HELPLIB.HLB  —  WRITE  Qualifiers

1    /ERROR


    Transfers control on an I/O error to the location specified by
    label (in a command procedure). If no error routine is specified
    and an error occurs during the writing of the file, the current
    ON condition action is taken. The /ERROR qualifier overrides any
    ON condition action specified. If an error occurs and control
    passes successfully to the target label, the reserved global
    symbol $STATUS retains the error code.

2    /SYMBOL

    Causes the expression to be interpreted and its expanded value
    placed in a 2048-byte (instead of a 1024-byte) buffer before
    the write operation is performed. If you specify multiple
    expressions, their values are concatenated and placed in the
    2048-byte buffer. Use the /SYMBOL qualifier to write a very large

    If you do not use the /SYMBOL qualifier, the entire command,
    including the expression or expressions, is placed in a 1024-byte

3    /UPDATE

    Replaces the last record read with the record specified with the
    expression parameter. You must be able to read and write to a
    file to use the /UPDATE qualifier. Use the WRITE/UPDATE command
    only after a READ command. The WRITE/UPDATE command modifies the
    last record you have read.

    With sequential files, you must replace a record with another
    record of the same size when you use the WRITE/UPDATE command.

4    /WAIT

       /WAIT (default)

    If you specify /NOWAIT, the Put service to a mailbox device uses
    the IO$M_NOW modifier, which causes the operation to complete
    immediately instead of synchronizing with another reader of the

    Currently this qualifier is supported on Alpha and Integrity
    servers only.
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