared by network management.

    clearing       A user has requested that the call should be

    no communi-    Communications with the PSDN have been lost.

    open           The port is open.

    running        The associated virtual circuit is available for
                   data transfer.

    synchronizing  A user has requested a reset, but the network has
                   not yet responded with a Reset Confirmation or
                   Reset Indication packet.

    unsynchronized A Reset Indication packet has been received, or
                   the X.25 Protocol module has detected an error
                   and the user has not yet responded with a reset

 o  target address extension

    Called NSAP address that is transparently carried in an incoming
    or outgoing call packet. This attribute is supported only if
    the status attribute port type is set to switched and the status
    attribute state is not set to open.

 o  target dte address

    Called DTE address in a call request or incoming call.

    This attribute is supported only if the status attribute port
    type is set to switched and the status attribute state is not set
    to open.

 o  type

    Specifies that the port represents an SVC.

    switched       The circuit is an SVC.

    permanent      The circuit is a PVC.

8  –  reachable_address

    show  [node node-id] x25 access -
          reachable address address-name  attribute [,attribute...]
                                          all [attributes]
                                          all characteristics
                                          all identifiers

    show x25 access reachable address * name, address prefix

    show x25 access reachable address X121 all

8.1  –  Characteristics

 o  address extensions

    Default: True                                Value: True or false

    Specifies whether the "called address extension" and "calling
    address extension" fields to be included in the outgoing call

 o  address prefix

    Address prefix to trigger the use of DTE class and destination.
    Supplied as an argument to the create command. You cannot modify
    this characteristic.

 o  destination

    Default: No DTE address                      Value: DTE address

    Manually entered DTE address. This address is used only if the
    mapping characteristic has the value manual.

 o  dte class

    Default: No class name                       Value: Class name

    Name of the DTE class to be used in making the outgoing call. If
    not specified, any DTE class may be used.

 o  mapping

    Default: X.121                              Value: Manual or X.121

    Mechanism by which the destination DTE address is to be derived.

    manual       The destination DTE address is supplied manually
                 by means of the destination characteristic.

    X.121        The destination DTE address is derived by an
                 algorithm from an NSAP address in X.121 format.
                 X.121 address mapping may only be specified with
                 address prefixes of 36, 37, 49, 52 and 53.

8.2  –  Identifier

 o  name

    Simple name assigned to the reachable address when it is needed.

9  –  security_dte_class

    show  [node node-id] x25 access -
         security dte class class-name  attribute [,attribute...]
                                        all [attributes]
                                        all identifiers
                                        all status

    show x25 access security dte class * name

    show x25 access security dte class Default all

9.1  –  Identifier

 o  name

    Simple name assigned to the security DTE class when it is

9.2  –  Status

 o  guarded dte classes

    Names of the DTE classes that are protected by this security DTE

9.3  –  remote_dte

    show  [node node-id] x25 access -
        security dte class class-name -
                    remote dte dte-name  attribute [,attribute...]
                                         all [attributes]
                                         all characteristics
                                         all counters
                                         all identifiers


    show x25 access security dte class Default -
         remote dte * name, rights identifiers

    show x25 access security dte class Default -
         remote dte remdte-0 all

9.3.1  –  Characteristics

 o  acl

    Default: No acl        Value: Access control list

    Access Control List (ACL) that is used when checking outbound
    calls to the set of DTE addresses that this remote DTE
    represents. Wildcards can be used in the identifiers that form
    part of each Access Control Entry (ACE) in an Access Control
    List (ACL).

 o  remote address prefix

    DTE address prefix for this remote DTE. The value of this
    characteristic is specified by the remote address prefix argument
    in the create command. You cannot modify this characteristic.

 o  rights identifiers

    Default: No rights identifiers    Value: Set of names

    Rights identifiers possessed by this remote DTE. It is used for
    incoming call checking against the ACL attribute of a security
    filter entity that is used to guard a filter.

9.3.2  –  Counters

 o  creation time

    Time at which the entity was created.

 o  incoming calls blocked

    Number of times that an incoming call that matched the remote
    address prefix for this remote DTE has been blocked by security.

 o  outgoing calls blocked

    Number of times that an outgoing call that matched the remote
    address prefix for this remote DTE has been blocked by security.

9.3.3  –  Identifier

 o  name

    Simple name assigned to the remote DTE when it is created.

9.3.4  –  Status

 o  uid

    Entity's unique identifier, which is generated when the entity is

10  –  security_filter

    show  [node node-id] x25 access -
          security filter filter-name  attribute [,attribute...]
                                       all [attributes]
                                       all characteristics
                                       all identifiers
                                       all status


    show x25 access security filter * name, acl

    show x25 access security filter Default all

10.1  –  Characteristic

 o  acl

    Default: No acl        Value: Access control list

    Access control list that is used for checking inbound calls for
    all filters using this security filter. Wildcards can be
    used in the identifiers that form part of each Access Control
    Entry (ACE) in an Access Control List (ACL).

