Change characteristics of one or more existing accounts.


      MODIFY  username[,...]

    Command Qualifiers             Defaults


1  –  Parameters


    Name of the account for which to make the modifications. Can
    contain wild card characters.

2  –  Description

    The MODIFY command changes one or more characteristics of an
    existing account. Characteristics not specified with qualifiers
    in the command are left unchanged.

    When the username parameter contains wild card characters, all
    matching accounts within the manager's management group and
    subgroups thereof will be modified. The /GROUP qualifier can
    be used to further constrain which accounts are modified.

3  –  Command Qualifiers

3.1    /CONFIRM


    Prompt for positive confirmation before carrying out the
    indicated operation. When wild cards are not used, /NOCONFIRM
    is the default. When wild cards are used, /CONFIRM is the default
    and a prompt is issued for each account to be operated upon.
    Moreover, when wild cards are used, /NOCONFIRM causes only a
    single prompt to be issued-it does not eliminate the prompt

3.2    /FLAGS


    Change the usage flags associated with the account. The
    recognized flags are as follows:

    DISMAIL        User is not allowed to receive new mail messages.
    DISUSER        User is not allowed to access their account.
    LOCKPWD        User is not allowed to change their password.
    MANAGE         User is allowed to manage popstore accounts.
    MIGRATED       Internal flag used by the PMDF migration
    PWD_           Password information is stored outside of the
    ELSEWHERE      popstore.
    NODISMAIL      User is allowed to receive new mail messages.
    NODISUSER      User is allowed to access their account.
    NOLOCKPWD      User is allowed to change their password.
    NOMANAGE       User is not allowed to manage popstore accounts.
    NOMIGRATED     Internal flag used by the PMDF migration
    NOPWD_         Password information is stored within the
    ELSEWHERE      popstore.

3.3    /GROUP


    Name of a management group to constrain the operation to. This
    qualifier can be used in conjunction with a username parameter
    containing wild card characters so as to further constrain the
    modify operation.

3.4    /GROUP_NAME


    Change the accounts to be in the specified management group. A
    manager can not change an account's management group to be a
    group outside of the manager's group.


    Clear the user's last connect time field.


    Clear the user's last disconnect time field.

3.7    /LOG


    When the operation is successful, output a status message stating
    that the operation succeeded. Note that error messages are always
    indicated. /NOLOG is the default behavior unless wild cards are
    used in which case /LOG is the default.



    Reduce the user's message count to the specified value, deleting
    stored messages if necessary. The act of deleting stored message
    will change the past block days field.



    Change the account's overdraft quota which is the amount of
    message storage by which the account can exceed its primary
    message storage quota. By default, this quantity is specified
    in units of kbytes; however, the SET STORAGE_UNITS command can be
    used to change the units used.

    The /NOOVERDRAFT qualifier is equivalent to specifying
    /OVERDRAFT=0 and indicates that the account has no overdraft

    The maximum value is 4 gigabytes minus 1. If the value specified
    exceeds the maximum, the value is set to zero (no overdraft

3.10    /OWNER


    Change the accounts ownership field. The length of the string
    can not exceed 40 bytes. The owner field is not used by the
    popstore itself; it is generally used by humans to associate
    account usernames with the actual owner of the account.

3.11    /PASSWORD


    Change the account's password. The length of the password can not
    exceed 32 bytes. Access by non-managers to the account requires
    knowledge of this password. For instance, to access the account
    from a POP3 client, the correct username and password associated
    with the account must be supplied.

    The /NOPASSWORD qualifier specifies that the account does not
    require a password to access it.

    Note that passwords are case sensitive. Note further that the
    command line reader will convert to lower case any string not
    enclosed in quotes. As such, a password containing upper case
    characters must be enclosed in quotes.



    Set the user's past block days field to the specified, integer
    value. Changing this value clears the past block days remainder

3.13    /PRIVATE


    Change the site-specific account data stored in the account
    profile file. The data string can not exceed a length of 64
    bytes. This data is not used by the popstore itself but can be
    used by site-developed procedures which access account profiles.

3.14    /PROMPT

       /PROMPT (default)

    By default if a wildcard is used, even if /NOCONFIRM is
    specified, one confirmation prompt is issued. If /NOPROMPT is
    specified, there is no prompting at all.



    If /PWDEXPIRED is specified, then the account is marked as
    pre-expired. This means that if password expiration is enabled
    through the PASSWORD_LIFETIME option, then the user must change
    their password immediately.

    If /NOPWDEXPIRED is specified, then the account is marked as
    not pre-expired. The time of last password change is set to the
    current time. If password expiration is enabled, then the user
    does not have to change the password until the PASSWORD_LIFETIME
    has run out.

    The default is to not change the pre-expired status of the

3.16    /QUOTA


    Change the account's message storage quota. The account can
    continue to receive new messages so long as the storage consumed
    by its currently stored messages does not exceed its message
    storage quota. See also /OVERDRAFT.

    A quota value of zero, as specified with /NOQUOTA or /QUOTA=0,
    conveys unlimited storage. That is, to grant an account unlimited
    storage set its quota to zero.

    A quota value of zero, conveys unlimited storage. That is, to
    grant an account unlimited storage set its quota to zero.

    By default, this quantity is specified in units of kbytes;
    however, the SET STORAGE_UNITS command can be used to change
    the units used.

    The maximum value is 4 gigabytes minus 1. If the value specified
    exceeds the maximum, the value is set to zero (unlimited quota).



    Set the cumulative count of received message bytes to the
    specified, integer value. By default, this quantity is specified
    in units of kbytes; however, the SET STORAGE_UNITS command can be
    used to change the units used. The maximum value is 4 gigabytes
    minus 1. If the value specified exceeds the maximum, the value is
    set to zero.



    Set the cumulative count of received messages to the specified,
    integer value.



    Set the user's total connect field to the specified, integer



    Set the user's count of total connections to the specified,
    integer value.

4  –  Examples

      In the following example, the quota and password fields are
      changed for the user JDOE:

        popstore> MODIFY JDOE/PASSWORD="TodaY"/QUOTA=20000
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