Virtual Terminal software is a communications component for
    terminal access between open systems.

    Virtual Terminal may act as the initiator/terminal (for a local
    user) or as the responder/host (for the remote user).

    Supported Standards:

    Virtual Terminal conforms to the following ISO standards:

    o  ISO 9041 - Virtual Terminal Protocol - Basic Class

    o  ISO 8650 - ACSE protocol

    o  ISO 8823 - Presentation protocol

    o  ISO 8327 - Session protocol

    Virtual Terminal Features:

    o  Class of Service

       -  Basic class (character cell terminals)

    o  Mode of Operation

       -  Asynchronous Mode (A-Mode)

    o  Profile Support

       -  Default A-Mode

       -  Telnet-1988 (A-Mode)

       -  Transparent (A-Mode)

       -  Generalized Telnet (A-Mode)

    o  Functional Units

       -  Break

    o  Supported Gateways

       -  Bidirectional VT/LAT

       -  Bidirectional VT/Telnet

    Tracing Utility:

    The Virtual Terminal tracing utility, provided by
    SYS$COMMON:[SYSEXE]OSITRACE.EXE, is a tool for identifying problems
    in protocol exchanges between your local system and any remote
    system.  The tracing utility captures protocol exchanges and
    transcribes them into easily readable text.

    The Virtual Terminal tracing utility monitors data exchanges for
    individual associations.  The tracing utility can trace data
    originating from the following components: VT, ACSE, Presentation,
    and Session.
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