Migrate mail files between message stores or between accounts.


      PMDF MOVEIN  [username [password]]

    Command Qualifiers             Default

    /DEBUG                         /NODEBUG
    /DSTUSERNAME=dest-username     source username
    /FORWARD                       /FORWARD
    /LOG                           /LOG
    /LOWERCASE                     /NOLOWERCASE
    /SOURCE=store-type             /SOURCE=NATIVE
    /USE_EXISTING                  /NOUSE_EXISTING
    /WASTEBASKET                   /WASTEBASKET


    Operating system privileges are required to run this utility.

2  –  Parameters


    Optional name of a single source message store user account to
    migrate. If not supplied, then the names of accounts to migrate
    are read from either an input file or SYS$INPUT.


    Optional password to set for the new account in the destination
    message store. Only used when migrating to the popstore or

3  –  Description

    The PMDF MOVEIN utility migrates mailboxes from one message
    store to another, or from one account to another. The supported
    message stores are: VMS MAIL (the "native" message store), the
    PMDF MessageStore, and the PMDF popstore. When moving from
    or to the popstore, only messages in the inbox are migrated.
    For migrations from VMS MAIL to msgstore, or from one msgstore
    account to another, messages in all folders are moved.

    Forwardings from the source message store account to the
    destination message store account are automatically established
    for each migrated user. Note, however, that use of the -
    NOFORWARDING switch can compromise this robustness.

    As it is not possible to temporarily block delivery of mail to
    a user by VMS MAIL, when migrating mail from a VMS MAIL account,
    the PMDF MOVEIN utility should not be run on an active system.
    Running it on an active system can lead to loss of mail when the
    migration utility migrates a user's NEWMAIL folder and, at the
    same time, VMS MAIL delivers a new message to that same folder.
    Depending upon the timing, that new message can be left behind
    and not migrated. To prevent this from happening, ensure that
    PMDF's local delivery channel is not running (e.g., stop the
    MAIL$BATCH queue or whatever queue the l channel runs in) and
    that any other VMS MAIL applications are not running (e.g., no
    login users using VMS MAIL, no Pathworks users, DECnet MAIL-11
    shutdown, etc.).

    When migrating mail from a popstore or msgstore account, and to
    a popstore or msgstore account, the PMDF MOVEIN utility performs
    all of the necessary locking so as to allow migrations to be
    carried out on an active system without loss of mail.

    The basic inputs to the utility are: the names of the source and
    destination message store; the names of the source store user
    accounts to migrate; optionally, the names of the destination
    store user accounts to create; and, also optionally, passwords
    to set for these new accounts. The source store username is
    assumed for the destination store if a desintation username is
    not specified. That is, by default, the name of the account in
    the destination store is the same as that in the source store.

    When a username is supplied on the command line, then just that
    one user account is migrated. To migrate multiple accounts,
    do not specify a username on the command line and instead use
    the /INPUT qualifier. Each line of the input file specifies
    the username of a single source store account to migrate. In
    addition, a line can specify a password to associate with the new
    account in the destination store, and the username to create in
    the destination store. The password and destination username, if
    supplied, must be on the same input line following the username
    with one or more white space characters separating each of the
    three. If the password contains a space itself, it must be
    enclosed in double quotes. To specify a destination username
    without specifying a password, the password must be specfied as
    an empty string (two double-quotes next to each other).

    Comment lines can appear in the input file: a comment line is any
    line which begins with a # or ! character. Leading and trailing
    white space characters on lines are ignored. The following sample
    input should give the flavor of input files:

    ! A comment line
    ! to supply a password and destination username:
    angel "alex's password" alex
    bailey blakes-password blake
    ! to supply a destination username, but no password:
    chris "" casey
    ! to supply a password but no destination username:
    dana danas-password
    ! to supply neither a password nor a destination username:

    When no username or input file is specified, input lines are read
    from SYS$INPUT. The format of those input lines is identical to
    that of lines read from an input file. Input is terminated by
    typing a CTRL/Z.

