NCLHELP.HLB  —  Network Management, Tools  GUI (Graphical User Interface)
    NCL can be accessed through either a command line interface
    or a Graphical User Interface (GUI). The GUI allows network
    managers to view the status of network components and control
    those components from a Motif-based window interface.

    This utility provides a hierarchical graphical approach to
    the management of DECnet-Plus.  The manageable components of
    DECnet-Plus (modules, entities and subentities) are
    represented in a tree-like structure below the icon that
    represents the node you are managing.  This provides an easy
    way to familiarize yourself with the organization of these
    manageable entities (the entity hierarchy).  Another way to
    view the entity hierarchy is to use this help facility --

    For further information regarding the network management GUI,
    refer to the DECnet-Plus Network Management book.

1  –  Invoking

    On Tru64 UNIX, the GUI is located at dna_mgmt.

    On OpenVMS, you can invoke the NCL GUI by:

    $ run sys$system:net$mgmt

    The same OpenVMS rights required to run NCL on are also
    required to run this utility.  Refer to HELP
    information about rights identifiers.

2  –  Displaying NCL Commands

    You may choose to enable the displaying of NCL commands in
    order to see what NCL commands are being issued on your behalf
    by the GUI.  Do so by pulling down the Options menu, selecting
    the Default Actions menu item, and enabling Display NCL Commands
    in the dialog box.  The NCL commands will appear in the window
    from which you started the GUI.  Viewing these commands will
    help familiarize you with NCL syntax.

3  –  Tasks

    The NCL GUI can also perform task-oriented functions which
    involve many NCL commands or are complex in some way.  The
    currently supported NCL GUI tasks are:

    o show known links
    o show known node counters
    o check transports

    You can invoke these tasks by pulling down the Tasks menu
    and selecting the appropriate task.
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