HELPLIB.HLB  —  PMDF  DB  Advanced Mailing Lists
    PMDF DB allows you to control who can or cannot post to mailing
    lists as well as associate error return, reply to, and other
    special addresses with mailing lists. To use these features,
    an extended alias specification must be used when declaring the
    alias for the mailing list:

 db> add alias-name "<filename, named-parameters, error-return-address,
        reply-to-address, errors-to-address, warnings-to-address, comments"

    These items are described in the subtopics "Named parameters" and
    "Positional parameters".

    The two positional parameters ERROR-RETURN-ADDRESS and REPLY-
    TO-ADDRESS are two particularly useful items. You are strongly
    encouraged to use the ERROR-RETURN-ADDRESS parameter so as to
    control where error messages concerning postings to your list are
    directed. You can use the REPLY-TO-ADDRESS parameter to make the
    preferred reply address the list address (or some other address).
Additional Information: explode extract
Named Parameters Positional Parameters Examples Length Restriction on List Definitions
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