DB is a utility with which to create and manipulate an alias
    database. Alias databases can either be a personal alias database
    (pointed at by the logical PMDF_PERSONAL_ALIAS_DATABASE) or a
    system alias database. As the format of PMDF alias database is
    used for other PMDF databases (e.g., PMDF_DOMAIN_DATABASE), DB
    can also be used to manipulate non-alias databases.

    DB is invoked by the command

    $ PMDF DB

    and can be exited by either typing Control-Z or issuing the quit-
    program command.

1  –  Aliases

    Aliases have multiple uses with e-mail. Individual users
    typically use aliases as abbreviations. For instance, rather
    than remember John Doe's full e-mail address, an alias JD can
    be created so that mail sent to the address JD is properly sent
    using John Doe's full address (e.g., JD573@VAXC.EXAMPLE.COM).
    System managers often use aliases in order to create valid mail
    addresses for non-existent users. For instance, an alias named
    Postmaster might be created and equated with the username SYSTEM
    so that incoming network mail for the user Postmaster is routed
    to the SYSTEM account. These are just two examples of the many
    practical uses of aliases.

    The process of interpreting an alias is called "alias expansion".
    In the two examples above, the aliases JD and Postmaster expand,
    respectively, to JD573@VAXC.EXAMPLE.COM and SYSTEM.

    In this documentation, the expansion of an alias is represented
    with the following notation
             alias-name - >  alias-value

    For example, John - >  JD573@VAXC.EXAMPLE.COM.

    PMDF alias names are "case insensitive". This means that the
    alias names jd, JD, jD, and Jd are all considered to be identical
    by PMDF; the case (upper versus lower case) of the individual
    characters in an alias name is irrelevant to PMDF. However, PMDF
    does preserve the case of alias values.

    PMDF aliases can expand to:

    -  an address: JD - >  JD573@VAXC.EXAMPLE.COM,

    -  a list of addresses: STAFF - >

    -  other aliases: JD - >  JOHND - > JD573@VAXC.EXAMPLE.COM,

    -  a list of aliases: COMPANY - >  STAFF,ADMIN,FACULTY, or

    -  a mixture of addresses and aliases: LIST - >

    Note that in the above example, it is not clear whether or not
    the expanded value of an alias is another alias or not; i.e.,
    in "JD - >  JOHND", JOHND could have been either an alias or
    a legitimate username. PMDF always starts by assuming that an
    address without any domain part (e.g., @EXAMPLE.COM) is an alias
    and attempts to expand it. When expanding an alias, PMDF first
    tries to look up the alias in the user's personal alias database
    and, if the alias is not found there, then PMDF consults system-
    level alias sources. After expanding an alias once, PMDF then
    tries to expand the result (or results in the case of a list).
    This expansion process is repeated until no more expansions are
    possible at which point the results are all assumed to be real
    mail addresses and not aliases.

    By default, alias names can be from 1 to 80 characters long and
    their expansion values 0 to 252 characters. This corresponds
    to a "long" alias database file which is the type of file DB
    normally creates. When a "huge" alias database file is used, the
    maximum lengths of the alias names and their expansion values
    are, respectively, 80 and 1024 characters. When a "short" alias
    database file is used, the maximum lengths of the alias names and
    their expansion values are, respectively, 32 and 80 characters.
    Note that by default the system alias database created with the
    CRDB utility is a short alias database.

    When specifying mail addresses within VMS MAIL or DECwindows
    MAIL, PMDF aliases must be specified using the format IN%alias-
    name. For example, mail addressed as follows

    To:   IN%JD

    would use PMDF's alias for JD, if any exists. From PMDF MAIL, you
    can simply use JD rather than IN%JD.

    System managers can find it useful to establish forwarding for
    commonly used system wide aliases. For example,


    with Postmaster a PMDF alias (in the system alias database) which
    points to the user or users who should receive mail intended for
    the system's postmaster. When this type of forwarding has been
    set up, users can then just send mail to the (fictitious) user


    and PMDF will route it to the proper individuals.

