HELPLIB.HLB  —  PMDF  QM  User Mode Commands

1  –  DATE

    Show the current date and time.



    Command Qualifiers    Defaults

    None.                 None.

1.1  –  Parameters


1.2  –  Description

    The DATE command can be used to show the current date and time,
    in RFC 822/1123 format - the same format as used in Internet-
    style messages.

1.3  –  Examples

      In the following example, the current date and time in RFC
      822/1123 format is displayed with the DATE command.

        qm.user> DATE
        Fri, 2 Aug 2012 13:34:16 PDT


    List currently queued messages.


      DIRECTORY  [type]

    Command Qualifiers    Defaults

    None.                 None.

2.1  –  Parameters


    An optional parameter specifying the type of messages to display
    (e.g., FAX, INTERNET, CC:MAIL, etc.). Wild cards are permitted.

2.2  –  Description

    Use the DIRECTORY command to list any messages which you've sent
    but which have not yet been delivered. The optional type argument
    can be used to restrict the listing to certain types of messages
    such as messages sent to the Internet or other TCP/IP connected
    machines such as UNIX workstations, cc:Mail users, FAX machines,
    etc. A complete list of the available types are shown below. You
    can also use the ? key to obtain a listing of the available types
    as shown in the examples below.

    Type         Message Types Listed

    all_in_1     Messages sent to ALL-IN-1 users
    bitnet       Messages set to BITNET users
    ccmail       Messages sent to Lotus cc:Mail users
    decnet       Messages sent to DECnet users
    fax          Messages sent as FAXes via PMDF-FAX
    groupwise    Messages to GroupWise Office users
    internet     Messages sent to Internet users
    local        Messages sent to local VMS MAIL users
    lotus_notes  Messages sent to Lotus Notes users
    mailbus_400  Messages sent to MAILbus 400 users
    mailworks    Messages sent to MailWorks users
    message_     Messages sent to Message Router users
    microsoft_   Messages sent to Microsoft Mail users
    netdata      Messages sent to Netdata (PROFS) users
    novell_mhs   Messages sent to Novell MHS users
    ovvm         Messages sent to OV/VM (PROFS) users
    pager        Messages sent to personal pagers
    popstore     Messages sent to popstore users
    snads        Messages sent to SNADS users
    tcpip        Messages sent to TCP/IP users
    teamlinks    Messages sent to TeamLinks users
    uucp         Messages sent to UUCP users
    wordperfect  Messages sent to WordPerfect Office users
    x400         Messages sent to X.400 users

    In the directory listing, each message is assigned a message
    identification number, or "message id" for short. The message id
    appears in the leftmost column. These identification numbers can
    be used with the READ, RETURN, and EDIT_FAX commands to identify
    which messages to read, return, or edit.

    It is important to note that when you send a message to more
    than one recipient, the message might split into multiple message
    copies. Consequently, the same message might appear multiple
    times as being queued to different networks (or possibly even for
    the same network). Such would be the case for a message sent both
    to local users and remote users.

2.3  –  Examples

    1.qm.user> DIRECTORY ?
      Optional keyword, must be chosen from:
       (1) all_in_1             Messages sent to ALL-IN-1 users
       (2) bitnet               Messages sent to BITNET users
       (3) ccmail               Messages sent to cc:Mail users
       (4) decnet               Messages sent to DECnet users
       (5) fax                  Messages sent as FAXes with PMDF-FAX
       (6) groupwise            Messages sent to GroupWise Office users
       (7) internet             Messages sent to Internet users
       (8) local                Messages sent to local users
       (9) lotus_notes          Messages sent to Lotus Notes users
      (10) mailbus_400          Messages sent to MAILbus 400 users
      (11) mailworks            Messages sent to MailWorks users
      (12) message_router       Messages sent to Message Router users
      (13) microsoft_mail       Messages sent to Microsoft Mail users
      (14) netdata              Messages sent to Netdata (PROFS) users
      (15) novell_mhs           Messages sent to Novell MHS users
      (16) ovvm                 Messages sent to OV/VM (PROFS) users
      (17) pager                Messages sent to personal pagers
      (18) popstore             Messages sent to popstore users
      (19) snads                Messages sent to SNADS users
      (20) tcpip                Messages sent to TCP/IP users
      (21) teamlinks            Messages sent to TeamLinks users
      (22) uucp                 Messages sent to UUCP users
      (23) wordperfect          Messages sent to WordPerfect Office users
      (24) x400                 Messages sent to X.400 users

