The Get Host Node Name routine returns the host node name of the local system. Format LIB$GET_HOSTNAME hostname [,resultant-length] [,flags]
1 – Returns
OpenVMS usage:cond_value type: longword (unsigned) access: write only mechanism: by value
2 – Arguments
hostname OpenVMS usage:char_string type: character string access: write only mechanism: by descriptor The host node name. The hostname argument contains the address of a descriptor pointing to the host node name. LIB$GET_HOSTNAME writes the host node-name string into the buffer pointed to by the hostname descriptor. The error LIB$_INVSTRDES is returned if hostname is an invalid descriptor. The length field of the hostname descriptor is not updated unless hostname is a dynamic descriptor with a length less than the host node name to be returned. Refer to the OpenVMS RTL String Manipulation (STR$) Manual for dynamic string descriptor usage. The hostname argument contains an unusable result when LIB$GET_ HOSTNAME returns in error. resultant-length OpenVMS usage:word_unsigned type: word (unsigned) access: write only mechanism: by reference Length of the host node name. The resultant-length argument is the address of an unsigned word that contains this length in bytes. The resultant-length argument contains an unusable result when LIB$GET_HOSTNAME returns in error. flags OpenVMS usage:mask_longword type: longword (unsigned) access: read only mechanism: by value The value LIB$GET_HOSTNAME uses to control the form of the host node name that it returns in the output descriptor hostname. If flags is equal to 0, or if flags is omitted, the host node name returned is in the network usable form. If flags is equal to 1, the host node name returned is in the parsable form. Unused bits in flags must be 0. Nonzero unused bits result in the error condition LIB$_INVARG.