2  –  Public Aliases

    If you want, other users can use aliases which you establish.
    This is particularly useful when you want to set up a mailing
    list which you want other people to post messages to. (See the
    Mailing lists topic for details on settingup a mailing list.) You
    allow other people to use specific aliases of yours by declaring
    those aliases to be public. This is done with the "attributes"
    parameter of the "set" command described in Set.

    For example, let us assume that the user has
    already created an alias named PIZZA-ORDER. Then, to declare
    PIZZA-ORDER to be a public alias, Sue would use the command

    db> set pizza-order public

    Other users can then use this alias by sending mail to sue+pizza-

3  –  Mailing Lists

    With PMDF DB you can create and maintain your own mailing lists.
    A mailing list is merely a collection of e-mail addresses with
    which you associate an alias. Or, looked at a little differently,
    a mailing list is an alias which expands to a list of e-mail
    addresses. When you address a mail message to the alias, it
    actually goes to all of the addressees listed in the mailing
    list. The act of sending a mail message to a mailing list is
    referred to as "posting".

    A mailing list is created in three steps:

    1. Create a text file containing the list of e-mail addresses
       associated with the mailing list. Each address should be on a
       separate line in the file. The file itself is referred to as a
       "mailing list file"; the addresses in the file are the mailing
       list's membership.

    2. Set the protection of the mailing list file so that it is
       world readable

       $ SET PROTECTION=(W:R) filename

       Here, FILENAME is the name of the mailing list file created in
       Step 1.

    3. Choose an alias name, ALIAS-NAME , to associate with the
       mailing list. Then, in PMDF DB, issue the commands

       db> add alias-name "<filename"
       db> set alias-name public

       FILENAME should include a full path specification including
       the disk and directory name.

    After these steps have been taken, the mailing list is set up and
    ready to use.

    For example, suppose the user wants to set up a
    mailing list named sample-list. The members of the mailing list
    will be,,,
    and Sue first creates the mailing list file
    D1:[SUE]SAMPLE.DIS which contains the four lines

    She then makes sure the distribution file is world readable by
    explicitly setting its protection with the DCL SET PROTECTION


    Finally, Sue establishes the public alias FOO-LIST as follows:

    $ PMDF DB
    db> add foo-list "<d1:[sue]sample.dis"
    db> set foo-list public
    db> show foo-list attributes
    Key          Value
    -----------  -----------------------------
    foo-list     <d1:[sue]sample.dis
    Attributes:  public,no-expand,block-receipts,mail-address
    [1 entries shown]

    By declaring the list to be public, Sue is allowing other
    people to post messages to this mailing list. They should do
    so by addressing their messages to
    Messages so addressed will then be received by the members of the
    list as specified by the contents of the file D1:[SUE]SAMPLE.DIS.

    At any time you can add or remove members from the mailing list.
    You do so by simply editing the mailing list file removing or
    adding addresses from or to it.

    As another example, mailing lists defined in LDAP can also be
    used, for example:

    db> add ldap_all_users <"""ldap:///dc=example,dc=edu?mail?sub?(cn=*)"""

    Note the three double-quotes around the LDAP URL. This is

4  –  Advanced Mailing Lists

    PMDF DB allows you to control who can or cannot post to mailing
    lists as well as associate error return, reply to, and other
    special addresses with mailing lists. To use these features,
    an extended alias specification must be used when declaring the
    alias for the mailing list:

 db> add alias-name "<filename, named-parameters, error-return-address,
        reply-to-address, errors-to-address, warnings-to-address, comments"

    These items are described in the subtopics "Named parameters" and
    "Positional parameters".

    The two positional parameters ERROR-RETURN-ADDRESS and REPLY-
    TO-ADDRESS are two particularly useful items. You are strongly
    encouraged to use the ERROR-RETURN-ADDRESS parameter so as to
    control where error messages concerning postings to your list are
    directed. You can use the REPLY-TO-ADDRESS parameter to make the
    preferred reply address the list address (or some other address).

4.1  –  Named Parameters

    Named-parameters are used to associate options with a mailing
    list. There can be zero or more of named parameters, each
    separated by commas, and they must appear before any positional
    parameters. The general syntax of a named-parameter is:

    [name] value

    Here NAME is the name of the parameter and VALUE is its
    corresponding value. The square brackets are a mandatory part
    of the syntax: they do not indicate an optional field.

