component Optional parameter which specifies a specific PMDF component to be restarted, such as BN_SLAVE, CIRCUIT_CHECK, COUNTERS, DISPATCHER, FAX_RECEIVE, HTTP, IMAP (which restarts both the system mailbox server and the PMDF MessageStore mailbox server), IMAP_SERVER (the PMDF MessageStore server), POP_SERVER (the PMDF MessageStore server), POP3 (which restarts both the system mailbox server and PMDF MessageStore server), POPPASSD, SMTP, or any other Dispatcher service such as the names of PMDF-XGS servers, PMDF-LAN Lotus Notes servers, or PMDF-DIRSYNC Lotus Notes directory agent servers. Note that restarting the PMDF Service Dispatcher, i.e., the DISPATCHER component, effectively restarts all the service components it handles, which may include HTTP, IMAP, IMAP_SERVER, POP_SERVER, POP3, POPPASSD, SMTP, PMDF- XGS, PMDF-LAN, and PMDF-DIRSYNC servers. If no component name is given then all active components will be restarted.