HELPLIB.HLB  —  MRD Library, mrd_eject, Example
     *   Example mrd_eject(3mrd).
     *   This example is slightly different from the others since it
     *   also demonstrates the Eject Port feature of mrd_eject(3mrd).
     *   This feature can be used on the TL820 family to move a tape
     *   from the Pass-through mechanism (PTM) to the outport.
     *   The command usage is:
     *      mrd_eject robot [ slot port [ volume_tag ] ]
    #ifndef   lint
    static   char   SccsId[] = "@(#)mrd_eject.c   1.2 3/5/97" ;

    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <mrd_common.h>
    #include <mrd_message.h>

    main(int argc, char *argv[])
       int   status ;      /* Status from mrd_eject(3mrd) */
       char   *robot ;      /* Name of the robot to use */
       char   *volume_tag = NULL ;   /* Volume tag to check */
       char   *slot ;         /* Source slot */
       char   *port ;         /* Destination port */
       char   log_info[MRD_MAX_LOG_STRING+1] ;   /* Error text */

        *   Allow the command to only have the robot name specified.
       if( argc < 2 ) {
          printf("usage: %s robot [ slot port [ volume_tag ] ]\n",
             argv[0]) ;

          exit(1) ;
          robot = argv[1] ;

        *   If the slot and port aren't specified assume that
        *   the target robot is a TL820 and fill in default
        *   values for an Eject Port.  Otherwise take the
        *   desired values directly from the command line.
       if( argc >= 4 ) {
          slot = argv[2] ;
          port = argv[3] ;

           *   Collect the volume_tag name if the user wants it.
          if( argc > 4 )
             volume_tag = argv[4] ;
        *   We also observe that this case catches the command:
        *      mrd_eject robot_name address
        *   It can't hurt to let the user specify the outport,
        *   since an invalid one simply won't work.  In this case
        *   the 3rd argument is the port name instead of the slot
        *   name.
        *   The user could get the same affect by using a quoted
        *   empty string for the slot argument on the command line:
        *      robot /dev/mc54 "" 1
       else {
          if( argc == 3 )
             port = argv[2] ;
             port = "1" ;

          slot = "" ;

        *   Do the operation.
       status = mrd_eject(robot, volume_tag, slot, port, log_info) ;

       if( status == MRD_STATUS_SUCCESS )
          printf("Ejected the media in slot #%d to port #%d.\n",
             slot, port) ;
          printf("Eject failed: %s: %s.\n", mrd_strstatus(status),
             log_info[0] ? log_info : "none") ;

       return 0 ;
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