NCLHELP.HLB  —  set  nsp
    set  [node node-id] nsp ...

    Modifies the attributes of the nsp entity.  The modifiable
    attributes and their data types [in brackets] are:

    congestion avoidance [boolean]
    delay factor [integer]
    delay weight [integer]
    flow control policy [segment flow control|no flow control]
    keepalive time [seconds]
    maximum remote nsaps [integer]
    maximum receive buffers [integer] (OpenVMS)
    maximum transport connections [integer]
    retransmit threshold [integer]

1  –  congestion_avoidance

    Default: False 		Value: True or false

    Enables the use of the automatic congestion avoidance mechanism.
    This mechanism reduces the transport window size in response to
    an indication from the Network layer.

    set [node node-id] nsp congestion avoidance boolean


    set nsp congestion avoidance false

2  –  delay_factor

    Default: 2			Value: 2-15

    Factor by which to multiply the current value of the roundtrip
    delay estimate status attribute in order to set a value for the
    retransmission timer.

    Note, the roundtrip delay estimate is an attribute of the
    nsp port entity.

    set [node node-id] nsp delay factor integer


    set nsp delay factor 2

3  –  delay_weight

    Default: 3			Value: 0-255

    Relative weighting to apply to the current estimate and to a
    new sample when estimating roundtrip delay.

    set [node node-id] nsp delay weight integer


    set nsp delay weight 3

4  –  flow_control_policy

     Default:  Segment flow control      Value:  Segment flow control
                                                   no flow control

     Determines NSP flow control policy used. This attribute may not be
     changed when NSP state is "on."

     Flow control is the mechanism that determines when to send a Data
     or expedited messages. Flow control is performed separately for
     normal and expedited data. During transport connection formation,
     each end of the connection determines the kind of flow control
     policy it expects when acting as a data receiver. It is not
     required that both end operate with the same flow control policy.

     set [node node-id] nsp flow control policy control-policy


     set nsp flow control policy segment flow control

     set nsp flow control policy no flow control

5  –  keepalive_time

    Default for Tru64 UNIX: 30      Value: 1-65535

    Default for OpenVMS: 60         Value: 1-65535

    Time, in seconds, that NSP waits for data to be transmitted or
    received before testing a transport connection. When this timer
    expires, NSP sends a data request PDU to the remote NSP. This
    PDU does not change the flow control parameters, but does require
    acknowledgment.  For Tru64 UNIX, You can modify this
    characteristic to a lower value only when the entity is disabled.

    set [node node-id] nsp keepalive time integer


    set nsp keepalive time 60

6  –  maximum receive buffers (OpenVMS)

    Default: 2000		Value: 1-65535

    Maximum number of receive buffers that can store received transport
    PDUs. You may not decrease the value while NSP is enabled.

    set [node node-id] nsp maximum receive buffers integer


    set nsp maximum receive buffers 4000

7  –  maximum_remote_nsaps

    Default for Tru64 UNIX: 160 	        Value: 1-65535

    Default for OpenVMS: 201 	        Value: 1-65535

    Maximum number of remote NSAPs that can exist concurrently. Must
    be equal to or greater than the default, which equals the current
    value of maximum transport connections. You can modify this
    characteristic to a lower value only when the entity is disabled.

    set [node node-id] nsp maximum remote nsaps integer


    set nsp maximum remote nsaps 201

8  –  maximum_transport_connections

    Default for Tru64 UNIX: 128	        Value: 0-1023

    Default for OpenVMS: 200	        Value: 0-65535

    Maximum number of active transport connections allowed at one
    time. Must not be less than the current value of maximum remote
    NSAPs. You may not decrease the value while NSP is enabled.

    set [node node-id] nsp maximum transport connections integer


    set nsp maximum transport connections 200

9  –  retransmit_threshold

    Default: 12		Value: 1-65535

    Maximum number of times a source nsp entity is to restart an
    expired retransmission timer before the remote node is to be
    considered unreachable. When the threshold is reached, NSP
    sets the confidence variable to false.

    set [node node-id] nsp retransmit threshold integer


    set nsp retransmit threshold 12
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