/CONTEXT Displays LAN driver event definition.
/DEVICE=(device1,device2,...) Includes specific LAN devices. The default is all LAN devices included. Device names are displayed by the LAN DEVICES command. Each device name may be preceded by "NO" to exclude the device(s). /DEVICE=ALL includes all devices. /DEVICE=NOdevname, equivalent to /DEVICE=(ALL,NOdevname), includes all devices except device devname. /DEVICE=devname, equivalent to /DEVICE=(NOALL,devname) selects only devname..
/EVENT=(event1,event2,...) Enables trace display of specific events. The default is all events. Event names are displayed by the LAN TRACE/CONTEXT command. Each event name may be preceded by "NO" to exclude the event. /EVENT=ALL includes all events. /EVENT=(ALL,NOEVENTn) includes all events except EVENTn. /EVENT=EVENTn (equivalent to (NOALL,EVENTn) selects only EVENTn.
/REVERSE Displays tracing data from the most recent entries to the oldest.