                        SET <parameter>


                SET CONTROLLER selects the controller device-name as
                the default controller. The device name has the format
                ddcu, where:

                - dd is the device code.

                - c is the controller designation A through Z.

                - u is the unit number (0 through 9999).

                Note: SET CONTROLLER command is synonymous to SET
                      ADAPTER command.

                        CONTROLLER [DEVICE-NAME:] / <qualifiers>

1.1  –  Qualifiers

1.1.1    /DEFAULT

                Sets the default controller.

1.1.2    /VERBOSE

                Provides logging that can be interpreted by engineering.

1.2  –  Examples

                MSA> SET CONTROLLER $1$GGA105:

2  –  DISK

                SET DISK modifies physical disk properties and specifies
                the unique device identifier (UDID) to external disk devices.

                This command is supported only on disks attached to
                P411 Smart Array controller in HBA mode.

                        SET DISK disk_num / <qualifiers>

2.1  –  Parameters


2.2  –  Qualifiers

2.2.1    /IDENT

                Specifies the unique device identifier (UDID), which is
                used as the unit number in the device name for an external
                disk. The device name is in the form $3$dgaxyz, where xyz
                is the UDID for external disks.


                The value of the identifier can be between 1 and 9999.

                See the /REMOVE qualifier to remove a UDID.

2.2.2    /REMOVE

                Removes the UDID for an external disk.

2.3  –  Examples

                MSA> SET DISK 205 /IDENT=1234

                In this example, disk_num 205 is set with a UDID
                value 1234.


                - To display the UDID set:
                MSA> SHOW DISK

                - To configure a device in OpenVMS:
                $ MC SYSMAN IO AUTO

                The device name is in the form $3$dgaxyz,
                where xyz is the UDID.

                MSA> SET DISK 205 /REMOVE

                In this example, the UDID associated with
                disk_num 205 is removed.


                SET GLOBALS is used to set the expand priority, the
                read/write ratio, and the system name.

                        SET GLOBALS / <qualifiers>

3.1  –  Parameters


3.2  –  Qualifiers


                Specifies the expansion priority for the RAID Volumes.

                        /EXPAND_PRIORITY=(LOW | MEDIUM | HIGH)


                EXPAND_PRIORITY=HIGH-the expand priority. Used when
                expanding an array to set the priority of array
                expansions in relation to input/output operations.
                See below for detailed information about these

3.2.2    /READ_CACHE

                Specifies the percentage of cache to be used on READ

                        /READ_CACHE=(AUTOMATIC | #percent)


                READ_CACHE=50-the read cache. This value must be
                between 0 and 100.


                Specifies the Rebuild priority of the RAID Volume.

                        /REBUILD_P=(LOW | MEDIUM | HIGH)


                REBUILD_PRIORITY=HIGH-the rebuild priority. Used
                when rebuilding an array to set the priority of an
                array rebuild in relation to input/output operations.
                Low-expansion or rebuild takes place only when the
                array controller is not busy handling normal I/O
                requests. This setting has minimal effect on normal
                I/O operations. However, there is an increased risk
                that data will be lost if another physical drive
                fails while the rebuild is in progress.

3.2.4    /WRITE_CACHE

                Specifies the percentage of cache to be used on WRITE

                        /WRITE_CACHE=(AUTOMATIC | #percent)


                WRITE_CACHE=50-the write cache. This value must be
                between 0 and 100.

3.2.5    /SYSTEM_NAME

                Specifies the name to be assigned for the controller.

                Note: This qualifier is not supported for Smart Arrays.



                SYSTEM_NAME="XXX"-the system name, where XXX represents
                any user defined phrase, up to 20 alphanumeric characters.

3.2.6    /VERBOSE

                Provides logging that can be interpreted by engineering.

3.3  –  Examples


                      Note: Read_cache plus write_cache must equal 100.

                      Example MSA$UTIL response for SHOW GLOBALS:

                          Controller: _$1$GGA1002: (DEFAULT)
                          Global Parameters:
                          System Name: ITA8.2-1
                          Rebuild Priority: high
                          Expand Priority: low
                          Total Cache: 256MB
                          25% Read Cache: 64MB
                          75% Write Cache: 192MB

4  –  UNIT

            SET UNIT modifies attributes of existing UNITs.

