NCLHELP.HLB  —  Entity Hierarchy, OSI Transport
    This module implements the OSI Connection-Oriented Transport
    Protocol specification (International Standard ISO 8073); and
    the Connectionless-Mode Transport Service Protocol (International
    Standard ISO 8602) for Tru64 UNIX. For OpenVMS, this module also
    implements RFC1006 and RFC1006 Extension. These protocols implement
    the OSI Reference Model Transport Layer 4. These protocols, as
    well as the NSP protocol, implement the transport protocols in
    the Digital Network Architecture.

    The OSI Transport Protocol permits communication between
    DECnet-Plus systems and other vendors' systems that also implement
    the OSI Transport Protocol.  You can set up OSI Transport

    o  Between two systems on the same ISO 8802-3 LAN.

    o  Between two systems that are connected, either directly
       or via an X.25 connection.

    o  Between two systems that are connected directly by an X.25
       point-to-point link.

    o  Between two systems on different subnetworks, where the
       linking subnetworks might mix technologies.

    o  Between two systems that are connected via TCP/IP.

    Refer to CONNECTION_PHASES below for a description of the three
    phases of an OSI Transport connection.

    The OSI Transport Protocol conforms to the ISO 8072 Service
    Definition and the ISO 8073 Protocol Standard. They define
    OSI Transport Protocol classes 0, 2 and 4 (TP 0, TP 2, and TP 4).

    This protocol can use two types of ISO Network service:

    o  Connection-Oriented Network Service (CONS)

    o  Connectionless-Mode Network Service (CLNS)

    The Routing module provides a connectionless network service
    (CLNS).  The X.25 Access module, if configured into the system,
    provides a reliable connection-oriented network service (CONS).

    For Tru64 UNIX, any attributes that are specific to CONS will only
    be accessible if X.25/CONS has been installed and configured into
    the system. See X.25/CONS Configuration for more information. The
    Connectionless Transport Service, known as CLTS or CLTP, allows
    for the transfer of data between correspondent Transport Service
    users on a connectionless basis. The service provides for single-
    access data transfer for corresponding Transport Service users,
    without the overhead of establishing a connection. This protocol
    benefits those applications that require a one-time, one-way
    transfer of data toward one Transport Service user. CLTS runs
    over CLNS.

    The OSI transport conforms to the RFC1006 Standard and to the
    RFC1859 Standard.  They define how to implement ISO 8073 Transport
    Class 0 on top of TCP (RFC1006) and how to implement ISO 8073
    Transport Class 2 Non-use of Explicit Flow Control on top of TCP
    (RFC1859, once known as 1006 Extension). The network service used
    is provided by TCP.  These OSI over TCP/IP and DECnet over TCP/IP
    features require an installed TCP/IP product that supports the PWIP

    Refer to NETWORK_SERVICES below for a table which shows the
    relationship between the transport protocols and the network

    Refer to PROTOCOL_CLASSES for a table describing the protocol
    classes, their functions, and which network service can be used.

1  –  Protocol Classes

    The following table describes the protocol classes, their functions,
    and which Network service can be used.

    Protocol  Functions                               Network Service

    TP 0      Provides a basic Transport Service.     CONS and RFC1006

    TP 2      Provides Provides all functions of      CONS and RFC1006 Ext
              TP 0. Provides multiplexing of more
              than one transport connection over a
              Network Connection or TCP connection.
              Provides flow control over CONS.

    TP 4      Provides all functions of TP 2.         CONS and CLNS
              Provides error detection and recovery.

    Some other differences are that:

    o  TP 0 relies on the upper layers to do its error correction.
       This class is disconnected if the underlying Network layer is

    o  TP 2 and 4 use disconnect requests.

    o  TP 4 reassigns the OSI Transport connection to another Network
       layer connection if the existing one fails.

    When a Transport user sets up a Transport connection, a preferred
    protocol class for the connection is specified in the connection
    request. The responding Transport user must either agree to this
    protocol class, or suggest an alternative protocol class that is
    acceptable to the initiating user. If no such agreement is possible,
    the Transport connection cannot be set up.

2  –  Connection Phases

    An OSI Transport connection is an end-to-end connection. It is a
    reliable two-way, data-transfer path between two OSI Transport
    users. An OSI Transport connection has three phases:

    o  Setting up the connection -- an OSI Transport user (the
       initiating user) on one end system (the initiating host) sends a
       connection request TPDU to another OSI Transport user (the
       responding user) on a second end system (the responding host).
       When a successful connection is made, data transfer can take
       place in either direction.

    o  Using the connection to transfer data through -- OSI Transport
       connections support two kinds of data transfer:

         - Normal data transfer --- for usual message exchange or

         - Expedited data transfer --- bypasses any blockage
           due to the flow control applied to normal data; only for
           sending small amounts of data; has its own type of TPDU
           and transmission rules.

    o  Releasing the connection -- either transport user can release the
       OSI transport connection by sending a disconnect TPDU.