    The available named parameters are:


    AUTH_LIST is used to specify a list of addresses that are allowed
    to post to the mailing list. The VALUE item must be the full file
    path specification for a world readable file containing the list
    of addresses allowed to post to the list. When someone attempts
    to post a message to the mailing list, PMDF will attempt to match
    their address against the addresses in the list; if no match
    occurs, the attempted posting will be sent to the owner of the

    CANT_LIST has the opposite effect as AUTH_LIST: it supplies the
    full file path specification of a world readable file containing
    a list of addresses which cannot post to the list.

    One common use of this facility is to restrict a list so that
    only list members can post. This can be done by specifying the
    same file as both the mailing list file and the AUTH_LIST file.
    For example, assuming that the mailing list is named foo-list and
    the associated file is D1:[SUE]SAMPLE.DIS, the alias declaration
    would be

 db> add foo-list "<d1:[sue]sample.dis, [auth_list] d1:[sue]sample.dis"


    The BLOCKLIMIT and LINELIMIT parameters can be used to limit
    the size of messages that can be posted to the list. The VALUE
    item must be an integer number of PMDF blocks, for [BLOCKLIMIT],
    or an integer number of lines, for [LINELIMIT]. The size of a
    PMDF block is normally 1024 bytes. The default value for these
    parameters is 0, meaning that no limit is imposed on the size of
    message that can be posted to the list (apart, that is, from any
    system wide limits).


    The DELAY_NOTIFICATIONS named parameter requests that NOTARY
    delay notifications be sent for mailing list postings; the
    NODELAY_NOTIFICATIONS named parameter requests that NOTARY delay
    notifications not be sent for mailing list postings. The VALUE
    specification is currently ignored and should always be NONE.


    HEADER_ADDITION can be used to specify a file of headers to
    be added to posted messages. The argument must be a full file
    specification for the file containing headers to be added.

    In particular this facility can be used to add the standard
    mailing list headers defined in RFC 2369. For instance, a
    user that has set up a public list named
    listname might use a header addition file along the lines of
    the following:

 List-Help: <>
 List-Subscribe: <>
 List-Unsubscribe: <>
 List-Post: <>
 List-Owner: <>
 List-Archive: <>


    parameters are used to generate respective headers on messages
    posted to the list; the VALUE specification is inserted on the
    respective header line.


    The MODERATOR_ named parameters are used to establish a moderated
    mailing list. All postings to the list not originating from a
    moderator are sent to the list's moderator. The address of the
    moderator must be specified with the MODERATOR_ADDRESS named
    parameter. The moderator address determines where moderator mail
    is sent when someone other than the moderator posts. The value of
    that named parameter is the moderator's address. For example,

 db> add test-list "<d1:[bob]test.dis, [MODERATOR_ADDRESS]"

    When there can be multiple moderator addresses (for instance,
    both and use MODERATOR_
    LIST to specify all addresses from which postings should be
    passed directly to the list and not sent to the list's moderator.
    MODERATOR_LIST specifies the name of a file containing a list of
    moderator addresses.

    If a MODERATOR_LIST parameter is used, thereby specifying who
    can post directly to the list, then a MODERATOR_ADDRESS parameter
    should also be present to specify the address to which to send
    postings not from any moderator.

    The use of the MODERATOR_ADDRESS parameter alone, without the
    MODERATOR_LIST parameter, is equivalent to using MODERATOR_
    ADDRESS and a MODERATOR_LIST consisting of just the one moderator

    Note that one use of MODERATOR_ADDRESS and MODERATOR_LIST is to
    set up a list wherein anyone on the list can post directly, but
    attempts to post by addresses not subscribed to the list will be
    referred to a moderator. For instance,

 db> add mem-list "<d1:[bob]mem-list.dis,
 [MODERATOR_LIST] d1:[bob]mem-list.dis"


    The SEQUENCE_PREFIX and SEQUENCE_SUFFIX named parameters request
    that a sequence number be prepended or appended to the Subject:
    lines of messages posted to the list. The VALUE item gives the
    full file path specification of a sequence number file. This file
    is read, incremented, and updated each time a message is posted
    to the list. The number read from the file is prepended, in the
    case of SEQUENCE_PREFIX, or appended, in the case of SEQUENCE_
    SUFFIX, to the message's Subject: header line. This mechanism
    provides a way of uniquely sequencing each message posted to
    a list so that recipients can more easily track postings and
    determine whether or not they have missed any.

