NCLHELP.HLB  —  SNA Peer Server Module, QLLC
   The QLLC entity represents the QLLC protocol on the Peer Server and
   its accessibility by client applications. The Peer Server supports
   a single instance of QLLC. The subordinate entities of the QLLC
   entity are the Port and the Link. Ports exists when a QLLC connection
   is established to an adjacent link station. Ports are dynamically
   created and deleted as client connections are made and broken.
   A Link must exist for each X.25 communication line. The Link defines
   the local link station to the Peer Server and contains the management
   attributes for the operation of all supported station components.
   It also contains information that permits the identification of the
   associated X.25 server component. The Link entity has the Station
   subentity that represents the remote DTE (Data Terminal Equipment
   address) of a station that operates over a particular X.25 logical

1  –  create

   create qllc

   The create qllc command creates a QLLC entity, which provides support
   for communication over X.25 networks. There is only one instance for
   each node. There is one QLLC Link for each local X.25 DTE address
   (only one link can exist on the Peer Server). For each remote X.25 DTE
   address that can be reached using a QLLC link, QLLC uses a subordinate
   Station entity. For each QLLC connection between a QLLC link and a QLLC
   station, QLLC creates a dynamic PORT entity to represent the connection
   to the network.

   Ex,   ncl> create qllc

2  –  delete

   delete qllc

   The delete qllc command deletes the single QLLC instance.  You cannot
   delete the QLLC entity while subentities (Links and Ports) exist.

   Ex,   ncl> delete qllc

3  –  show

   show qllc

   The show qllc command displays the attributes for the qllc entity.

   Ex,   ncl> show qllc all counters

3.1  –  Status

   UID                Displays the entity's unique identifier, which is
                      generated when the Peer Server creates the entity.

   Connections        Displays the number of connections that are
                      currently active.

3.2  –  Characteristic

   Version            Displays the version number of the SNA QLLC
                      software that is executing.

3.3  –  Counters

   Resource Allocation   The total number of resource allocation
   Failures              failures; for example, insufficient memory.

   Creation Time         The time that the QLLC entity was created.

4  –  Link subentity

   The Link subentity defines the local link station to the Peer Server
   and contains the management attributes for the operation of all
   supported station components.  It also contains information that
   permits the identification of the associated X.25 server component.
   An instance of this subentity must exist for each X.25 communication

4.1  –  create

   create qllc link

   The create qllc link command creates an instance of the QLLC Link
   subentity for each local X.25 DTE address. The Link subentity is the
   access point into the X.25 protocol for QLLC connections to remote
   system. The create command also allocates resources for the subentity
   and sets its characteristics to their default values.

   Ex,   ncl> create qllc link qllc-0 dte address = 12345678901

4.1.1  –  Characteristics

   Subsequent    1-8 characters    Specifies an octet string that is
   Protocol      (hexadecimal)     used to filter incoming X.25 calls
   Identifier                      for a specific protocol. This value
                                   corresponds to the Data Call value
                                   in the X.25 configuration.
                                   It is only needed to handle incoming
                                   connections. The default value is
                                   hexadecimal C3 (QLLC Protocol).

   Filter Name     Simplename      Specifies the name of the Filter to
                                   be used for incoming QLLC (X.25)
                                   connections. This name must be
                                   specified for links that will use
                                   both incoming or outgoing connec-
                                   tions. The name must also match
                                   an X25 Access Filter that exists in
                                   the node's X.25 configuration. The
                                   default is filter_qllc.

   Template Name   Simplename      Specifies the name of the Template
                                   to be used for creating an outbound
                                   QLLC connection.  This name must
                                   match an X25 Access Template in the
                                   node's X.25 configuration. The
                                   default is template_qllc.

