HELPLIB.HLB  —  FORTRAN  Intrinsic Procedures, ISHFTC
  ISHFTC (integer, shift [,size])

  Class:  Elemental function - Generic

  Performs a bitwise circular shift - "shift" is the no-of-positions
  and "size" is the no-of-bits.

  The rightmost "size" bits of the integer argument are circularly
  shifted by "shift" places; bits in the integer argument beyond the
  value specified by "size" are unaffected.

  If "shift is positive, the shift is to the left; if negative, the
  shift is to the right.  If "size" is omitted, it is assumed to have
  the value BIT_SIZE (integer).
  | Args | Generic | Specific |  Argument  | Result Type |
  |  3   | ISHFTC  | IISHFTC  | INTEGER*2  | INTEGER*4   |
  |      |         | JISHFTC  | INTEGER*4  | INTEGER*4   |
  |      |         | KISHFTC  | INTEGER*8  | INTEGER*8   |
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