    By default, a response to a previously posted message (with a
    previous sequence number) retains the previous sequence number
    as well as adding a new sequence number to the subject line; the
    build up of sequence numbers shows the entire "thread" of the
    message in question. However, the SEQUENCE_STRIP named parameter
    can be used to request that only the highest numbered, i.e.,
    most recent, sequence number be retained on the subject line. The
    VALUE item is currently ignored and should always be NONE.

                              IMPORTANT NOTE

       To ensure that sequence numbers are only incremented for
       successful postings, a SEQUENCE_PREFIX or SEQUENCE_SUFFIX
       named parameter should always appear as the last named
       parameter; that is, if other named parameters are also being
       used, the SEQUENCE_ named parameter should appear at the end
       of the list of named parameters.

    Sequence number files are binary files and must have the proper
    file attributes and access permissions in order to function
    correctly. In particular, sequence number files must be writeable
    from the perspective of the PMDF user account. A PMDF user
    account must exist for sequence number files in personal alias
    databases to work properly. If your system administrators have
    not created a PMDF user account, then you will not be able to use
    this sequence numbering facility.

    To create the file SEQ-FILE-SPEC with the proper attributes and
    access permissions for use as a sequence number file, issue the

    $ CREATE/FDL=PMDF_COM:sequence_number.fdl seq-file-spec


    The TAG named parameter can be used to prefix specified text to
    the Subject: header of posted messages. The VALUE item should be
    the string to be added.


    The USERNAME named parameter can be used to set the "username"
    that PMDF will consider to "own" these mailing list messages.
    For instance, the PMDF QM utility will allow that username to
    inspect and bounce messages in the queue resulting from expansion
    of this mailing list. The VALUE item should be the username of
    the account to "own" the mailing list postings. Note that the
    username specified will be forced to uppercase.

4.2  –  Positional Parameters

    With one exception, the positional parameters in a mailing list
    specification provide alternate addresses to which certain sorts
    of list related activity should be directed (e.g., an address
    to which errors should be sent to rather than back to the list

    The positional parameters are so named for a reason: their
    position in the comma separated list distinguishes which
    parameter is being specified. When more than one parameter
    (positional or otherwise) is specified, they must be separated
    by commas. If you want to specify a positional parameter but
    omit some which come first, then specify asterisks, *, for the
    positional parameters which you want to omit. For example,

 db> add foo-list "<d1:[sue]sample.dis, *, *,"

    Finally, to make the use of a positional parameter conditional,
    end the parameter value with an asterisk. In this case the
    value associated with the parameter will only be used if the
    corresponding message header line is not present in the message
    being posted to the list. (The asterisk will not appear in the
    message header should the parameter take effect.)

    Without further ado, the positional parameters are:


    ERROR-RETURN-ADDRESS specifies an address to replace the
    message's regular envelope From: address as well as an address
    to be inserted into the header as an Errors-to: address. This
    header line is not generated if this address is not specified.


    The REPLY-TO-ADDRESS parameter specifies an address to be used as
    a Reply-to: address.


    The ERRORS-TO-ADDRESS parameter specifies an address to be placed
    on the Errors-to: header, if this address should be different
    from the ERROR-RETURN-ADDRESS that is used as the envelope From:


    The WARNINGS-TO-ADDRESS parameter specifies an address to be
    placed on the Warnings-to: header line. This header line is not
    generated if this address is not specified.


    The COMMENTS parameter specifies a string to be placed in a
    Comments: header line. This header line will add to any Comments:
    header lines already present in the message being posted to the

4.3  –  Examples

    In this example, the user sets up a mailing
    list named sample-list. The mailing list file is the file
    D1:[SUE]SAMPLE.DIS and its contents are shown in below. The
    commands used to set up the list are also shown below. Mail is
    posted to the list by sending messages to the address sue+sample-

    The use of the AUTH_LIST named parameter in the alias declaration
    restricts the list such that only members of the list can post
    to it. Two positional parameters, ERRORS-TO-ADDRESS and COMMENTS,
    are also specified. The ERRORS-TO-ADDRESS parameter specifies
    that error messages associated with the list should be sent to; the COMMENTS parameter generates a Comments:
    header line reading "Sue's sample list". which will appear in
    each posting to the list.

