/DEBUG[=(option[,...])] /DEBUG=(TRACEBACK,NOSYMBOLS) (D) /NODEBUG Includes information in the object module for use by the OpenVMS Debugger. You can select the following options: ALL Includes all possible debugging information. On Alpha systems, /DEBUG=ALL is equivalent to /DEBUG=(TRACEBACK,SYMBOLS). On VAX systems, /DEBUG=ALL is equivalent to /DEBUG=(TRACEBACK,SYMBOLS,INLINE). NONE Excludes any debugging information. NOSYMBOLS Suppresses generation of symbol table records. SYMBOLS Generates symbol table records. NOTRACEBACK Suppresses generation of traceback records. TRACEBACK Generates traceback records. Specifying /DEBUG with no options is equivalent to specifying /DEBUG=ALL. If the /DEBUG qualifier is not specified, the default is /DEBUG=(TRACEBACK,NOSYMBOLS).