HELPLIB.HLB  —  CPML  sin()  Description
    sin() computes the sine of x, measured in radians.

    sind() computes the sine of x, measured in degrees.

                           Entry-Point Names

    Function   Data Type   OpenVMS        Tru64 UNIX
    Name       Required

    sin        S_FLOAT     math$sin_s     sinf
               T_FLOAT     math$sin_t     sin
               X_FLOAT     math$sin_x     sinl
               F_FLOAT     math$sin_f
               G_FLOAT     math$sin_g

    sind       S_FLOAT     math$sind_s    sindf
               T_FLOAT     math$sind_t    sind
               X_FLOAT     math$sind_x    sindl
               F_FLOAT     math$sind_f
               G_FLOAT     math$sind_g
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