 Example 2  Sample Mailing list: the Mailing List File

 Example 3  Sample Mailing List: Declaring the Alias

 db> add sample-list "<d1:[sue]sample.dis,[auth_list]d1:[sue]sample.dis,
    ,*,*,*,Sue's sample list"
 db> set foo-list public
 db> exit

4.4  –  Length Restriction on List Definitions

    Keep in mind the length limit of alias expansion values of 252
    characters when defining a more sophisticated mailing list with
    multiple parameters. Most lists can be suitably defined with just
    a few of the possible mailing list parameters discussed above.
    But if you have a list for which you really want to use a lot of
    parameters, then you might need to define the list in stages.

    For instance, to define a list friends-list that has MODERATOR_
    named parameters, as well as error-return-address and comments
    positional parameters, the list can be defined in two stages,
    using a subsidiary friends-list-stage2 definition, e.g.,

 db> add friends-list "<d1:[alan]friends-list-stage2.dis,
 [MODERATOR_ADDRESS], [MODERATOR_LIST] d1:[alan]friends-list.dis,
 [CANT_LIST] d1:[alan]bozos.dis, [USERNAME] ALAN"
 db> add friends-list-stage2 "<d1:[alan]friends-list.dis,
 [IMPORTANCE] High,, *, *, *, A chatty message list for Alan's
 friends - contact Alan at 555-1212 for more information"
 db> set friends-list public

    where the D1:[ALAN]FRIENDS-LIST-STAGE2.DIS file contains just the


    and the D1:[ALAN]FRIENDS-LIST.DIS contains all the actual
    recipient addresses.

5  –  Subaddresses

    If you enter a subaddress into your personal alias database as
    a public alias, then you can have mail sent to you with that
    subaddress automatically forwarded. For example, suppose that
    your address is and mail to you from the STAFF
    mailing list arrives addressed to If
    you create a public alias for staff then mail to the address will be forwarded to the address associated
    with the alias. For instance, the commands

    db> add staff
    db> set staff public

    cause mail sent to to be forwarded to

6  –  Operation of DB

    DB prompts for input with a "db>" prompt. Typing a control-z at
    any point while entering a command will cause DB to immediately
    stop execution. The quit-program command will also cause DB to
    stop execution.

    The rest of the command line after the "PMDF DB" will be scanned
    for DB commands separated by backslashes, \; i.e.,

    $ PMDF DB command1\command2...

    Each command specified will be executed from left to right as the
    command line is scanned. Placing commands on the invocation line
    is optional; if any are specified DB will terminate after the
    last one has been executed. If no commands appear DB will operate
    by prompting the user for commands.

    When first invoked, DB will open your personal alias database
    file which is pointed at by the logical PMDF_PERSONAL_ALIAS_
    DATABASE. PMDF establishes this logical at system startup as a
    system-wide logical equated with SYS$LOGIN:ALIASES.DAT. Users
    wanting to store their alias files elsewhere must redefine this
    logical for their process. Note, however, that relocation of this
    file will interfere with the proper operation of PMDF's public
    alias features.

    While entering DB commands to the "db>" prompt, the following
    command interaction features are available:

    o  Command abbreviation: commands can be abbreviated to their
       simplest, unambiguous form.

    o  Command completion: use the <TAB> key to automatically
       complete a command. If the command is ambiguous, it will be
       completed to the fullest extent possible.

    o  Command querying: at any point while entering a command, a
       question mark, ?, can be entered to obtain immediate help on
       what to do next or what options are available.

    o  Input files: command files can be input and executed by using
       the command <INFILE with INFILE the name of the file to input.
       When two angle brackets are used, <<INFILE, the commands read
       from the input file will not be echoed as they are executed.

    o  Logging: your session can be logged to an output file by using
       the command >OUTFILE with OUTFILE the name of the log file.
       All commands you enter and information printed by DB will be
       written to the log file. To log only the commands you type,
       use the command >>OUTFILE.

    o  DCL commands: typing a single dollar sign, $, will create and
       attach you to a spawned subprocess. To issue a DCL command
       from within DB, use the command $ DCL-COMMAND with DCL-COMMAND
       the DCL command you want to execute.