   DTE Class       Simplename      Specifies the name of the DTE class
                                   to be used for creating an outbound
                                   connection. This name must match an
                                   X25 Access DTE Class names that
                                   exists in the local node's X.25
                                   configuration. The default is

4.2  –  delete

   delete qllc link

   The delete qllc link command deletes an instance of the QLLC Link
   subentity and deallocates resources for the subentity.  The Link
   subentity must be in the off state and must have no Station

   Ex,   ncl> delete qllc link qllc-0

4.3  –  disable

   disable qllc link

   The disable qllc link disables an instance of the QLLC Link subentity.
   You can only disable a previously enabled entity. The disable command
   stops the operation of the Link subentity. For the disable command
   to be successful, all Station subentities on the Link must have been
   disabled. At the completion of the command the subentity is in the
   off entity state.

   Ex,   ncl> disable qllc link qllc-0

4.4  –  enable

   enable qllc link

   The enable qllc link command places the QLLC Link subentity in
   its enabled state (on).

   Ex,   ncl> enable qllc link qllc-0

4.5  –  set

   set qllc link

   The set qllc link command lets you set the attributes of the
   QLLC Link subentity.  The QLLC Link subentity defines the data link
   attributes that are shared by its Station subentities.

   Ex,   ncl> set qllc link qllc-0 dte address = 12345678901

4.5.1  –  Characteristics

   Subsequent    1-8 characters  Specifies an octet string that is used
   Protocol      (hexadecimal)   to filter incoming X.25 calls for a
   Identifier                    specific protocol. This value corres-
                                 ponds to the Call Data value in the
                                 X.25 configuration. It is only needed
                                 to handle incoming connections. The
                                 default value is hexadecimal C3 (QLLC

   Filter Name   Simplename      Specifies the name of the Filter to be
                                 used for incoming QLLC (X.25) connec-
                                 tions. This name must be specified for
                                 links that will use both incoming or
                                 outgoing connections. The name must
                                 also match an X25 Access Filter that
                                 exists in the node's X.25
                                 configuration. The default
                                 is filter_qllc.

   Template      Simplename      Specifies the name of the Template to
   Name                          be used for creating an outbound QLLC
                                 connection.This name must match an X25
                                 Access Template in the node's X.25
                                 configuration. The default is

   DTE Class     Simplename      Specifies the name of the DTE class to
                                 be used for creating an outbound
                                 connection. This name must match an
                                 X25 Access DTE Class names that exists
                                 in the local node's X.25 configuration.
                                 The default is class_qllc.

4.6  –  show

   show qllc link

   The show qllc link command displays the attributes for the QLLC Link
   subentity.  The QLLC Link subentity defines the data link attributes
   that are shared by its Station subentities.

   Ex,   ncl> show qllc link qllc-0 all status

4.6.1  –  Identifier

   Name             Displays the name of the Link.

4.6.2  –  Status

   UID              Displays the entity's unique identifier, which is
                    generated when the Peer Server creates the entity.

   State            Displays the operational state of this QLLC Link

      inoperable      The Link cannot be enabled.

      off             You have issued a disable command for this Link.
                      The Link is in the Inactive or Pending Inactive

      on              You have issued an enable command for this Link.

4.6.3  –  Characteristics

   Subsequent   1-8 characters   Displays an octet string that is used
   Protocol     (hexadecimal)    to filter incoming X.25 calls for a
   Identifier                    specific protocol. This value corres-
                                 ponds to the Call Data value in the
                                 X.25 configuration. It is only needed
                                 to handle incoming connections.

   Filter       Simplename       Displays the name of the Filter to be
   Name                          used for incoming QLLC (X.25) connec-
                                 tions.  This name must be specified
                                 for links that will use both incoming
                                 or outgoing connections.  The name
                                 must also match an X25 Access Filter
                                 that exists in the node's
                                 X.25 configuration.

   Template     Simplename       Displays the name of the Template to
   Name                          be used for creating an outbound QLLC
                                 connection.This name must match an X25
                                 Access Template in the node's X.25

   DTE Class    Simplename       Displays the name of the DTE class to
                                 be used for creating an outbound
                                 connection. This name must match an
                                 X25 Access DTE Class names that exists
                                 in the local node's X.25 configuration.

