HELPLIB.HLB  —  PASCAL  Input Output, General  OPEN  Organization
  The  'organization'  is  a  value  that   specifies   the   file
  organization.   If  you  are  accessing  an  existing  file, the
  specified  organization  must  match  the  organization  of  the
  existing file; if it does not, an error occurs.  The choices for
  this parameter  are  SEQUENTIAL,  RELATIVE,  and  INDEXED.   The
  default is SEQUENTIAL.  The parameter choices are as follows:

   o  SEQUENTIAL file organization specifies that file  components
      are  stored  one after the other, in the order in which they
      were entered  into  the  file.   VSI  Pascal  supports  this
      organization   for   files   on  disk.   This  is  the  only
      organization  supported  for  files  on  magnetic  tape,  on
      terminals, on card readers, and on line printers.

   o  RELATIVE  file  organization  consists  of   a   series   of
      fixed-length    component    positions    (cells)   numbered
      consecutively from 1 to n.  The numbered, fixed-length cells
      enable  VSI  Pascal  to  calculate  the component's physical
      position in the file.  The cell numbers are called  relative
      component numbers.  VSI Pascal supports this organization on
      disk files only.

   o  INDEXED file organization specifies that, in addition to the
      stored  components,  there exists at least a primary key and
      possibly  alternate  keys  (first  alternate   key,   second
      alternate  key,  and so forth).  VSI Pascal uses the primary
      key to store components and uses a program-specified key  or
      keys   to   retrieve   data.    VSI   Pascal  supports  this
      organization on disk files only.
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