7  –  Commands

    The following sections provide full descriptions of all DB
    commands. The syntax of the add and modify commands differs
    between DB's default mode of operation and the FAX mode invoked
    with the fax-mode command. The FAX mode versions of these
    commands are described under the fax-mode command description.

7.1  –  Add

    Syntax: add alias-name alias-value [attributes[,...]]

    With the add command an alias and its expansion value can be
    added to the database currently opened. If the alias expansion
    value contains any spaces, commas, or upper case characters
    which should not be converted to lower case, then the expansion
    value must be enclosed in double quotes. Any double quotes in
    the expansion value must be "doubled" (i.e., entered as two
    consecutive double quotes). Examples of these two cases are:

 db> add JOHN-FAX """/FN=x8645/AT=Jo Doe/"""
 db> add LDAP-ALL <"""ldap:///dc=example,dc=edu?mail?sub?(cn=*)"""

    The first add command establishes the alias


    This alias required quoting since it included commas. The second
    add command establishes the alias

       JOHN-FAX - >  "/FN=x8645/AT=John Doe/"

    and was enclosed in double quotes because of the space in it, and
    the need to not convert John Doe's name to "john doe". Also,
    the double quotes present in the alias expansion value were
    doubled; that is, each double quote, ", was specified as two
    double quotes, "".

    The third add command establishes the alias

       LDAP-ALL - >  <"ldap:///dc=example,dc=edu?mail?sub?(cn=*)"

    Which means that PMDF will expand the alias into a mailing list
    by performing an LDAP query using the LDAP URL specified.

    As another example, consider entering the alias JD with the
    simple expansion value JD573@VAXC.EXAMPLE.COM:

    db> add JD JD573@VAXC.EXAMPLE.COM
    [Entry added to database]
    db> show JD
    Key         Value
    ----------  -----------------------------
    [1 entry shown]

    Note that the alias name along with its translation value was
    converted to lower case. DB will always translate the name of
    an alias to lower case; PMDF does not do case sensitive alias
    matching. To prevent the alias translation value from being
    converted to lower case, enclose it in double quotes; e.g.,

    db> modify JD "JD573@VAXC.EXAMPLE.COM"
    [1 entry modified]
    db> show JD
    Key         Value
    ----------  -----------------------------
    jd          JD573@VAXC.EXAMPLE.COM
    [1 entry shown]

    The optional attributes parameter of the add command can be one
    or more comma separated keywords selected from the list:


    Treat this alias as a mail address; i.e., set the mail address
    attribute flag for this alias. Default when in either normal or
    FAX mode. Not set when an "override on" command has been issued.


    Do not treat this alias as a mail address; i.e., clear the mail
    address attribute flag for this alias.


    Treat this alias as a FAX address; i.e., set the FAX address
    attribute flag for this alias. Default when in FAX mode. Not set
    when an "override on" command has been issued.


    Do not treat this alias as a FAX address; i.e., clear the FAX
    address attribute flag for this alias.


    Mark this alias as being publicly accessible. Other users can
    reference this alias by sending mail to an address of the form
    USER+ALIAS@LOCAL-HOST. When this alias is used in outgoing mail
    and is not expanded into component addresses, it will appear
    in the message in the form USER+ALIAS@LOCAL-HOST. Public is the
    opposite of the private attribute described below.


    Mark this alias as being private. Other users will not be able
    to use this alias. If this alias appears in outgoing mail (and
    is not expanded into its component addresses) it will appear as
    an unexpanded RFC 822 group address: ALIAS: ;. Private is the
    opposite of the public attribute described above.


    This attribute forces the expansion of the alias into its
    component addresses. All of the component addresses will be
    listed in the message header as the alias expands.


    This attribute inhibits the expansion of the alias into its
    component addresses. The alias itself will appear in the header
    in some form; see the description of the public and private
    attributes above for details on the forms the alias can take.


