/BEFORE=dd-mmm-yyyy:hh:mm:ss By default, all messages are migrated. The /BEFORE qualifier can be used to only migrate those messages stored on or before the specified time. For instance, to migrate all messages received between 08:30 and 13:00 on 15 November 2012, specify /SINCE=15-NOV-2012:8:30:00 /BEFORE=15-NOV-2012:13:00:00
/DEBUG /NODEBUG (default) Debug output can be enabled with the /DEBUG qualifier.
/DESTINATION=store-type This required qualifier specifies the name of the target message store. The accepted names are MSGSTORE (PMDF MessageStore) and POPSTORE (PMDF popstore).
/DSTDMN=user-domain The name of the user domain to use in the destination message store. If not specified, then the DEFAULT domain is used. Only applicable in conjunction with destination message stores which support user domains (currently, only popstore).
/DSTUSERNAME=dest-username The username to use in the destination message store. If not specified, the source store username is used.
/EXCEPTION_FILE=file-spec By default, failures are only written to SYS$ERROR. Failures can also be reported to an exception file. The name of the exception file is given with the /EXCEPTION_FILE qualifier. The file will only be created should a failure occur; the file will have the protection mask (S:RWED,O:RWED,G,W). For each account whose migration fails, an entry will be made to the exception file. The entry takes the form of one or more lines of comments followed by a line containing the failed username and any optional password and destination username. The format of the exception file is such that it can be re-used as an input file.
/FORCE_MIGRATE /NOFORCE_MIGRATE (default) This qualifier can be used in conjunction with the /USE_EXISTING qualifier. See the description of that qualifier for further details.
/FORWARD (default) /NOFORWARD By default, a forwarding address for each migrated user account is established. This forwarding causes undelivered mail sent to the user's source message store address to be automatically forwarded to their account in the destination message store. When migrating an account from VMS MAIL, a forwarding for the VMS MAIL user is is placed both in the PMDF alias database and VMS MAIL's forwarding database. When migrating from the popstore or msgstore, a forwarding to the account in the destination store is added to the msgstore's forwarding database. When migrating to the popstore or msgstore, any msgstore forwarding for the destination account is removed from the msgstore's forwarding database. If the account is just being converted from popstore to msgstore (or vice-versa) in place, no forwarding is necessary. Specify /NOFORWARD to prevent forwardings from being established. Note, however, that when /NOFORWARD is used, undelivered mail directed to the user's old address in the source message store can be returned as undeliverable or delivered to the old, unused account until such time that the old account is deleted at which point the mail will be returned as undeliverable.
/HOST=hostname Optional qualifier to specify the host name associated with the destination message store. If omitted, the host name used will be determined from PMDF configuration information: the official local host name when the destination store is the native message store; the host name on the msgstore channel when the destination store is msgstore or popstore. This host name is only used in conjunction with the /FORWARD qualifier to construct a forwarding address for each migrated account.
/INPUT=file-spec Specify an input file containing names of user accounts to migrate. Can not be used in conjunction with the username command line parameter. See the description above for further information on input files.
11 /LOG
/LOG (default) /NOLOG By default, the utility reports each successfully migrated account to SYS$ERROR. To suppress this reporting, specify /NOLOG. Note that errors are always reported.
/LOWERCASE /NOLOWERCASE (default) This qualifier is only used when the source store is VMS MAIL and the destination store is MessageStore. By default, VMS MAIL folder names are not modified when they are migrated. This default behavior corresponds to /NOLOWERCASE. When /LOWERCASE is specified, all migrated folder names are converted to lower case.
/SINCE=dd-mmm-yyyy:hh:mm:ss By default, all messages are migrated. The /SINCE qualifier can be used to only migrate those messages stored on or after the specified time. See the description of the /BEFORE qualifier for further details.
/SOURCE=store-type By default, the source message store is assumed to be the native message store, VMS MAIL. The permitted values are NATIVE (VMS MAIL), POPSTORE (PMDF popstore), and MSGSTORE (PMDF MessageStore).
/SRCDMN=user-domain The name of the user domain to use in the source message store. If not specified, then the DEFAULT domain is used. Only applicable in conjunction with source message stores which support user domains (currently, only popstore).
/USE_EXISTING /NOUSE_EXISTING (default) By default, a migration to a popstore or msgstore account will fail when there already is a pre-existing account with the same name as the requested destination account name (by default, the name of the source store account being migrated). To override this behavior, specify /USE_EXISTING. However, if the pre- existing account has the msgstore/popstore MIGRATED flag set, the migration will fail unless /FORCE_MIGRATE is also specified. Note that when migrating to a pre-existing account, the password for the account is left unchanged and migrated messages are added to those already stored for the account.
/WASTEBASKET (default) /NOWASTEBASKET When migrating a VMS MAIL user to the MessageStore, the WASTEBASKET folder will, by default, also be migrated. Specify /NOWASTEBASKET to prevent the WASTEBASKET folder from being migrated.