3  –  Network Services

    The following table shows the relationship between the transport
    protocols and the network services.

    Table 1-1 Transport Protocols and Network Services
               Class 4   Class 4   Class 2   Class 0   CLTS     RFC   RFC
               (COTS)    (COTS)    (COTS)    (COTS)    over     1006  1859
    Port       over      over      over      over      CLNS
    Att-       CLNS      CONS      CONS      CONS     (Tru64
    ributes                                            UNIX)
    Acknow-     *         *
    delay time
    Checksums   *         *
    Client      *         *          *          *               *      *
    CONS                  *          *          *
    CR timeout                       *          *               *      *
    Direction   *         *          *          *               *      *
    ER timeout                       *          *               *      *
    Expedited   *         *          *                                 *
    Extended    *         *          *
    Inactivity  *         *
    Initial     *         *
    Keepalive   *         *
    Local DTE
    address               *          *          *
    Local				                        *     *
    RFC1006 IP
    Local nsap  *         *          *          *         *
    Local       *         *          *          *                *     *
    Local       *         *          *          *         *      *     *
    Maximum nsdu          *          *          *                *     *
    Name        *         *          *          *         *      *     *
    Negotiable  *         *          *          *
    classes (Tru64 UNIX)
    Negotiated  *         *          *          *                *     *
    tpdu size
    Network port*                               *                *     *
    Network     *         *          *          *         *      *     *
    Protocol    *         *          *          *                *     *
    Remote DTE            *          *          *
    Remote      *         *          *                                 *
    Remote nsap *         *          *          *
    RFC1006                                                      *     *
    Remote					                *     *
    IP address
    Remote      *         *          *          *                *     *
    Remote      *         *          *          *                *     *
    Request ac- *         *
    Retransmit  *         *
    Roundtrip   *         *
    Type        *         *          *          *         *      *     *
    UID         *         *          *          *         *      *     *
    Use clns    *

    Template Attributes

    Acknow-     *         *
    delay time
    Checksums   *         *
    Classes     *         *          *          *
    CONS                  *          *          *
    CR timeout                       *          *                *     *
    ER timeout                       *          *                *     *
    Expedited   *         *          *
    Inbound     *         *          *          *         *      *     *
    Initial     *         *
    Keepalive   *         *
    Local nsap  *         *          *          *         *
    Maximum nsdu          *          *          *
    Name        *         *          *          *         *
    Network     *         *          *          *         *
    Retransmit  *         *
    RFC1006				                      *     *
    port number
    Security    *         *          *          *
    Use clns    *

4  –  Subentities

    The entity hierarchy for the OSI Transport module is:

                            _Application (OpenVMS)

    The OSI TRANSPORT entity is the top-level entity in the hierarchy
    of entities belonging to the OSI Transport module.

    An OSI TRANSPORT APPLICATION entity stores information about an
    end user that is activated for receipt of an incoming connection
    request when the request contains that end user's name in its
    Destination Name field. The application-name refers to the
    application managed by this command.

    An OSI TRANSPORT LOCAL NSAP entity is automatically created for
    each NSAP address used by the osi transport entity. Local NSAPs
    are used primarily to group together remote NSAPs (see the OSI
    transport local NSAP remote NSAP entity). The nsap-address refers
    to the local NSAP managed by this command.

    the transport counters and generates events resulting from
    interactions between its superior local NSAP and a remote
    transport service. The nsap-address refers to the remote NSAP
    managed by this command.

    An OSI TRANSPORT PORT entity represents one end of a transport
    connection and maintains status information about that
    connection. Although the connectionless transport protocol
    does not create transport connections, ports are still used to
    maintain status information.

    On Tru64 UNIX, a port can also represent a listener, which is
    a passive endpoint awaiting connect requests from the remote
    transport service provider. Normally, ports exist only when
    OSI transport is enabled. However, the port that represents the
    session control listener (local transport selector 'DEC'0'H) is
    a special case. This port can exist even when OSI transport is

    The port attributes type, and for Tru64 UNIX direction, can be
    used to distinguish the various uses of ports. The port-name
    refers to the name of the port managed by this command.

    An OSI TRANSPORT TEMPLATE entity provides a collection of
    characteristics that supply default values for certain parameters
    that influence the operation of a port on a transport connection.
    One template, with the reserved identifier default, is
    automatically created when the osi transport entity is created.
    This template is used by default when a user does not specify
    a template identifier in a call to establish a connection.
    The default template is automatically deleted when the osi
    transport entity is deleted. Similarly, the initial values of
    the attributes in a template are the same as the current values
    in the default template. The template-name refers to the template
    managed by this command.

    For Tru64 UNIX, the only attributes that apply to CLTS are
    checksum, network service, and local nsap.
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