
    Specifies the numbers of the first and last pages to print.

    Header, trailer and burst pages are not included in the count.
    Limits apply to an entire print job, not to each file in a multifile

    If you omit the lower limit, printing starts at the first page of the
    job.  If you omit the upper limit, printing continues to the end of the
    job.  You can omit the parentheses if you specify only the upper limit.
    The maximum value for upper-limit is 1,000,000.   If you include both
    the lower limit and the upper limit, you must include quotation
    marks around the parentheses.

    The default is to print the entire job.

    This parameter should be used to select which pages to print instead of
    the OpenVMS queue qualifier /PAGES, which will not work with DCPS jobs.
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