      This example shows how to obtain a list of the recognized
      message types. Whenever you are entering a command, you can
      always press the question mark key, ?, to obtain help on what
      to type next.

    2.qm.user> DIRECTORY
      Fri, 2 Aug 2012 18:49:40 PDT

      Id Network           From          To                  Size Queued since
       1 Internet (TCP/IP)   8  2-AUG 17:31
       2 Internet (TCP/IP)  ietf-822@dimacs.rut   8  2-AUG 15:07
       3 Internet (TCP/IP)  mwalnut@cnri.reston   16 2-AUG 15:26
       4 Internet (TCP/IP)   8  2-AUG 17:18
       5 Internet (TCP/IP)  klensin@MAIL1.RESTO   16 2-AUG 15:26
       6 Internet (TCP/IP)  MAILSERV@EXAMPLE.C    8  2-AIG 15:38
       7 Internet (TCP/IP)  john@EXAMPLE.COM      8  2-AUG 17:18
       8 Message Router  john%doof@am.naples.   8  2-AUG 12:25
       9 Local delivery  john                  8  2-AUG 16:11
      10 Internet (TCP/IP)  8  2-AUG 12:43
      11 Internet (TCP/IP) 8  2-AUG 15:07
      Total size:                                                104


      In this example, the DIRECTORY command is used to list all
      queued messages. When a message has more than one envelope TO:
      recipient, the additional recipients are shown on additional
      lines of the listing as with message 1 which is addressed to and

3  –  EDIT_FAX

    Edit a queued PMDF-FAX message.


      EDIT_FAX  [message-id[,...]]

    Qualifiers            Defaults

    /ALL                  /NOALL
    /CONFIRM              /NOCONFIRM
    /LOG                  /LOG

3.1  –  Parameters


    A comma separated list of one or more message identification
    numbers shown with a previous DIRECTORY command. Ranges are

3.2  –  Description

    The addresses of queued FAX messages can be edited so as, for
    instance, to correct a FAX telephone number. The messages to
    be edited are specified by their message identification numbers
    shown by the most recent DIRECTORY command. Those numbers appear
    in the leftmost column of the DIRECTORY command listing.

3.3  –  Qualifiers

3.3.1    /ALL

       /NOALL (default)

    Edit all messages shown by the last DIRECTORY command.

    Unless /NOCONFIRM is specified with /ALL, you will be required to
    confirm any EDIT_FAX/ALL operation.

3.3.2    /CONFIRM

       /NOCONFIRM (default)

    When /CONFIRM is specified, you will prompted to confirm each
    message edit operation.

3.3.3    /LOG

       /LOG (default)

    Specifies whether informational messages for each message edit
    operation are generated.

4  –  EXIT

    Exit the PMDF QM utility.



    Command Qualifiers    Defaults

    None.                 None.

4.1  –  Parameters


4.2  –  Description

    The EXIT and QUIT commands exit the PMDF QM utility.

5  –  HELP

    Obtain help on the use of PMDF QM.


      HELP  [topic]

    Command Qualifiers    Defaults

    None.                 None.

5.1  –  Parameters


    Optional topic to obtain help on.

5.2  –  Description

    The HELP command can be used to obtain information on PMDF QM
    commands. To obtain information on all of the PMDF QM commands,
    use the command

    qm.user> HELP

    To obtain information on individual commands or topics use the

    qm.user> HELP topic

    where TOPIC is the name of the command or topic of interest.


    Display message history information.


