HELPLIB.HLB  —  Ext File Specs, Programming  Evaluating Support Status
    As part of testing OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.2 (and later),
    OpenVMS application developers should evaluate and test all
    existing applications to determine their current level of support
    for Extended File Specifications and whether that level is

    Most unmodified OpenVMS applications fall into the default
    support category. Specifically, these applications use the
    traditional NAM block rather than the new NAML block when making
    RMS calls. Applications that use high-level language calls
    to perform file operations will also fit into this category
    unless the language run-time libraries have been modified to
    full support. In most cases, you will not need to modify these
    applications for them to function successfully under Extended
    File Specifications. However, you can choose to upgrade these
    applications to full support, if necessary.

    However, any applications that are coded to undocumented
    interfaces, or include any of the following may fall into one
    of the no support categories:

    1. Use of the QIO interface to specify file names. Developers
       should examine all layered products and applications and
       evaluate any file name interaction between the RMS and the
       XQP interfaces. The format for extended file names varies for
       each interface. As a result, valid file names could differ
       between interfaces. (No extended file name support)


          All XQP applications that receive file names from the XQP
          and encounter extended file names on a ODS-5 disk will
          see pseudonames returned in place of Unicode (UCS-2) or
          ISO Latin-1 names that are not ODS-2 compliant. This may
          cause applications to act in an unpredictable manner.

    2. Assumptions about the syntax of file specifications, such as
       the placement of delimiters and legal characters. (No extended
       file name support)

    3. Assumptions about the case of file specifications. Mixed
       and lowercase file specifications will not be converted to
       uppercase, which could affect string matching operations. (No
       extended file name support)

    4. Dependence on the traditional directory depth (fewer than 8
       levels). (No extended file name support)

    5. Internal knowledge of the file system, which includes
       knowledge of the contents of a directory and how file header
       data is structured on a disk. (No ODS-5 support)

    You can choose either to modify these applications to support
    Extended File Specifications or not to use them under Extended
    File Specifications.
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