    When migrating to a msgstore or popstore account, the destination
    account is automatically created. If a password is supplied,
    then the password is set in the new account. If no password is
    supplied, then the new account is marked with the PWD_ELSEWHERE
    flag. Normally, that causes authentication to then be performed
    against the SYSUAF database. See the popstore documentation for
    further information. When migrating from VMS MAIL, the owner
    field in the new account is set using the owner field from the
    SYSUAF. When migrating between a popstore and msgstore account,
    the owner field of the destination account is set from the source

    If there already is an pre-existing MessageStore or popstore
    account-such as when migrating from the popstore to MessageStore-
    then the migration fails unless /USE_EXISTING is specified.
    Moreover, if the existing account has the MIGRATED flag set,
    then the migration fails unless /FORCE_MIGRATE is specified. When
    the account is successfully migrated, the MIGRATED flag is set in
    the account.


       After a successful migration, the account in the source
       message store is left intact with its mail in place. In
       the case of migration from a popstore to MesageStore store
       type with the same username (or vice-versa), the account is
       changed in place from the one store type to the other.

    The PMDF MOVEIN utility is extremely careful to back out of a
    failed migration, leaving the user account in the source message
    store in its original state. When multiple accounts are migrated,
    a failure to migrate an account does not terminate the utility.
    Instead, the utility backs out of the migration for the failed
    account and continues on to the next account. Failures are
    reported to SYS$ERROR. The /EXCEPTION_FILE qualifier can be used
    to log errors in an exception file. The format of the exception
    file is suitable for re-use as an input file.

4  –  Command Qualifiers

4.1    /BEFORE


    By default, all messages are migrated. The /BEFORE qualifier can
    be used to only migrate those messages stored on or before the
    specified time. For instance, to migrate all messages received
    between 08:30 and 13:00 on 15 November 2012, specify

    /SINCE=15-NOV-2012:8:30:00 /BEFORE=15-NOV-2012:13:00:00

4.2    /DEBUG

       /NODEBUG (default)

    Debug output can be enabled with the /DEBUG qualifier.



    This required qualifier specifies the name of the target message
    store. The accepted names are MSGSTORE (PMDF MessageStore) and
    POPSTORE (PMDF popstore).

4.4    /DSTDMN


    The name of the user domain to use in the destination message
    store. If not specified, then the DEFAULT domain is used. Only
    applicable in conjunction with destination message stores which
    support user domains (currently, only popstore).



    The username to use in the destination message store. If not
    specified, the source store username is used.



    By default, failures are only written to SYS$ERROR. Failures can
    also be reported to an exception file. The name of the exception
    file is given with the /EXCEPTION_FILE qualifier. The file will
    only be created should a failure occur; the file will have the
    protection mask (S:RWED,O:RWED,G,W). For each account whose
    migration fails, an entry will be made to the exception file. The
    entry takes the form of one or more lines of comments followed by
    a line containing the failed username and any optional password
    and destination username. The format of the exception file is
    such that it can be re-used as an input file.


       /NOFORCE_MIGRATE (default)

    This qualifier can be used in conjunction with the /USE_EXISTING
    qualifier. See the description of that qualifier for further

4.8    /FORWARD

       /FORWARD (default)

    By default, a forwarding address for each migrated user account
    is established. This forwarding causes undelivered mail sent
    to the user's source message store address to be automatically
    forwarded to their account in the destination message store.

    When migrating an account from VMS MAIL, a forwarding for the VMS
    MAIL user is is placed both in the PMDF alias database and VMS
    MAIL's forwarding database. When migrating from the popstore or
    msgstore, a forwarding to the account in the destination store is
    added to the msgstore's forwarding database.

    When migrating to the popstore or msgstore, any msgstore
    forwarding for the destination account is removed from the
    msgstore's forwarding database. If the account is just being
    converted from popstore to msgstore (or vice-versa) in place, no
    forwarding is necessary.