    This attribute enables the passage of requests for delivery and
    read receipts through to all recipients as the alias is expanded.
    Note that allowing the passage of such a request to a large
    distribution list can result in a lot of return mail.


    This attribute disables the passage of requests for delivery
    and read receipts through to all recipients as the alias is
    expanded. Requests for such receipts are honored at the time
    the alias expands; in effect the alias is treated as the message

    When an alias is entered with the add command at the "db>"
    prompt, the alias will automatically be given the mail address
    attribute unless an "override on" command has been previously
    issued or the non-mail-address keyword is specified with the add

7.2  –  Close

    Syntax: close

    The close command closes the currently open alias database.
    Use the open command to open a different database. DB will
    automatically close any open database when the exit-program or
    quit-program commands are issued.

7.3  –  Copy

    Syntax: copy from-alias-name to-alias-name

    The copy command creates a new alias with the name to-alias-name
    and associates to it the expansion value of the alias with the
    name from-alias-name. A subsequent change to the "from" alias
    will not affect the "to" alias. Any attributes associated with
    the "from" alias will be copied to the "to" alias regardless
    of whether or not an "override on" command has been issued

    db> add Postmaster ""
    [Entry added to database]
    db> copy Postmaster Postmast
    [1 entry copied]
    db> show Post*
    Key         Value
    ----------  -----------------------------
    [2 entries shown]

7.4  –  Exit-Program

    Syntax: exit-program

    The exit-program and quit-program commands are identical and each
    causes DB to close any open database and then exit. Note that
    in FAX mode there is no exit-program command, only an exit-mode
    command. To immediately exit DB from FAX mode, use the quit-
    program command.

7.5  –  Fax-Mode

    Syntax: fax-mode

    The fax-mode command puts you into FAX mode - a mode which
    attempts to simplify the creation and modification of aliases
    whose expansion values are FAX addresses. In this mode, the DB
    command prompt changes to "db.fax>". To exit this mode use the
    command exit-mode. (From this mode there is no exit-program
    prompt; to immediately exit FAX mode, use the quit-program

    When in FAX mode, aliases created with the add command are given
    the attributes mail-address and fax-address. Only addresses with
    both of these attributes can be manipulated with the add, copy,
    modify, rename, remove, set, and show commands while in FAX mode.
    Note, however, that if the "override on" command has been issued,
    then all attribute checking is bypassed and no attributes will be
    assigned to aliases created with the add command.

    In FAX mode, the add and modify commands have a different syntax
    then their counterparts in the normal DB mode. (Recall, you can
    always tell which mode you're in by the DB prompt: in normal mode
    the prompt is "db>"; in FAX mode the prompt is "db.fax>".)

7.5.1  –  Add (FAX Mode)

    Syntax: add alias-name fax-number number domain domain-name
          [[item value]...]

    To add an alias in FAX mode, the alias name, FAX telephone
    number, and domain name (e.g., must all
    be supplied. If the FAX telephone number contains any spaces or
    commas, then it must be enclosed in double quotes.

    Additional items of information can be specified. Note that when
    specifying a value for an item, the value must be enclosed in
    double quotes if it contains any spaces, commas, or characters
    you don't want converted to lower case. Furthermore, any double
    quotes appearing in the value must be changed to two consecutive
    double quotes. The names of the additional items and their
    meanings are:


    The recipient's address can be displayed in one to five lines
    on the FAX cover page. These items are used to specify each
    individual line of the address. If no address lines are
    specified, then no address lines will be displayed on the FAX
    cover page. If intermediate address lines are omitted (e.g.,
    lines 1 and 3 specified, line 2 omitted), then blank address
    lines will be displayed in place of the omitted lines.


    Your site might require you to specify an authorization or
    access code in order to send FAXes. You can specify any required
    authorization or access codes with this item.


    The telephone number which the transmitting FAX modem should use
    when identifying itself to the receiving FAX device. While the
    receiving FAX device might print this number across the top or
    bottom of received pages, it is not placed on the FAX by PMDF-
    FAX (the sending FAX modem). To control the FAX number which is
    displayed on the cover page as your FAX telephone number, use the
    "my-fax-number" item.


    The FAX telephone number to display on the FAX cover page.


