/OWNER_UIC=option Requires SYSPRV (system privilege) privilege for a user identification code (UIC) other than your own. Specifies the owner UIC for the directory. The default is your UIC. You can specify the keyword PARENT in place of a UIC to mean the UIC of the parent (next-higher-level) directory. If a user with privileges creates a subdirectory, by default, the owner of the subdirectory will be the owner of the parent directory (or the owner of the MFD, if creating a main level directory). If you do not specify the /OWNER_UIC qualifier when creating a directory, the command assigns ownership as follows: (1) if you specify the directory name in either alphanumeric or subdirectory format, the default is your UIC (unless you are privileged, in which case the UIC defaults to the parent directory); (2) if you specify the directory in UIC format, the default is the specified UIC. Specify the UIC by using standard UIC format as described in the OpenVMS User's Manual.