4.6.4  –  Counters

   Creation Time       Displays the time that the QLLC Link subentity
                       was created.

5  –  Link Station subentity

   The QLLC Link Station subentity represents the remote DTE (Data
   Terminal Equipment address) of a station that operates over a
   particular X.25 logical link.

5.1  –  create

   create qllc link station

   The create qllc link station command creates an instance of the
   Station subentity of a QLLC Link entity for each remote DTE address
   and allocates resources for the subentity. There is a station subentity
   for each remote DTE (data terminal equipment) address with which a
   virtual circuit can be associated. The create command sets the
   characteristic attributes to their default values.

   Ex,   ncl> create qllc link qllc-0 station stn-0

5.1.1  –  Characteristics

   Usage Type    outgoing |      Specifies the type of connections that
                 incoming |      can run over this station. If set to
                 both            incoming, then only IBM initiated X.25
                                 connections are allowed. If set to
                                 outgoing, then the Peer Server will
                                 initiate connections. If set to both
                                 both either end can initiate
                                 connections.  The default is outgoing.

   Retry         (0-255)         Specifies the maximum number of times
   Maximum                       to retry when an error occurs. The
                                 default is 4.

   Retry         (1-600)         Specifies the time in seconds to wait
   Timeout                       between retries. The default is 10.

   Contact       yes | no        Specifies whether the secondary
   Terminal                      station awaits receipt of a QRR command
                                 or of the first data frame before
                                 establishment of the link connection is
                                 acknowledged. The default is no.

   Capability    primary |       Specifies the capability of the
                 secondary|      Station subentities of this
                 negotiable      Link entity. Negotiable stations can
                                 become either primary or secondary.
                                 The default is negotiable.

   Call User     2 characters    Specifies the hexadecimal string that
   Data          (hexadecimal)   identifies the type of X.25 to be made
                                 to create a QLLC connection. The
                                 default value is hexadecimal C3 (QLLC

   Remote DTE    DTEaddress      Specifies the X.25 DTE address of the
   Address                       remote station. If the Peer Server
                                 initiates the connection, this is the
                                 address that will be called. For an IBM
                                 initiated connection, if the Usage Type
                                 parameter is set to Incoming, this
                                 address will be matched against the
                                 caller's address and if not matched,
                                 the call will be rejected.

   Maximum BTU   (128-4095)      Specifies the size that SNA messages
   Size                          will be segmented into before being
                                 sent to the X.25 network. (The X.25
                                 network may further segment packets
                                 based on the level 2 profile
                                 information being used.)
                                 The default is 512.

5.2  –  delete

   delete qllc link station

   The delete qllc link station command deletes the Station subentity.
   The Station subentity must be in the off state before it can be

   Ex,   ncl> delete qllc link qllc-0 station stn-0

5.3  –  disable

   disable qllc link station

   The disable qllc link station command stops the operation of the
   Station subentity of the Link.  If a connection exists, the disable
   command halts protocol operation.  When execution of the command
   completes, the Station entity enters the off entity state.

   Ex,   ncl> disable qllc link qllc-0 station stn-0

5.4  –  enable

   enable qllc link station

   The enable qllc link station command enables the Station for use.
   An enabled Station can accept incoming connection requests or initiate
   outgoing connection requests. The Link entity must be enabled before
   you issue this command. An association may be made between the station
   subentity and the X.25 service provider by selecting an X.25 logical
   channel on which the QLLC protocol operates.

   Ex,   ncl> enable qllc link qllc-0 station stn-0

5.5  –  set

   set qllc link station

   The set qllc link station command let you set the attributes for QLLC
   Link Station subentity.  The QLLC Station subentity contains the data
   link attributes that are configured for this connection.

   Ex,   ncl> set qllc link qllc-0 station stn-0 capability = primary

5.5.1  –  Characteristics

   Usage Type     outgoing |     Specifies the type of connections that
                  incoming |     can run over this station. If set to
                  both           incoming, then only IBM initiated X.25
                                 connections are allowed. If set to
                                 outgoing, then the Peer Server will
                                 initiate connections. If set to both
                                 then either end can initiate connec-
                                 tions.  The default is outgoing.

