HELPLIB.HLB  —  MRD Library, mrd_message, Parameters
    o  code - For mrd_strstatus(3mrd) this is the status
       code returned from one of the MRD functions. For mrd_
       strelement(3mrd) this is a code number corresponding to a
       number of common strings that may occur in an appliation using

    o  asc - This is the SCSI Additional Sense Code (ASC) in
       the element status data (data.asc) obtained from the mrd_
       show(3mrd) or mrd_find_cartridge(3mrd) functions.

    o  ascq - This is the SCSI Additional Sense Code Qualifer (ASCQ)
       in the element status data (data.ascq) obtained from the mrd_
       show(3mrd) or mrd_find_cartridge(3mrd) functions.

    o  buffer - This is the address of a user supplied buffer, into
       which the message corresponding to the provided ASC/ASCQ code
       will be copied. This message is formatted to include the ASC
       /ASCQ codes in hexadecimal.

    o  length - This is size of the buffer provided. No more than
       length characters will be copied from the internal temporary
       buffer to the user's buffer. The internal buffer is limited to
       BUFSIZ characters.
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