LSE$CLIHELP.HLB  —  Features  Entering Code, Tokens
  Tokens are models of program language constructs that are  referenced
  by  name  from  a template buffer.  When a token name is entered, LSE
  replaces the name with the specified template body  from  the  buffer
  (see also topic "Tokens_and_Placeholders").

  The LSE commands used for the manipulation of tokens are:

       DEFINE TOKEN name
          specifies template characteristics for an EXPAND command.

       DELETE TOKEN name
          cancels the effect of a DEFINE TEMPLATE command.

          terminates a DEFINE command.

          expands the token name at the current cursor position.

       EXTRACT TOKEN token-name
          selects the definition of the named token and formats it
          as a command.

       SAVE ENVIRONMENT [ file-spec ]
          writes all user-defined tokens to a specified file

       SHOW TOKEN [ name | * ]
          displays information about the specified token.

          reverses the effect of the last EXPAND command.
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