NCLHELP.HLB  —  show  routing  port
    show  [node node-id] routing -
                    port port-name  attribute [,attribute...]
                                    all [attributes]
                                    all counters
                                    all identifiers
                                    all status


    show routing port * name, client

    show routing port RTG$PORT21 all

1  –  Counters

 o  creation time

    Support: All

    Time the entity was created.

 o  data sdus received

    Support: All

    Number of data NSDUs delivered across Transport interface (after

 o  error reports received

    Support: All

    Number of error report PDUs delivered across Transport interface.

 o  expired segments discarded

    Support: All

    Number of segments discarded because lifetime expired during

 o  ip packets reassembled

    Support: IP

    Number of IP packets that have been successfully reassembled from

 o  sdus transmitted

    Support: All

    Number of data NSDUs requested for transmission across Transport

 o  segments discarded

    Support: All

    Number of segments (data- or error-report) discarded before
    delivery across the Transport interface, including segments
    discarded for any reason other than lifetime expiration during

 o  segments received

    Support: All

    Number of data- and error-report NPDUs received before

2  –  Identifier

 o  name

    Simple name assigned to the port when it is created.

3  –  Status

 o  client

    Support: All

    Name given by the user of the port when the port was opened.

 o  nsap addresses

    Support: All

    Set of NSAP addresses to be received at this port. This attribute
    is supported only if the status attribute type is not set to IP.

 o  nsap selector

    Support: All

    Network service access point (NSAP) selector octet supplied
    by the client. This attribute is supported only if the status
    attribute type is not set to ip.

 o  protocol type

    Support: IP

    Value of the IP protocol field specified by the client.

 o  type

    Support: IP

    Type of connectionless network service to be used: IP or ISO8473.

 o  uid

    Entity's unique identifier, which is generated when the entity is
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