HELPLIB.HLB  —  FORTRAN  Intrinsic Procedures, ZEXT
  ZEXT (integer [,kind])

  Class:  Elemental function - Generic

  Returns the value of the argument, zero extended.

  The "kind" must be a scalar integer initialization expression.

  The result is of type integer.  If "kind" is present, the kind
  parameter of the result is that specified by "kind"; otherwise, the
  kind parameter of the result is that of default integer.  If the
  processor cannot represent the result value in the kind of the
  result, the result is undefined.
  | Args | Generic  | Specific |  Argument  | Result Type |
  |  1   |  ZEXT    | IZEXT    | LOGICAL*1  | INTEGER*2   |
  |      |          |  --      | LOGICAL*2  | INTEGER*2   |
  |      |          |  --      | INTEGER*1  | INTEGER*2   |
  |      |          |  --      | INTEGER*2  | INTEGER*2   |
  |      |          | JZEXT    | LOGICAL*1  | INTEGER*4   |
  |      |          |  --      | LOGICAL*2  | INTEGER*4   |
  |      |          |  --      | LOGICAL*4  | INTEGER*4   |
  |      |          |  --      | INTEGER*1  | INTEGER*4   |
  |      |          |  --      | INTEGER*2  | INTEGER*4   |
  |      |          |  --      | INTEGER*4  | INTEGER*4   |
  |      |          | KZEXT    | LOGICAL*1  | INTEGER*8   |
  |      |          |  --      | LOGICAL*2  | INTEGER*8   |
  |      |          |  --      | LOGICAL*4  | INTEGER*8   |
  |      |          |  --      | LOGICAL*8  | INTEGER*8   |
  |      |          |  --      | INTEGER*1  | INTEGER*8   |
  |      |          |  --      | INTEGER*2  | INTEGER*8   |
  |      |          |  --      | INTEGER*4  | INTEGER*8   |
  |      |          |  --      | INTEGER*8  | INTEGER*8   |

  The setting of compiler options specifying integer size can affect
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