                    SET UNIT <unit_n> / <qualifiers>

4.1  –  Parameters

            Unit_n (the unit number can range from 0-31)

4.2  –  Qualifiers

4.2.1    /ADG

            Specifies the RAID type for the existing UNIT to be Advanced
            Data Guard (ADG). This qualifier should be used only
            with the /MIGRATE qualifier to migrate from any existing
            RAID level to ADG.

4.2.2    /CACHE

            Determines whether the controller's cache should be used for the
            UNIT. Caching is ON by default. To disable caching, use a /NOCACHE
            qualifier with SET UNIT or ADD UNIT commands.

4.2.3    /DEL_SPARE

            Specifies the spare disks to be removed from use for a unit.
            Multiple disks must be enclosed in parenthesis.

                    /DEL_SPARE=(disk numbers[,...])

           Note: If you delete a spare disk (that is, assigned to more
                 than one LUNs) from one unit, then the disk specified in
                 the DEL_SPARE qualifier will be deleted from all the
                 units in a disk group.

4.2.4    /DISKS

            Specifies the disks to be used to form the UNIT.
            Multiple disks must be enclosed in parenthesis. This qualifier
            should be used only in conjunction with the /EXPAND qualifier
            to expand the disks used by the existing unit.

                    /DISK=(disk numbers[,...])

            Note: The disk numbers for the existing disks can be obtained
                  using the SHOW DISKS command.

4.2.5    /EXPAND

             Allows the specified logical unit and all units in the disk/
             disk group to utilize more disks. The EXPAND command does not
             increase the size of the logical unit but it merely adds more
             disks, appending extra space on each individual disk.

             To increase the size we need to use the "/EXTEND" qualifier
             after expanding the unit.

             During expansion of units of a drive group the RAID level of
             certain units might be changed. For example, if an unit of
             RAID level 1 with 2 disks is expanded to 3 disks, then
             the RAID level will change to RAID 5 as RAID 1 unit does not
             support odd number of disks.

             When expanding a unit with other units present on the same set
             of drives, all units will undergo volume expansion.

                     SET UNIT <Unit_n>/EXPAND/DISK=<diskrange>

                     where Unit_n = (0-31)


                           - Diskrange must include both pre-expand disks and
                             the additional disks. Examples of diskrange are:
                             101, (101,112,314,..)

                           - Only /DISK qualifier should be used in
                             conjunction with the /EXPAND qualifier

                           - The disk numbers for the existing disks can be
                             obtained using the SHOW DISKS command.

4.2.6    /EXTEND

             Extends or increases the size of an existing logical
             unit. To specify a new size for the unit, use the /SIZE
             qualifier. The size specified must be greater than the
             current unit size. When extending a unit with other units
             present on the same set of drives, some units may be
             moved (undergo volume expansion) to make space for the
             additional size required.

             Note that even though the UNIT size increases on
             SET UNIT/EXTEND command completing successfully, the
             increased size will reflect in OpenVMS only after the
             appropriate Dynamic Volume Expansion (DVE) steps such
             as SET VOLUME/LIMIT and SET VOLUME/SIZE are executed
             successfully at the DCL prompt. For more details, refer
             to Chapter 9 on Dynamic Volume Expansion (DVE) in
             "VSI OpenVMS System Manager's Volume 1: Essentials manual".

             Note: The /SIZE qualifier should be used only in conjunction
                   with the /EXTEND qualifier.

                     SET UNIT <Unit_n> /EXTEND/SIZE=S

                     where Unit_n = (0-31) s=size in MB or GB (ex:10MB/20GB)

4.2.7    /IDENTIFIER

            Specifies the unit number to be used by OpenVMS. The value of the
            identifier can be between 1 and 9999.

            Note: Identifier is not required for Smart Array controllers.

                    /IDENT= n

4.2.8    /JBOD

            Specifies the RAID type to be JBOD. This is also synonymous to
            RAID 0.

4.2.9    /MIGRATE

             Migrates the fault tolerance (RAID) level or Stripe size or both
             of an existing logical unit. When migrating a unit with other units
             present on the same set of drives, some units may undergo volume

                     SET UNIT <Unit_n>/MIGRATE [/RAID_LEVEL=R] [/STRIPE_SIZE=S]

                     where Unit_n = (0-31)

                   - /ADG or /JBOD can also be used instead of /RAID_LEVEL

                   - Only RAID level and Stripe size can be modified using
                     the /MIGRATE qualifier

                   - Cannot migrate any RAID units (RAID 1, RAID 5 and so on)
                     that have spare disks to RAID 0 or JBOD units.

