Displays information about a process and its subprocesses.

    Requires GROUP privilege to show other processes in the same
    group. Requires WORLD privilege to show processes outside your
    group. You must use the /IDENTIFICATION qualifier to look at
    processes outside of your group.


      SHOW PROCESS  [[node-name::]process-name]

1  –  Parameters


    The name of the node on which the specified process is running.

    You must specify a node name on the same OpenVMS Cluster on which
    the current process is running.


    The name of the process about which information is to be
    displayed. The process name can have up to 15 alphanumeric

    The specified process name must be in the same group as the
    current process. You must use the /IDENTIFICATION qualifier to
    look at processes outside of your group.

2  –  Qualifiers


    Shows the resources used by the process.

2.2    /ALL

    Displays the basic subset of information as well as information

       Dynamic memory use
       Wildcard status


    Lists the active case sensitivity setting in your process (either

    VSI strongly recommends that you use caution when enabling case
    sensitivity in your processes.

    See the Guide to OpenVMS File Applications for additional


    Displays continuously updated information about the local
    process in an OpenVMS environment. You cannot use the /CONTINUOUS
    qualifier to display information about a process on another node
    in a cluster environment.

    While the continuous display is running, you can press the
    following keys to customize the output display:

    Key        Action

    E          Exits the continuous display.
    Q          Dynamically displays process quotas.
    T          Displays information for threads in the process. Press
               the T key repeatedly to cycle through multiple threads.
    V          Displays a map of the pages in the virtual address
               space of the process.

               Each character displayed in the map represents the type
               of page. If the current program counter is in the page,
               the page type is indicated by an at sign (@). Pages
               locked in the working set are indicated by the letter
               L. Global pages are indicated by the letter G. Other
               valid pages in the working set are indicated by an
               asterisk (*).
    Space      Returns to the default display.

    The /CONTINUOUS qualifier cannot be used with the /OUTPUT

2.5    /DUMP

    Displays the image dump setting which is set or cleared by the
    SET PROCESS/DUMP command.

2.6    /EXACT

    Use with the /PAGE=SAVE and /SEARCH qualifiers to specify a
    search string that must match the search string exactly and must
    be enclosed with quotation marks (" ").

    If you specify the /EXACT qualifier without the /SEARCH
    qualifier, exact search mode is enabled when you set the search
    string with the Find (E1) key.



    Use with the /PAGE=SAVE and /SEARCH qualifiers to specify the
    type of highlighting you want when a search string is found. When
    a string is found, the entire line is highlighted. You can use
    the following keywords: BOLD, BLINK, REVERSE, and UNDERLINE. BOLD
    is the default highlighting.



    Requires GROUP or WORLD privilege to access processes other than
    your own.

    Displays information about the process with the specified process
    identification (PID). The PID is assigned by the system when
    the process is created. When you specify a PID, you can omit the
    leading zeros.

    If you specify the /IDENTIFICATION qualifier, it overrides the
    process-name parameter. If, in addition, you specify the /MEMORY
    qualifier, the PID value must be that of the current process.

2.9    /INTERVAL


    Use with the /CONTINUOUS qualifier to update the information at
    the specified number of seconds.

2.10    /MEMORY

    Displays the process's use of dynamic memory areas. The /MEMORY
    qualifier is allowed only for the current process.

2.11    /OUTPUT


    Controls where the output of the command is sent. By default,
    the output of the SHOW PROCESS command is sent to the current
    SYS$OUTPUT device (usually your terminal). To send the output
    to a file, use the /OUTPUT qualifier followed by a file

    The asterisk (*)  and the percent sign (%) wildcard characters
    are not allowed in the file specification. If you enter a partial
    file specification (for example, specifying only a directory),
    SHOW is the default file name and .LIS is the default file type.

    If you enter the /NOOUTPUT qualifier, output is suppressed.

    The /OUTPUT qualifier is incompatible with the /CONTINUOUS

2.12    /PAGE

       /NOPAGE (default)

    Controls the display of process information on the screen.