    Specify /NOFORWARD to prevent forwardings from being established.
    Note, however, that when /NOFORWARD is used, undelivered mail
    directed to the user's old address in the source message store
    can be returned as undeliverable or delivered to the old, unused
    account until such time that the old account is deleted at which
    point the mail will be returned as undeliverable.

4.9    /HOST


    Optional qualifier to specify the host name associated with the
    destination message store. If omitted, the host name used will
    be determined from PMDF configuration information: the official
    local host name when the destination store is the native message
    store; the host name on the msgstore channel when the destination
    store is msgstore or popstore. This host name is only used in
    conjunction with the /FORWARD qualifier to construct a forwarding
    address for each migrated account.

4.10    /INPUT


    Specify an input file containing names of user accounts to
    migrate. Can not be used in conjunction with the username command
    line parameter. See the description above for further information
    on input files.

4.11    /LOG

       /LOG (default)

    By default, the utility reports each successfully migrated
    account to SYS$ERROR. To suppress this reporting, specify /NOLOG.
    Note that errors are always reported.

4.12    /LOWERCASE

       /NOLOWERCASE (default)

    This qualifier is only used when the source store is VMS MAIL
    and the destination store is MessageStore. By default, VMS
    MAIL folder names are not modified when they are migrated. This
    default behavior corresponds to /NOLOWERCASE. When /LOWERCASE is
    specified, all migrated folder names are converted to lower case.

4.13    /SINCE


    By default, all messages are migrated. The /SINCE qualifier can
    be used to only migrate those messages stored on or after the
    specified time. See the description of the /BEFORE qualifier for
    further details.

4.14    /SOURCE


    By default, the source message store is assumed to be the
    native message store, VMS MAIL. The permitted values are

4.15    /SRCDMN


    The name of the user domain to use in the source message
    store. If not specified, then the DEFAULT domain is used. Only
    applicable in conjunction with source message stores which
    support user domains (currently, only popstore).


       /NOUSE_EXISTING (default)

    By default, a migration to a popstore or msgstore account will
    fail when there already is a pre-existing account with the same
    name as the requested destination account name (by default, the
    name of the source store account being migrated). To override
    this behavior, specify /USE_EXISTING. However, if the pre-
    existing account has the msgstore/popstore MIGRATED flag set,
    the migration will fail unless /FORCE_MIGRATE is also specified.
    Note that when migrating to a pre-existing account, the password
    for the account is left unchanged and migrated messages are added
    to those already stored for the account.


       /WASTEBASKET (default)

    When migrating a VMS MAIL user to the MessageStore, the
    WASTEBASKET folder will, by default, also be migrated. Specify
    /NOWASTEBASKET to prevent the WASTEBASKET folder from being

5  –  Examples

      movein: Destination message store host name not supplied; using
      movein: User "SUE" successfully migrated (D1:[USERS.SUE]MAIL.MAI)

      This example shows migrating to the popstore the login user
      SUE. The password on the new popstore account is set to SECRET.

      movein: Destination message store host name not supplied; using
      movein: User "SUE" successfully migrated

      This example shows migrating the popstore user SUE to the
      MessageStore. The /USE_EXISTING qualifier instructs the
      utility to use Sue's existing profile file for her MessageStore
      account. This way, her password and other usage information is
      preserved. Note that if /USE_EXISTING was not specified, this
      command would fail.


      smith SeCreT jones
      williams "" johnson
      movein: Destination message store host name not supplied; using
      movein: "smith" migrated
      movein: "williams" migrated

      In the above example an input file is used to direct the PMDF
      MOVEIN utility. The file instructs MOVEIN to copy the messages
      from one msgstore account to another. For example, in the first
      case, a JONES msgstore account is created, its password is
      set to "SeCreT", and all of the messages in the msgstore SMITH
      account are copied over.
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