/* Translate "UNIX" wildcard file names to OpenVMS names.*/ /* Define as a foreign command and provide the name as */ /* an argument. */ #include <unixlib.h> #include <stdio.h> int print_name(char *, int); int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int number_found; /* number of files found */ printf("Translating: %s\n", argv[1]); number_found = decc$to_vms(argv[1], print_name, 1, 0); printf("%d files found\n", number_found); } /* action routine that prints name and type on each line */ int print_name(char *name, int type) { if (type == DECC$K_DIRECTORY) printf("directory: %s\n", name); else if (type == DECC$K_FOREIGN) printf("remote non-VMS: %s\n", name); else printf("file: %s\n", name); /* Translation continues as long as success status is returned */ return (1); } This example shows how to use the decc$to_vms routine in VSI C. It takes a UNIX style file specification argument and displays, in OpenVMS file specification format, the name of each existing file that matches it.