1.$ PMDF SEND/SUBJECT="Test message" MSG.TXT "BOB@EXAMPLE.COM" This command will send as a mail message the contents of the file MSG.TXT to the address BOB@EXAMPLE.COM. The Subject: line of the message will read "Subject: Test message". 2.$ PMDF SEND/SUBJECT="Test message" - _$ /EXTRA=("X-Favorite-Drink: Hot chocolate",- _$ "X-IQ: 20/20") MSG.TXT "BOB@EXAMPLE.COM" Send a message to BOB@EXAMPLE.COM with the header lines Subject: Test message X-Favorite-Drink: Hot chocolate X-IQ: 20/20 (Of course, these will not be the only header lines present.) 3.$ PMDF SEND/HEADERS MSG.TXT "BOB@EXAMPLE.COM" Send a message to BOB@EXAMPLE.COM. By using the /HEADERS qualifier, MSG.TXT is assumed to already contain the headers for the message as well as the body.