The following is an example of the cdsa_sign command for Export signing: $ cdsa_sign /cdsa_tempdir/des2/des2.esw exapps.cer secret exchain. - _$ "AAAAAQ==" "XX" "EXEMPT" "XX" In this example: * /cdsa_tempdir/des2/des2.esw is the path (in UNIX format) to the manifest created during Integrity signing. * exapps.cer is the name of the certificate being used to sign the module. * secret is the password for the private key of the certificate being used to sign the module. * exchain. is the name of the text file identifying the Export certificate chain to be embedded in the signature. * "AAAAAQ==" is the base-64 encoded value of the CDSA_USEE_DOMESTIC tag. * "XX" specifies that the CDSA_PRIV tag is not in the manifest. * "EXEMPT" is the CDSA_PVC_API tag specifying that this is an application manifest. * "XX" specifies that the CDSA_PVC_SPI tag is not in the manifest.