      HISTORY  [message-id[,...]]

    Command Qualifiers    Defaults

    /ALL                  /NOALL
    /CONFIRM              /NOCONFIRM

6.1  –  Parameters


    A comma separated list of one or more message identification
    numbers shown with a previous DIRECTORY command. Ranges are

6.2  –  Description

    For many channels, delivery history information is appended
    to the end of each message file after an unsuccessful delivery
    attempt has been made. With the HISTORY command, this information
    can be displayed.

    The messages to show histories for are specified by their message
    identification numbers shown by the most recent DIRECTORY
    command. That number appears in the leftmost column of the
    DIRECTORY command listing.

    Note that history information is not recorded by some channels.

6.3  –  Qualifiers

6.3.1    /ALL

       /NOALL (default)

    Display history information for all messages shown with the last
    DIRECTORY command.

6.3.2    /CONFIRM

       /NOCONFIRM (default)

    When /CONFIRM is specified, you will be prompted to confirm
    whether or not to display the history for each selected message.

7  –  QUIT

    Exit the PMDF QM utility.



    Command Qualifiers    Defaults

    None.                 None.

7.1  –  Parameters


7.2  –  Description

    The EXIT and QUIT commands exit the PMDF QM utility.

8  –  READ

    Read a message.


      READ  [message-id[,...]]

    Qualifiers            Defaults

    /ALL                  /NOALL
    /CONFIRM              /NOCONFIRM
    /CONTENT              /CONTENT

8.1  –  Parameters


    A comma separated list of one or more message identification
    numbers shown with a previous DIRECTORY command. Ranges are

8.2  –  Description

    The READ command can be used to read one or more queued
    messages. The messages to display are specified by their message
    identification numbers shown by the most recent DIRECTORY
    command. Those numbers appear in the leftmost column of the
    DIRECTORY command listing.

8.3  –  Qualifiers

8.3.1    /ALL

       /NOALL (default)

    Display all messages shown with the last DIRECTORY command.

8.3.2    /CONFIRM

       /NOCONFIRM (default)

    When /CONFIRM is specified, you will prompted to confirm whether
    or not to display each selected message.

8.3.3    /CONTENT

       /CONTENT (default)

    Specify /NOCONTENT if you only want to read the message envelope
    and header.

8.4  –  Examples

      In the following example, message 3 is displayed.

 qm.user> READ 3
 Message id: 3

 Transport layer information:
 Envelope From: address:
 Envelope To: addresses: jones

 Message header:
 Received: from EXAMPLE.COM by EXAMPLE.COM (PMDF V5.0-1 #8790)
  02 Aug 2012 16:48:41 -0700 (PDT)
 Date: Fri, 02 Aug 2012 16:48:40 -0700 (PDT)
 From: John Doe <>
 Subject: sea voyage
 MIME-version: 1.0
 Content-transfer-encoding: 7BIT

 Message content:
 Would you be interested in taking a short cruise to Nova Scotia?

               - DoeJ

9  –  RETURN

    Return a message to its sender.


      RETURN  [message-id[,...]]

    Qualifiers            Defaults

    /ALL                  /NOALL
    /CONFIRM              /NOCONFIRM
    /LOG                  /LOG

9.1  –  Parameters


    A comma separated list of one or more message identification
    numbers shown with a previous DIRECTORY command. Ranges are

9.2  –  Description

    Queued messages can be returned to their originator with the
    RETURN command. The messages to be returned are specified by
    their message identification numbers shown by the most recent
    DIRECTORY command. Those numbers appear in the leftmost column of
    the DIRECTORY command listing.

9.3  –  Qualifiers

9.3.1    /ALL

       /NOALL (default)

    Return all messages shown by the last DIRECTORY command. Unless
    /NOCONFIRM is specified with /ALL, you will be required to
    confirm any RETURN/ALL operation.

9.3.2    /CONFIRM

       /NOCONFIRM (default)

    When /CONFIRM is specified, you will be prompted to confirm each
    message return operation.

