HELPLIB.HLB  —  CMS  DIFFERENCES  file  Qualifiers  /IGNORE=(keyword[,...])
    Specifies one or more of the following keywords. Each keyword
    indicates a type of special character to be ignored during the

    Keyword          Ignored Characters

    CASE             Directs CMS to ignore any differences between the
                     case of alphabetic characters (A-Z, a-z).

    FORM_FEEDS       Directs CMS to remove formfeed characters as it
                     compares records from the two files.

    HISTORY          Directs CMS to ignore element generation history
                     as it compares a file with a generation. At least
                     one of the files must be an element generation
                     with the history attribute enabled.

    LEADING_BLANKS   Directs CMS to remove leading blanks and tabs as
                     it compares records from the two files.

    NOTES            Directs CMS to ignore notes as it compares a file
                     with a generation. At least one of the files must
                     be an element generation with the notes attribute

    SPACING          Directs CMS to compress multiple blanks and tabs
                     into a single space as it compares records from
                     the two files.

    TRAILING_BLANKS  Directs CMS to remove trailing blanks and tabs as
                     it compares records from the two files.

    If the HISTORY or NOTES keyword is specified, the history or notes
    text is not used for the comparison, and is also removed from
    the output generated by DIFFERENCES. For all other options, the
    output generated by DIFFERENCES contains the original records used
    for the comparison, instead of the modified form of the records
    designated by the /IGNORE qualifier.
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