The MONITOR PROCESSES command initiates monitoring of the
    PROCESSES class, which displays information about all processes
    in the system.

    In a multifile summary request, the classes CLUSTER and PROCESSES
    are ignored. If these classes are the only classes specified on
    the command line, MONITOR does not recognize them and displays a
    "no classes specified" error message.

    Beginning in OpenVMS Version 8.3, four new qualifiers
    you to monitor per-process-based modes usage. They are useful
    in helping to identify the top consumers of the various CPU
    modes. If, for example, the MONITOR MODES command shows that
    an excessive amount of supervisor mode is being used, the new
    MONITOR PROCESSES/TOPSUPERVISOR display reveals which process-and
    hence, which user-is responsible.



1  –  Classname Qualifiers

1.1    /TOPBIO

    Specifies that a bar graph listing the top buffered I/O users
    be produced instead of the standard display and summary output.
    Values are expressed in units of buffered I/Os per second.

1.2    /TOPCPU

    Specifies that a bar graph listing the top CPU time users be
    produced instead of the standard display and summary output.
    Values are expressed in units of clock ticks (10 milliseconds)
    per second.

    Prior to OpenVMS Version 7.3, the MONITOR PROCESSES/TOPCPU
    display showed only a maximum of 8 processes on one screen. In
    OpenVMS Version 7.3 and later versions, the choice of which one
    of three screens is displayed is determined by the number of
    CPUs on the system. (See the examples in the MONITOR chapter in
    the hardcopy VSI OpenVMS System Management Utilities Reference

1.3    /TOPDIO

    Specifies that a bar graph listing the top direct I/O users be
    produced instead of the standard display and summary output.
    Values are expressed in units of direct I/Os per second.


    Specifies that a bar graph listing the top executive mode users
    be produced instead of the standard display and summary output.
    Values are expressed in units of clock ticks (10 milliseconds)
    per second.

1.5    /TOPFAULT

    Specifies that a bar graph listing the top page faulting
    processes be produced instead of the standard display and summary
    output. Values are expressed in units of page faults per second.


    Specifies that a bar graph listing the top kernel mode users
    be produced instead of the standard display and summary output.
    Values are expressed in units of clock ticks (10 milliseconds)
    per second.

1.7    /TOPRBS

       /TOPRBS (VAX Only)

    On OpenVMS VAX systems, specifies that a bar graph listing the
    top balance slot faulting processes be produced instead of the
    standard display and summary output. Values are expressed in
    units of balance slot faults per second.


    Specifies that a bar graph listing the top supervisor mode users
    be produced instead of the standard display and summary output.
    Values are expressed in units of clock ticks (10 milliseconds)
    per second.

1.9    /TOPUSER

    Specifies that a bar graph listing the top user mode users be
    produced instead of the standard display and summary output.
    Values are expressed in units of clock ticks (10 milliseconds)
    per second.
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