9.3.3    /LOG

       /LOG (default)

    Specifies whether informational messages for each message return
    operation are generated.

10  –  SPAWN

    Create a subprocess.


      SPAWN  [command]

    Qualifiers            Defaults

    /INPUT=in-file-spec   None
    /OUTPUT=out-file-spec None
    /PROCESS=name         None
    /SYMBOLS              /SYMBOLS
    /WAIT                 /WAIT

10.1  –  Restrictions

    Cannot be used from a captive account.

10.2  –  Parameters


    Optional parameter specifying the command string for the
    subprocess to execute. After the command completes, the
    subprocess terminates and control is returned to the parent

10.3  –  Description

    The SPAWN command can be used to either issue a single DCL
    command from within PMDF QM or to leave PMDF QM temporarily, do
    other work (e.g., type out a file, generate a directory listing,
    etc.), and then return to PMDF QM.

    By default, the context of the current process is copied to the
    subprocess. This behavior can be controlled with the /LOGICAL_
    NAMES and /SYMBOLS qualifiers.

10.4  –  Qualifiers

10.4.1    /INPUT


    Specifies an input command file from which the subprocess is to
    draw command input. Once command processing is completed, the
    subprocess terminates. When you specify both a command string and
    input file, then the command string is first processed and then
    the commands from the input file.

10.4.2    /LOGICAL_NAMES

       /LOGICAL_NAMES (default)

    The /LOGICAL_NAMES qualifier specifies that the logical names
    of the parent process are to be copied to the subprocess. This
    is the default behavior. Specify /NOLOGICAL_NAMES to prevent the
    subprocess from inheriting the logical name definitions of its

10.4.3    /OUTPUT


    Specifies the output file to which the output of the subprocess
    is to be directed. If the /OUTPUT qualifier is omitted, then
    subprocess output is directed to the current SYS$OUTPUT device
    (generally, your terminal).

10.4.4    /PROCESS


    Specifies the process name to associate with the subprocess.
    If not specified, a default name of the form USERNAME_n, where
    "USERNAME" is your username, is used.

10.4.5    /SYMBOLS

       /SYMBOLS (default)

    The /SYMBOLS qualifier specifies that the DCL symbol definitions
    of the parent process are to be copied to the subprocess. This
    is the default behavior. Specify /NOSYMBOLS to prevent the
    subprocess from inheriting the symbol definitions of its parent.

10.4.6    /WAIT

       /WAIT (default)

    By default, your current (parent) process will wait until the
    subprocess has finished its processing and terminated. This
    default behavior is explicitly selected with the /WAIT qualifier.
    The /NOWAIT qualifier allows you to continue working from your
    current process while the subprocess is running. When you specify
    /NOWAIT, you should also specify the /OUTPUT qualifier so as to
    prevent the subprocess output from appearing on your terminal

10.5  –  Examples


      Directory D1:[BOB]

      A.TXT;10    125/126
      A.TXT;9     124/126
      A.TXT;8     124/126

      Total of 3 files, 373/378.
      qm.user> SPAWN PURGE/LOG A.TXT
      %PURGE-I-FILPURG, D1:[BOB]A.TXT;9 deleted (126 blocks)
      %PURGE-I-FILPURG, D1:[BOB]A.TXT;8 deleted (126 blocks)
      %PURGE-I-TOTAL, 2 files deleted (252 blocks)

      In this example, the SPAWN command is used to obtain a
      directory listing of the files A.TXT, and then to purge back
      old versions of that file. The ability to do this is useful
      when you find that you have insufficient disk quota to create
      and edit a mail message you want to send.

    2.qm.user> SPAWN
      $ LOGOUT
        Process BOB_1 logged out at 23-AUG-2012 12:12:51.42

      In this example a SPAWN command with no command string is
      issued. This places you into the subprocess where you can issue
      DCL commands and perform other processing. When you are done
      with the subprocess and ready to return to PMDF QM, use the
      LOGOUT or EOJ command.
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