The storage class of a variable determines when its storage is allocated, whether its contents are preserved across different blocks or functions, and what link-time scope the variable has. Auto variables are allocated at run time. They are not preserved across functions. Auto is the default storage class for variables declared within a function. Extern variables are allocated at compile time. They are preserved across functions. There can be only 65,532 extern variables per program. Extern is the default storage class for variables declared outside a function. Globaldef, globalref, and globalvalue variables are allocated at compile time. They are preserved across functions. The number of global symbols is unlimited. Register variables are allocated at run time. They cannot be referenced from other separately compiled functions. Static variables are allocated at compile time. If externally declared, they retain their values across functions. If internally declared (inside of a function), they cannot be referenced from other functions; if control passes from the defining function, to other functions, and then passed back to the defining function, the variable retains its previous value and is not reinitialized.