Displays Address Resolution Table for FIbre Channel devices. Format LAN FCARP
1 – Parameters
2 – Qualifiers
/DEVICE=(device1,device2,...) Includes specific LAN devices. The default is all LAN devices included. Device names are displayed by the LAN DEVICES command. Each device name may be preceded by "NO" to exclude the device(s). /DEVICE=ALL includes all devices. /DEVICE=NOdevname, equivalent to /DEVICE=(ALL,NOdevname), includes all devices except device devname. /DEVICE=devname, equivalent to /DEVICE=(NOALL,devname) selects only devname..
/ADDRESS=address Displays address resolution information for a specific logical address.
3 – Example
1.- SDA> LAN FCARP/DEVICE=EG Displays all entries in the address resolution table for all LAN EG devices. Note this will define many symbols such as FCLA_EGx_n FCLA_remotenodename_locallandevice_remotelandevice. 2.- SDA> LAN FCARP/DEVICE=EGA Displays all entries in the address resolution table for LAN device EGA. 3.- SDA> LAN FCARP/DEVICE=EGA/ADDRESS=8400fc00 Displays address resolution table data for a single data entry located at address 8400fc0. Note that /device qualifier is needed but ignored 4.- SDA> LAN FCARP/DEVICE=EGA/ADDRESS=FCLA_EGA_1 Displays address resolution table data for a single data entry, second entry or FCLA 1 on local LAN device EGA. Note that /device qualifier is needed but ignored! 5.- SDA> LAN FCARP/DEVICE=EGA/ADDRESS=FCLA_VLAN17_EGA_EGB Displays address resolution table data for a single data entry, logical address of remote node VLAN17, using Local LAN device EGA to remote LAN device EGB. Note that /device qualifier is needed but ignored!