HELPLIB.HLB  —  PMDF  QM  User Mode Commands, SPAWN  Qualifiers

1    /INPUT


    Specifies an input command file from which the subprocess is to
    draw command input. Once command processing is completed, the
    subprocess terminates. When you specify both a command string and
    input file, then the command string is first processed and then
    the commands from the input file.


       /LOGICAL_NAMES (default)

    The /LOGICAL_NAMES qualifier specifies that the logical names
    of the parent process are to be copied to the subprocess. This
    is the default behavior. Specify /NOLOGICAL_NAMES to prevent the
    subprocess from inheriting the logical name definitions of its

3    /OUTPUT


    Specifies the output file to which the output of the subprocess
    is to be directed. If the /OUTPUT qualifier is omitted, then
    subprocess output is directed to the current SYS$OUTPUT device
    (generally, your terminal).



    Specifies the process name to associate with the subprocess.
    If not specified, a default name of the form USERNAME_n, where
    "USERNAME" is your username, is used.


       /SYMBOLS (default)

    The /SYMBOLS qualifier specifies that the DCL symbol definitions
    of the parent process are to be copied to the subprocess. This
    is the default behavior. Specify /NOSYMBOLS to prevent the
    subprocess from inheriting the symbol definitions of its parent.

6    /WAIT

       /WAIT (default)

    By default, your current (parent) process will wait until the
    subprocess has finished its processing and terminated. This
    default behavior is explicitly selected with the /WAIT qualifier.
    The /NOWAIT qualifier allows you to continue working from your
    current process while the subprocess is running. When you specify
    /NOWAIT, you should also specify the /OUTPUT qualifier so as to
    prevent the subprocess output from appearing on your terminal
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