DTI$_TRANSACTION_INFORMATION When you specify DTI$_TRANSACTION_INFORMATION, $SETDTI uses the fields in the following table to perform the $SETDTI call. Each function requires a specific set of fields from the transaction record to perform its operation. If one or more of these fields is not present or valid, then the $SETDTI call will fail. The fields required by each function are listed in the func argument description. Item Description DTI$B_PART_NAME_ A byte containing the length of the LEN participant name field DTI$T_PART_NAME. DTI$B_STATE A byte containing the state of the transaction. Two states are valid: DTI$K_ COMMITTED and DTI$K_ABORTED. DTI$T_PART_NAME A character field containing DTI$B_PART_ NAME_LEN characters that specifies a resource manager name. To ensure smooth operation in a mixed-network environment, refer to the chapter entitled Managing DECdtm Services in the VSI OpenVMS System Manager's Manual, for information on defining node names. DTI$T_PART_LOG_ID Reserved by VSI. DTI$T_TID A 16-byte field containing the transaction identifier.