ERRSNS ([io-err] [,sys-err] [,stat] [,unit] [,cond]) Class: Subroutine Returns information about the last Fortran error that occurred. The arguments are all return values and must be defined as integer variables or array elements: io-err Stores the most recent Fortran error number that occurred during program execution. The value is zero if no error has occurred. sys-err Stores the most recent RMS STS status code. stat Stores the most recent RMS STV status value. This status value provides additional status information. unit Stores the logical unit number (if the last the last error was an I/O error). cond Stores the actual processor value. This value is always zero. If you specify INTEGER*2 arguments, only the low-order 16 bits of information are returned or adjacent data can be overwritten. Because of this, it is best to use INTEGER*4 arguments. The saved error information is set to zero after each call to ERRSNS.