/VERSION_LIMIT[=n] Sets the maximum number of versions that a specified file can have in a directory. If you do not set a version limit, a value of 0 is used, indicating that the number of file versions is limited only to the Files-11 architectural limit of 32,767. When creating a file, if the total number of versions of that file name exceeds the specified version limit, then the file with the lowest version number is deleted from the directory without notification to the user. If you set the version limit to 3 when there are already five versions of that file in a directory, there will continue to be five versions of that file unless you specifically delete some or purge the directory. Once the number of file versions is equal to or less than the current version limit, this version limit is maintained. The version limit applies to all existing versions of a specified file in a directory regardless of whether or not you specified any version in the command. To view the version limit on a file, use the DIRECTORY/FULL command on a file name and look at the File Attributes field of the output or use the F$FILE_ATTRIBUTES(filename,"VERLIMIT") lexical function.