    You can use the following keywords with the /PAGE qualifier:

    CLEAR_SCREEN   Clears the screen before each page is displayed.

    SCROLL         Displays information one line at a time.

    SAVE[=n]       Enables screen navigation of information, where n
                   is the number of pages to store.

    The /PAGE=SAVE qualifier allows you to navigate through screens
    of information. The /PAGE=SAVE qualifier stores up to 5 screens
    of up to 255 columns of information. When you use the /PAGE=SAVE
    qualifier, you can use the following keys to navigate through the

    Key Sequence              Description

    Up arrow key, Ctrl/B      Scroll up one line.
    Down arrow key            Scroll down one line.
    Left arrow key            Scroll left one column.
    Right arrow key           Scroll right one column.
    Find (E1)                 Specify a string to find when the
                              information is displayed.
    Insert Here (E2)          Scroll right one half screen.
    Remove (E3)               Scroll left one half screen.
    Select (E4)               Toggle 80/132 column mode.
    Prev Screen (E5)          Get the previous page of information.
    Next Screen (E6),         Get the next page of information.
    Return, Enter, Space
    F10, Ctrl/Z               Exit. (Some utilities define these
    Help (F15)                Display utility help text.
    Do (F16)                  Toggle the display to oldest/newest
    Ctrl/W                    Refresh the display.

    The /PAGE qualifier is not compatible with the /OUTPUT qualifier.


    Displays current privileges and rights for the process. To
    display only privileges, also specify the /NORIGHTS qualifier.
    Use the SET PROCESS/PRIVILEGES command to enable process
    privileges on a system.

    Use the SHOW PROCESS/PRIVILEGES command to determine what
    authorized privileges are enabled on an OpenVMS system:

    ACNT        ALLSPOOL     ALTPRI      AUDIT
    GROUP       GRPNAM       GRPPRV      IMPORT
    LOG_IO      MOUNT        NETMBX      OPER
    PFNMAP      PHY_IO       PRMCEB      PRMGBL
    SETPRV      SHARE        SHMEM       SYSGBL

2.14    /QUOTAS

    Displays, for each resource, either a quota or a limit. The
    values displayed for quotas reflect any quota reductions
    resulting from subprocess creation. The values displayed for
    limits reflect the resources available to a process at creation.

2.15    /RAD

    Displays home resource affinity domain (RAD).

    OpenVMS support for RADs is available on the Alpha GS series
    systems and Integrity server NUMA capable systems.

2.16    /RIGHTS

       /RIGHTS (default)

    Displays the current rights for the specified process. Use the
    /NORIGHTS qualifier with the /PRIVILEGES qualifier to suppress
    the rights display.


    Displays the scheduling class of the specified process.

2.18    /SEARCH


    Use with the /PAGE=SAVE qualifier to specify a string that you
    want to find in the information being displayed. Quotation marks
    are required for the /SEARCH qualifier, if you include spaces in
    the text string.

    You can also dynamically change the search string by pressing the
    Find key (E1) while the information is being displayed. Quotation
    marks are not required for a dynamic search.

2.19    /SHELVING

    Displays whether the process automatically unshelves files.


    Displays the current subprocesses in hierarchical order.

2.21    /SYMLINK

    The SHOW PROCESS/ALL and SHOW PROCESS/SYMLINK commands display
    the status of the symlink wildcard search mode.

2.22    /TOKEN

       /TOKEN (Alpha/Integrity servers Only)

    Displays the current token size as either Traditional (255 bytes)
    or Extended (4000 bytes). (A token is any element in a command
    line that is bounded by spaces. For example, the command COPY
    X.TXT Y.TXT contains three tokens.) The token size is determined
    by the setting of bit 1 in the DCL_CTLFLAGS system parameter. You
    can use the SET PROCESS/TOKEN command to change the token size.

2.23    /UNITS

    Displays whether the process currently reports disk space
    in bytes or blocks. You can change this setting using SET

2.24    /WRAP

       /NOWRAP (default)

    Use with the /PAGE=SAVE qualifier to limit the number of columns
    to the width of the screen and to wrap lines that extend beyond
    the width of the screen to the next line.

