HELPLIB.HLB  —  InfoServer  SHOW  SERVER  Example

        Node MOVERS [COMPAQ Professional Workstation XP1000] running
        OpenVMS XALD-BL2

        LASTport/Disk Server Version 1.2

        Max Services:       64       Write Quota:          0
        Cache Buckets:    4096       Cache Bucket Size:   32 blocks
        Cache Size:   67108864 bytes
        Hits:              478       Hit Percentage:      59%
        Misses:            328

        Current Sessions:   0        Peak Sessions:          1

                          Read            Write
        Requests:           40                0
        Blocks:            319                0
        Errors:              0                0
        Aborted:             0                0
        Conflicts:           0                0

      The command in this example displays information about the
      server that provides services to the client. The information
      displayed includes the following:

      o  The maximum number of services this server can offer

      o  The current size of the cache

      o  Cache effectiveness statistics

      o  Current and maximum historical number of clients connected

      o  I/O statistics
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