   Retry          (0-255)        Specifies the maximum number of times
   Maximum                       to retry when an error occurs. The
                                 default is 4.

   Retry           (1-600)       Specifies the time in seconds to wait
   Timeout                       between retries. The default is 10.

   Contact         yes | no      Specifies whether the secondary
   Terminal                      station awaits receipt of a QRR command
                                 or of the first data frame before
                                 establishment of the link connection is
                                 acknowledged. The default is no.

   Capability      primary |     Specifies the capability of the
                   secondary|    Station subentities of this
                   negotiable    Link entity. Negotiable stations can
                                 become either primary or secondary.
                                 The default is negotiable.

   Call User       2 chars       Specifies the hexadecimal string that
   Data            (hexa-        identifies the type of X.25 to be made
                   decimal)      to create a QLLC connection. The
                                 default value is hexadecimal C3 (QLLC

   Remote          DTEaddress    Specifies the X.25 DTE address of the
   DTE Address                   remote station. If the Peer Server
                                 initiates the connection, this is the
                                 address that will be called. For an
                                 IBM initiated connection, if
                                 the Usage Type parameter is set to
                                 Incoming, this address will be matched
                                 against the caller's address and if not
                                 matched, the call will be rejected.

   Maximum BTU     (128-4095)    Specifies the size that SNA messages
   Size                          will be segmented into before being
                                 sent to the X.25 network. (The X.25
                                 network may further segment packets
                                 based on the level 2 profile
                                 information being used.)
                                 The default is 512.

5.6  –  show

   show qllc link station

   The show qllc link station displays the attributes of the QLLC Link
   Station subentity.  The QLLC Station subentity contains the data
   link attributes that are configured for this connection.

   Ex,   ncl> show qllc link qllc-0 station stn-0 maximum btu size

5.6.1  –  Identifier

   Name               Displays the name of the Station.

5.6.2  –  Status

   UID                Displays the UID that is associated with the

   Client             Displays the name of the user of this station,
                      an instance of the SNA CP Services Transmission
                      Group entity.

   XPI State          Displays the internal state of the XPI interface
                      (the service interface to X.25) that QLLC uses.

   State              Displays the operational state of the link
                      station.  Possible values are:

         off          The station has been disabled.

         on           The station has been enabled.

5.6.3  –  Characteristics

   Usage Type      outgoing |    Displays the type of connections that
                   incoming |    can run over this station. If set to
                   both          incoming, then only IBM initiated X.25
                                 connections are allowed. If set to
                                 outgoing, then the Peer Server will
                                 initiate connections. If set to both
                                 then either end can initiate

   Retry Maximum   (0-255)       Displays the maximum number of times
                                 to retry when an error occurs.

   Retry Timeout   (1-600)       Displays the time in seconds to wait
                                 between retries.

   Contact         yes | no      Displays whether the secondary station
   Terminal                      awaits receipt of a QRR command or of
                                 the first data frame before establish-
                                 ment of the link connection is

   Capability      primary |     Displays the capability of the Station
                   secondary|    subentities of this Link entity.
                   negotiable    Negotiable stations can become either
                                 primary or secondary.

   Call User Data  2 chars       Displays the hexadecimal string that
                   (hexa-        identifies the type of X.25 to be made
                   decimal)      to create a QLLC connection.

   Remote DTE      DTEaddress    Displays the X.25 DTE address of the
   Address                       remote station. If the Peer Server
                                 initiates the connection, this is the
                                 address that will be called. For an IBM
                                 initiated connection, if the Usage Type
                                 parameter is set to Incoming, this
                                 address will be matched against the
                                 caller's address and if not matched,
                                 the call will be rejected.

   Maximum BTU     (128-4095)    Displays the size that SNA messages
   Size                          will be segmented into before being
                                 sent to the X.25 network. (The X.25
                                 network may further segment packets
                                 based on the level 2 profile
                                 information being used.)

