HELPLIB.HLB  —  PMDF  QM  User Mode Commands, EDIT_FAX
    Edit a queued PMDF-FAX message.


      EDIT_FAX  [message-id[,...]]

    Qualifiers            Defaults

    /ALL                  /NOALL
    /CONFIRM              /NOCONFIRM
    /LOG                  /LOG

1  –  Parameters


    A comma separated list of one or more message identification
    numbers shown with a previous DIRECTORY command. Ranges are

2  –  Description

    The addresses of queued FAX messages can be edited so as, for
    instance, to correct a FAX telephone number. The messages to
    be edited are specified by their message identification numbers
    shown by the most recent DIRECTORY command. Those numbers appear
    in the leftmost column of the DIRECTORY command listing.

3  –  Qualifiers

3.1    /ALL

       /NOALL (default)

    Edit all messages shown by the last DIRECTORY command.

    Unless /NOCONFIRM is specified with /ALL, you will be required to
    confirm any EDIT_FAX/ALL operation.

3.2    /CONFIRM

       /NOCONFIRM (default)

    When /CONFIRM is specified, you will prompted to confirm each
    message edit operation.

3.3    /LOG

       /LOG (default)

    Specifies whether informational messages for each message edit
    operation are generated.
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