Built-in Operands Description IA64_BREAK <RQ> Generate a break instruction fault with the immediate operand provided IA64_ <WQ,RQ,RQ> Generate a move-from-indirect-register GETINDREG instruction with the first operand as the destination, the second operand as a literal specifying which indirect register file to access, and the third operand as the index into the register file IA64_GETREG <WQ,RQ> Generate a move-from-application- register or move-from-control-register instruction with the first operand as the destination and the second operand as a literal specifying which application or control register to read IA64_LFETCH <RQ,RQ> Generate a line prefetch (LFETCH) or IA64_LFETCH_EXCL <RQ,RQ> exclusive line prefetch (LFETCH.EXCL) instruction using the first operand as the address to prefetch and the second operand for either the reg-base-update- form or the imm-base-update-form. If the operand is the literal zero, the no-base-update-form will be used IA64_PROBER <WQ,RQ,RQ> Generate a probe.r instruction with the first argument as the destination, the second argument as the virtual address to probe, and the third operand as the privilege level IA64_PROBEW <WQ,RQ,RQ> Generate a probe.w instruction with the first argument as the destination, the second argument as the virtual address to probe, and the third operand as the privilege level IA64_RSM <RQ> Generate a reset system mask ('RSM') instruction with the specified mask IA64_RUM <RQ> Generate a reset user mask ('RUM') instruction with the specified mask IA64_SETREG <RQ,RQ> Generate a move-to-application-register or move-to-control-register instruction with the first operand as a literal specifying which application or control register to write and the second operand as the value to write into the register IA64_SRLZD <> Generate a serialize data ('SRLZD') instruction IA64_SRLZI <> Generate a serialize instruction ('SRLZI') instruction IA64_SSM <RQ> Generate a set system mask ('SSM') instruction with the specified mask IA64_SUM <RQ> Generate a set user mask ('SUM') instruction with the specified mask IA64_TAK <WK,RQ> Generate a read translation access key ('TAK') instruction