5.6.4  –  Counters

   Octets Sent           Displays the total number of octets in all
                         information packets sent by this station.

   Octets Received       Displays the total number of octets in all
                         information packets received by this station.

   Data PDUs Sent        Displays the total number of information
                         packets sent to this station.

   Data PDUs Received    Displays the total number of information
                         packets received by this station.

   QXID Frames Sent      Displays the total number of QXID messages
                         sent by this station.

   QXID Frames Received  Displays the total number of QXID messages
                         received by this station.

   QTEST Frames Sent     Displays the total number of QTEST messages
                         sent by this station.

   QTEST Frames          Displays the total number of QTEST messages
   Received              received by this station.

   Outgoing Calls        Displays the total number of outgoing call
   Accepted              made by this station.

   Incoming Calls        Displays the total number of incoming calls
   Accepted              received and accepted by this station.

   Clears Received       Displays the total number of clears received
                         by this station.

   Retry Exceeded        Displays the total number of unsuccessful
                         outgoing calls.

   Protocol Error        Displays the total number of QLLC protocol
                         errors detected on this station.

   Local Error           Displays the total number of times that the
                         client has not reacted according to the QLLC

   Receive Over Size     Displays the total number of oversized frames

   QFRMR Frames          Displays the total number of times a
   Received              frame-reject type frame was received.

   QFRMR Frames Sent     Displays the total number of times a
                         frame-reject type frame was sent.

   XPI Error             Displays the number of X.25 interface
   Indication            errors reported.

   Creation Time         Displays the time at which the entity was

6  –  Port subentity

   show qllc port

   The show qllc port command displays the attributes for the QLLC
   Port subentity. A Port subentity is created dynamically for each
   connection to a remote station. Each Port is created when a
   connection is established and deleted when the connection is
   terminated. To show all the existing ports issue the
   show qllc port * command.

   Ex,   ncl> show qllc port 1 all counters

6.1  –  Identifier

   Name           A unique value assigned to the Port by the QLLC

6.2  –  Status

   UID            Displays the entity's unique identifier, which is
                  generated when the Peer Server creates the entity.

   Station        Displays the name of the QLLC Link Station subentity
                  that the client specified in the connection request.

   Client         Displays the name of the user of this station, an
                  instance of the SNA CP Services Transmission Group

   Protocol       Displays the currently defined state of the QLLC
   State          entity. The possible state values are:

     outgoing call   An X.25 outgoing call is being made on this port.

     inoperable      The initial state for a QLLC link connection.

     closed          An X.25 connection is established, but a QLLC link
                     connection has not yet taken place. The XID
                     negotiation is executed in this state.

     opening         The QLLC link connection is being established. If
                     negotiation is enabled, the role must change to
                     primary or secondary within this state.

     opened          The normal operation state. Data link PDUs are
                     exchanged in both directions across the X.25 logical
                     channel connection.

     closing         The QLLC link is in the process of closing.

     recovery        A secondary station may enter this state to recover
                     after a QLLC protocol error was detected.

   Predicate     Displays a substate of the current protocol state.
                 For more information, please refer to the IBM

   Role          Displays whether the Peer Server is primary or secondary
                 in the QLLC connection that this Port represents.

   Maximum       Displays the size that SNA messages will be segmented
   BTU Size      into before being sent to the X.25 network. (The X.25
                 network may further segment packets based on the
                 level 2 profile information being used.)

   Remote        Displays the X.121 coded DTE address of the remote
   DTE Address   station to which this port is connected.

6.3  –  Counters

   Octets        Displays the total number of octets in all information
   Sent          packets sent in on QLLC connection represented by
                 this port.

   Octets        Displays the total number of octets in all information
   Received      packets received in on QLLC connection represented by
                 this port.

   Data PDUs     Displays the total number of data packets sent on the
   Sent          QLLC connection.

   Data PDUs     Displays the total number of data packets received on
   Received      the QLLC connection.

   Creation      Displays the time that the QLLC Port subentity was
   Time          created.
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