10.2  –  Identifier

 o  name

    Simple name assigned to the security filter when it is created.

10.3  –  Status

 o  guarded filters

    Names of the x25 access filters that are protected by this security

11  –  template

    show  [node node-id] x25 access -
               template template-name  attribute [,attribute...]
                                       all [attributes]
                                       all characteristics
                                       all identifiers

    show x25 access template * name

    show x25 access template "OSI Transport" all

11.1  –  Characteristics

 o  call data

    Default: No call user data       Value: Hex string

    Call user data to be sent in the call.

 o  calling address extension

    Default: No NSAP address        Value: NSAP address

    Calling Network Service Access Point (NSAP) address is to be
    passed to a higher-level entity within the called DTE. A null
    address indicates that this facility is not included in the
    outgoing call.

 o  charging information

    Default: False              Value: True or false

    Specifies whether charging information is requested for this

 o  destination dte address

    Default: No DTE address      Value: DTE address

    Address of the remote DTE, including the remote subaddress (if
    any), to which the call is directed.

 o  dte class

    Default: No DTE class name     Value: Class name

    Name of the DTE class to be used for the call.

 o  end-to-end delay

    Default: [0..0]        Value: Range (see description)

    Lower and upper bounds of the acceptable end-to-end delay for the
    call. A zero value for either bound indicates that no range is
    included in the outgoing call.

 o  expedited data

    Default: Not specified       Value: See description

    Specifies whether expedited data is requested for the call.

    do not use      Expedited data is not in use.

    not specified   Expedited data is not requested.

    use             Expedited data is in use.

 o  fast select

    Default: Not specified        Value: See description

    Specifies whether fast select is requested for the call.

    fast select      Fast select is in use.

    no fast select   Fast select is not in use.

    not specified    Fast select is not requested.

    with response    Fast select with response is in use.

 o  local facilities

    Default: No facilities            Value: Hex string

    Non-CCITT facilities that are available from the local PSDN.
    The string is placed in the outgoing call request packet without
    modification. The contents and interpretation of this string are

 o  local subaddress

    Default: No DTE address        Value: DTE address

    Local subaddress to be appended to the calling DTE address in the

 o  network user identity

    Default: No network user identity    Value: Hex string

    Network user identity to be included in the call packet. The
    format of the network user identity is specified by the PSDN

 o  nsap mapping

    Default: False                  Value: True or false

    Specifies whether an x25 access reachable address entity is used
    to map the supplied NSAP address to a destination DTE class/DTE
    address pair.

 o  packet size

    Default: Supplied by profile     Value: 0-4096

    Packet size, in octets, for transmitted and received data
    packets. The value must be a power of 2 in the range 0 to 4096.
    The value zero indicates that no packet size is included in the
    outgoing call.

 o  quality of service

    Default: No data                Value: Hex string

    Quality of service data. The contents and interpretation of this
    string are implementation-dependent.

 o  reverse charging

    Default: False                   Value: True or false

    Specifies whether reverse charging is requested for the call.

 o  rpoa sequence

    Default: No DTE address         Value: Set of DTE addresses

    Private Operating Agency sequence of transit networks to be used
    in setting up the call. Format the values to specify a set of
    DTE addresses. Each DTE address is four digits long. An empty set
    indicates that no sequence is included in the outgoing call.

 o  selected group

    Default: No group name           Value: Group name

    Name of the x25 protocol group entity that represents the CUG
    selected for the call. The index for group is included in the
    facility field of the call request packet.

 o  target address extension

    Default: No NSAP address        Value: NSAP address

    Called NSAP address to be sent to the called DTE should be
    supplied by a higher-level entity in the calling DTE. A null
    address indicates that this facility is not required.

 o  throughput class request

    Default: [0..0]        Value: Range (see the following

    Minimum acceptable throughput class (the lower bound of the
    range) and the target throughput class (the upper bound of the
    range) for a call. The only legal range values are as follows:

    0              2400
    75             4800
    150            9600
    300            19200
    600            48000

    The range 0-0 indicates that no throughput class is included in
    the outgoing call.

 o  transit delay selection

    Default: 0                     Value: Integer

    Desired transit delay. A zero value indicates
    that no value is included in the outgoing call.

 o  window size

    Default: Supplied by profile     Value: 0-127

    Window size for transmitted and received data packets. A zero
    value indicates that no window size is included in the outgoing

11.2  –  Identifier

 o  name

    Name assigned to the template when it is created.
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