    The /NOWRAP qualifier extends lines beyond the width of the
    screen and can be seen when you use the scrolling (left and
    right) features provided by the /PAGE=SAVE qualifier.

3  –  Examples


       14-DEC-2001 15:35:19.39  User: MALIK   Process ID: 28200364
                                Node: OCALA   Process name: MALIK
      Terminal:        RTA5:
      User identifier: [VMS,MALIK]
      Base  priority:   4
      Default file spec: WORK5:[MALIK]
      Devices allocated: RTA5:

      The SHOW PROCESS command in this example is entered by the
      user MALIK. The system displays the subset of information for
      the owned process on node OCALA. The information includes the

         Date and time the SHOW PROCESS command is entered
         User name
         Process identification (PID) number
         Node name
         Process name
         Device name of the current SYS$INPUT device
         User identification code (UIC)
         Base execution priority
         Default device (only for processes on the same node)
         Default directory (only for current processes)
         Devices allocated to the process and volumes mounted, if any

       14-DEC-2001 14:48:01.31   User: MALIK  Process ID:   28200364
                                 Node: OCALA  Process name: "MALIK"

       Accounting information:
        Buffered I/O count:      4878  Peak working set size:      844
        Direct I/O count:        1284  Peak virtual size:         1176
        Page faults:             6100  Mounted volumes:              0
        Images activated:          22
        Elapsed CPU time:      0 00:01:20.51
        Connect time:          0 04:06:03.75

      The SHOW PROCESS command in this example displays the
      accounting statistics for the process. The values under Peak
      working set size and Peak virtual size are rendered and in
      pagelets on Alpha.


       14-DEC-2001 14:59:28.53  User: MALIK   Process ID:    28200364
                                Node: OCALA   Process name: "MALIK"

       Process privileges:
        GROUP                may affect other processes in same group
        TMPMBX               may create temporary mailbox
        NETMBX               may create network device

       Process rights identifiers:

      The SHOW PROCESS command in this example displays the current
      privileges for the process.


       14-DEC-2001 15:00:28.79   User: MALIK  Process ID:    28200364
                                 Node: OCALA  Process name:  "MALIK"

       Process Quotas:
       Account name: VMS
        CPU limit:                      Infinite  Direct I/O limit:       6
        Buffered I/O byte count quota:     17904  Buffered I/O limit:     6
        Timer queue entry quota:              10  Open file quota:       31
        Paging file quota:                 24945  Subprocess quota:       8
        Default page fault cluster:           64  AST limit:             14
        Enqueue quota:                        30  Shared file limit:      9
        Max detached processes:               11  Max active jobs:       14

      The SHOW PROCESS command in this example displays the available
      quotas and limits. The value under Paging file quota is
      rendered in pagelets on Alpha.


       14-DEC-2001 15:44:59.39  User: MALIK  Process ID:   28200364
                                Node: OCALA  Process name: "MALIK_1"

       Processes in this tree:

         MALIK_1 (*)

      The SHOW PROCESS command in this example shows the current
      process tree. The current process is indicated by the asterisk
      (*).  Processes both below and above the current process are


                                 Process BOB                       12:26:53

          State               CUR              Working set              269

          Cur/base priority   8/4              Virtual memory          1713

          Current PC          7FFEE07E         CPU time         00:00:13.82

          Current PSL         03C00000         Direct I/O               246

          Current user SP     7FF785A4         Buffered I/O             646

          PID                 226006C0         Page faults             3417

          UIC                 [VMS,BOB]        Event flags         C8000007

      In this example, the /CONTINUOUS qualifier causes the display
      of information about process BOB to be updated continuously.
      Note that the Virtual pages heading appears on Alpha indicating
      the virtual memory used as a number of CPU-specific pages.
      The value displayed for Working set is also a number of CPU-
      specific pages.


