HELPLIB.HLB  —  FORTRAN  Intrinsic Procedures, ANINT
  ANINT (real-number [,kind])

  Class:  Elemental function - Generic

  Returns the value of the integer nearest to the value of the

  If real number x is greater than zero, ANINT (x) has the value AINT
  (x + 0.5).  If x is less than or equal to zero, ANINT (x) has the
  value AINT (x - 0.5).

  | Args | Generic | Specific |  Argument  | Result Type |
  |  1   | ANINT   | ANINT    | REAL*4     | REAL*4      |
  |      |         | DNINT    | REAL*8     | REAL*8      |
  |      |         | QNINT    | REAL*16    | REAL*16     |

  See also the NINT intrinsic function.
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