HELPLIB.HLB  —  MRD Library, mrd_utility, Example
     *   This shows how the utility routines are used.  For
     *   mrd_scsi_decode(3mrd), a selected SCSI-2 error will
     *   be filled into the key, asc and ascq fields of a
     *   dev_status_t structure and the resulting MRD status
     *   message printed.  For mrd_map_os_error(3mrd) the
     *   will be done for a selected operating system error.
     *   Usage:
     *      mrd_utility
    #ifndef   lint
    static   char   SccsId[] = "@(#)mrd_utility.c   1.2 3/5/97" ;

    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <errno.h>
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <math.h>
    #include <time.h>

    #include <mrd_common.h>
    #include <mrd_message.h>

    #ifdef   vms
    #   include   <ssdef.h>

    main(int argc, char *argv[])
       dev_status_t   dev_status ;   /* Device status */
       int      status ;
       char      log_info[MRD_MAX_LOG_STRING+1] ;

        *   Clear this for later.
       log_info[0] = '\0' ;

        *   First, try mrd_scsi_decode(3mrd).  SCSI-2 happens to
        *   have ASC/ASCQ codes for a cleaning cartridge being
        *   installed somewhere, presumably a drive.  We'll
        *   see what MRD does with it.
       dev_status.valid = SCSI_REQ_SENSE_VALID ;
       dev_status.key   = 1 ;         /* Recovered Error */
       dev_status.asc   = 0x30 ;
       dev_status.ascq  = 3 ;

       status = mrd_scsi_decode(&dev_status) ;

        *   Now print the result.  As it happens we map this
        *   code to MRD_STATUS_AUTOCLEAN, which is nearly
        *   right.
       printf("Cleaning Cartridge Installed: (%d,%x,%x): %s\n",
          dev_status.key, dev_status.asc,
          dev_status.ascq, mrd_strstatus(status)) ;

        *   Now do one of completely random values.  Seed the
        *   random number generator just so most get a different
        *   answer.  Most of these are likely to end up as
        *   Vendor Unique errors.
       srand(time(NULL)) ;

       dev_status.key   = rand() % 16 ;   /* 0 - 15 */
       dev_status.asc   = rand() % 256 ;   /* 0 - 255 */
       dev_status.ascq  = rand() % 256 ;   /* 0 - 255 */

       status = mrd_scsi_decode(&dev_status) ;

        *   Now print the result.
       printf("Random SCSI Decode: (%d,%x,%x): %s\n",
          dev_status.key, dev_status.asc,
          dev_status.ascq, mrd_strstatus(status)) ;

        *   Now an OS error.  If #ifdef is handle the two example
        *   operating systems.
       dev_status.valid     = 0 ;

    #if   defined(VMS)
       dev_status.os_status = SS$_UNASEFC ;
    #elif   defined(unix)
       dev_status.os_status = EINTR ;
       dev_status.os_status = rand() % 100 ;

       status = mrd_map_os_error(dev_status.os_status, log_info) ;

       if( log_info[0] )
          printf("Map OS Error: %d: %s: %s\n", dev_status.os_status,
             mrd_strstatus(status), log_info) ;
          printf("Map OS Error: %d: %s\n", dev_status.os_status,
             mrd_strstatus(status)) ;

       return 0 ;
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