4.2.10    /RAID_LEVEL

            Specifies the RAID type of the UNIT. The supported values for
            this qualifier are 0, 1, 5, 50, and 60.

            - RAID 0 is Data Striping
            - RAID 1 is Disk Mirroring
            - RAID 5 is Data Striping with Striped Parity
 	   - RAID 50 is Data Striping across RAID 5 arrays
            - RAID 60 is Data Striping across RAID 6 arrays

            Note: /RAID_LEVEL should be used only in conjunction
                  with the /MIGRATE qualifier.

                    /RAID=[(0 | 1 | 5 | 50 |60)]

4.2.11    /SIZE

            Specifies the new size of the UNIT.

            Note: The /SIZE qualifier should be used only in
                  conjunction with the /EXTEND qualifier.

                    /SIZE=#(Gb | Mb | Kb | %)

4.2.12    /SPARES

            Specifies the disk to be designated as the Spare disk(s).
            Multiple disks must be enclosed in parenthesis. Assigning a
            spare disk to an unit in a drive group will assign the
            spare disk to all the configured units in the drive group.

            If an unit is created on a disk group to which a spare disk
            is assigned, then the spare disk will be configured to the
            new unit (if it is not a RAID 0 unit). One spare disk can be
            assigned to multiple drive groups.

            Ensure that the size of the spare disk is at least equal to
            the size of the smallest drive in the drive group.


            Note: The disk numbers for the existing disks can be obtained
                  using the SHOW DISKS command.

4.2.13    /STRIPE_SIZE

            Specifies the new stripe size for a given RAID volume.
            Stripe size must be one of 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, and 256
            values. Raid 5 and ADG are limited to a maximum 64 KB
            stripes.  SAS Smart Array Controllers with Firmware
            5.0 onwards support 512 KB stripe size with RAID5.

            Note: The /STRIPE qualifier can only be used in conjunction
                  with the /MIGRATE qualifier.


4.2.14    /VERBOSE

             Provides logging that can be interpreted by engineering.

4.3  –  Restrictions

               - /RAID_LEVEL and /STRIPE_SIZE qualifiers can only be used
                 with the /MIGRATE qualifier.

               - The /DISK qualifier can only be used with the /EXPAND

               - The /SIZE qualifier can only be used with the /EXTEND

               Note: The /EXTEND, /EXPAND and /MIGRATE qualifiers can
                     only be used with SET UNIT command to change the
                     attributes of an existing unit.

4.4  –  Examples

                 MSA> SET UNIT 0/CACHE

                 Command options
                 UNIT 0 - the number of the unit to be modified, in this
                 example, Unit 0 will be modified.

                 CACHE/NOCACHE - either enables or disables the use
                 of the array accelerator cache for the specified UNIT.

                 SET UNIT 0/EXPAND/DISK=(0,1,2,3)
                 This command expands the number of disks used by Unit 0
                 and all the other units on the disk group.

                 SET UNIT 0/SPARE=(100,101)
                 This command sets spare to unit 0 and all the other units
                 on the disk group.

                 SET UNIT 0/MIGRATE/RAID=1/STRIPE_SIZE=64
                 This command migrates the RAID level and Stripe size of
                 unit 0. The other units on the disk group might go into
                 volume expansion state.

                 SET UNIT 0/EXTENT/SIZE=6GB
                 This command increases the size of Unit 0. The other units
                 on the disk group might go into volume expansion state.

                 Note: Size of the UNIT cannot be decreased using the
                       SET UNIT command.

                 SET UNIT 0/ID=100
                 This command sets the identifier for Unit 0.

                 SET UNIT 0/DEL_SPARE=(1,2)
                 If unit 0 has spare disks 1, 2 and 3, then this command
                 removes the disks 1 and 2 from the spare disk list.
                 Hence, unit 0 will have only disk 3 as spare disk.

                 SET UNIT 0/DEL_SPARE=(1,2,3)
                 If unit 0 has spare disks 1, 2 and 3, then this command
                 removes all the specified disks 1, 2 and 3 from the
                 spare disk list in a disk group.
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