HELPLIB.HLB  —  MMS  Description File, User Defined Severity
    When an action line returns a value that is not a standard OpenVMS
    status, the .ACTION_STATUS directive can be used to define how the
    equivalent OpenVMS severity can be determined from the foreign status

    The action line prefix, ?name, indicates those action lines for which
    the severity must be determined according to the named ACTION_STATUS

    The ACTION_STATUS directive has the following form:
     (use the line continuation character '-' if the directive uses more
      than one line)

    .ACTION_STATUS name [ .MASK m  ]
                        [ .SUCCESS { s1,s2,... | OTHERS } ]
                        [ .INFORMATION { i1,i2,...  | OTHERS } ]
                        [ .WARNING { w1,w2,...  | OTHERS } ]
                        [ .ERROR { e1,e2,... | OTHERS } ]
                        [ .FATAL { f1,f2,... | OTHERS } ]


       Name is any sequence of characters not starting with a punctuation
       character and terminated by comma, space or tab (punctuation
       characters are ! : ; , # ).

       m,s,i,w,e,f are decimal, octal or hex numbers
           (octal numbers are 0... and hex numbers are %x... or 0x...).

       Space, tab or comma can be used as the separators in a list of

       OTHERS can only be specified for one severity.

       If OTHERS is not specified, it will default to the least severe of
       any undefined severity (or ERROR if all severity values are

       The directive is effective over the entire file.

       It is an error to specify two ACTION_STATUS directives with the same

    MMS will then interpret the status returned from an action line
    prefixed by ?name as follows:

       If mask is specified, extract value from the action line status
       using the mask value; the extracted value is shifted right to match
       the first bit in the mask.

       If mask is not specified, extracted value is the action line status.

       Determine the severity associated with the extracted value.

    MMS will then continue, treating this severity as if it were a standard
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