The following example illustrates a typical scenario: SUE@SAMPLE.COM wants to send an executable program to BOB@EXAMPLE.COM. To do this, Sue might issue the following two commands: $ PMDF ENCODE/ENCODING=BASE64 PROGRAM.EXE PROGRAM.TXT $ MAIL/SUBJECT="Bob, here's the program" PROGRAM.TXT "IN%""BOB@EXAMPLE.COM""" When Bob receives this mail message he should issue the following commands: $ MAIL MAIL> EXTRACT/NOHEADER PROGRAM.TXT MAIL> EXIT $ ! Remove any extra material at the beginning and ending of the file. $ PMDF DECODE/ENCODING=BASE64 PROGRAM.TXT PROGRAM.EXE After decoding the file, Bob can now proceed to run PROGRAM.EXE. Note that Sue could also have used PMDF MAIL's SEND command to bypass the need to use PMDF ENCODE in the first place.