                                Process CIMSERVER              07:38:02

          State               LEF                 Working set          2599

          Cur/base priority   9/4                 Virtual pages       15135

          Current PC          8065BDC0            CPU time    0 00:00:14.33

          Current PSL         00000000            Direct I/O          5889

          Current user SP     7ACE6680            Buffered I/O        88641

          PID                 20200822            Page faults         1487

          UIC                 [SYSTEM]            Event flags       C0000001


      [Press Q key]

                                   Process CIMSERVER              07:38:18

          State               LEF                 Working set        2599

          PID                 20200822            Page faults        1487

          UIC                 [SYSTEM]            Event flags     C0000001

          # open files remaining               125/128             ( 97%)
          Direct I/O count/limit               100/100             (100%)
          Buffered I/O count/limit              99/100             ( 99%)
          BUFIO byte count/limit            251840/251840          (100%)
          ASTs remaining                        98/100             ( 98%)
          Timer entries remaining               15/16              ( 93%)
          PGFL quota count/limit             42408/43750           ( 96%)
          ENQ quota count/limit               2048/2048            (100%)


      In this example, the standard continuous display is interrupted
      when the Q key is pressed. The display then dynamically changes
      to show the quotas in two columns: one column with the actual
      counts and another with percentages.


       14-DEC-2001 14:59:04.48   User: MALIK  Process ID:   28200364
                                 Node: OCALA  Process Name: "MALIK"

       Process Dynamic Memory Area
           Current Size (bytes)    25600   Current Total Size (pages)    50
           Free Space (bytes)      22698   Space in Use (bytes)        2902
           Size of Largest Block   22496   Size of Smallest Block        15
           Number of Free Blocks       7   Free Blocks LEQU 32 Bytes      3

      The SHOW PROCESS command in this example displays the use of
      dynamic memory areas for the current process, MALIK. These
      areas are described as follows:

      Current size       Displays the current size in bytes and
                         pagelets on Alpha of each dynamic memory
      Free space         Displays the amount of free space in each
                         dynamic memory area.
      Space in use       Displays the amount of space currently
                         allocated from each area.
      Largest block      Displays the size of the largest contiguous
                         area in each pool area.
      Smallest block     Displays the size of the smallest free block
                         in each pool area.
      Free blocks        Displays the total number of free blocks in
                         each pool area. The size of this number is a
                         measure of pool fragmentation.
      Blocks LEQU 32     Displays the number of free blocks that are
      Blocks LEQU 64     32 bytes or 64 bytes or shorter on Alpha.
      (Alpha)            This number is another measure of pool
                         fragmentation, because while allocation
                         of these small blocks is unlikely, they
                         contribute to the allocation time whenever
                         an allocation request is made.

       27-OCT-2004 23:40:20.04  User: RAMIREZ   Process ID: 19182004
                                Node: REDSOX    Process name: RAMIREZ
      Terminal:          RTA5:
      User identifier:   [VMS,RAMIREZ]
      Base  priority:    4
      Default file spec: WORK5:[RAMIREZ]
      Devices allocated: RTA5:

      The SHOW PROCESS command in this example displays the basic
      subset of information for the process RAMIREZ on node REDSOX.


      15-JUNE-2001  10:07:25.11   User: LYONS       Process ID:  20206A50
                                  Node: BANANA      Process name: "LYONS"

      Auto-unshelve: on

      The SHOW PROCESS command in this example shows that the LYONS
      process automatically unshelves files.


      31-DEC-2001 10:38:32.48   User: RALSTON       Process ID:   20C0011B
                                Node: AAAAAA        Process name: "_RTA1:"

      Image Dump: on

      The SHOW PROCESS command in this example shows that the image
      dump capability for the RALSTON process is enabled. This causes
      the contents of the address space to be written to the file
      named SYS$LOGIN:(image-name).DMP (where the image name is
      the same as the file name) when an image terminates due to
      an unhandled error.

      See the SET PROCESS/DUMP command for additional information.


      $17-SEP-2009 05:31:34.92   User: SYSTEM     Process ID:   20A0045C
                                Node: LENOX1     Process name: "SYSTEM"

      Symlink search mode: No wildcard

      This example shows that wildcard is not used for symlink
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