    The name of your organization, group, or department to display
    across the top of each transmitted FAX page.


    The recipient's telephone number to be printed on the FAX
    cover page. If not specified, then no telephone number will be

    For example, to specify a FAX address for John Doe at Example
    Company, Inc., the following command can be issued while in FAX

 db.fax> add john-fax fax-number "(714) 555-1212" domain
             "" recipient "John Doe" 1-address
             "Example" telephone "(714) 555-1212"
 db.fax> show john-fax
 Alias name: john-fax
 Recipient's FAX number:       (714) 555-1212
 Recipient's name:             John Doe
 Address line 1:               Example
 Recipient's telephone number: (714) 555-1212
 Domain specification:
 [1 entry shown]

    Note that all of the values entered were enclosed in double
    quotes. This is often the safest policy as it avoids having to
    worry about spaces or other characters which can appear in the
    values to be specified and it prevents values entered from being
    converted to lower case.


    The name of the recipient as it will appear on the cover page
    of the FAX message. Be sure to enclose the recipient's name in
    double quotes so as to not have it converted to lower case. If
    not specified, then no recipient's name will be displayed on the
    FAX cover page.


    Do not send the FAX until after the specified date and time. The
    date and time must be given using the standard OpenVMS date-time
    specification format. For example, the date-time specification
    "3-FEB-2012 22:35:00" requests that the FAX not be transmitted
    until after 22:35 (10:35 PM) on February 3, 2012.


    A PostScript file to first process before processing your
    message. The filename must specify a full path to the file and
    the file must be world readable. Text library modules can also be
    specified using the format file-spec(module-name); e.g.,


    where the text library is the file D1:[INIT]PSLIB.TLB and the
    module name is LETTERHEAD.

7.5.2  –  Modify (FAX Mode)

    Syntax: modify alias-name [[item value]...]

    With the modify command, various items associated with a FAX
    address can be altered or removed, and new items can be added
    to the FAX address. To alter or add an item simply specify the
    item name and new value. To delete an item, simply give the item
    name without any associated value. The domain-name and fax-number
    items, described below, cannot be deleted.

    In addition to the items which can be specified with the add
    command, two additional items can be specified. These items are:


    The FAX number to send the FAX message to.


    The domain name associated with the FAX address.

    Continuing with the example of the previous subsection, we can
    use the modify command to delete the use of the 1-address line
    and to change the recipient's telephone phone number:

    db.fax> modify john-fax 1-address
    [1 entry modified]
    db.fax> modify john-fax telephone-number "(714) 555-1212"
    [1 entry modified]
    db.fax> show john-fax
    Alias name: john-fax
    Recipient's FAX number:       (714) 555-1212
    Recipient's name:             John Doe
    Recipient's telephone number: (714) 555-1212
    Domain specification:
    [1 entry shown]

7.6  –  Modify

    Syntax: modify alias-name new-alias-value

    The modify command is used to replace the expansion value of an
    alias with a new expansion value.

    db> add postmaster ""
    [Entry added to database]
    db> show postmaster
    Key         Value
    ----------  -----------------------------
    [1 entry shown]
    db> modify postmaster "JOHN@example.COM"
    db> show postmaster
    Key         Value
    ----------  -----------------------------
    postmaster  JOHN@example.COM
    [1 entry shown]

    Wild cards can be used when specifying the alias name in order to
    modify one or more aliases simultaneously.

7.7  –  Open

    Syntax: open database-name [huge|long|short]

    The OPEN command opens an alias database after first closing
    any currently opened database. If the database to be opened
    already exists, then DB will automatically determine whether
    or not the database is a "huge" (stores 80/1024 character long
    alias names/values), or "long" (stores 80/132 character long
    alias names/values) or "short" (stores 32/80 character long alias
    names/values). If the database does not already exist, then it
    will be created. If the SHORT, LONG, or HUGE keyword is specified
    after the database file name, then the database created will be
    of that type. If no keyword is specified, the created database
    will be a long database.

    When DB is first invoked, the personal alias database pointed
    at by the logical PMDF_PERSONAL_ALIAS_DATABASE is automatically
    opened. If it doesn't exist, a long database is automatically
    created. Note that because of this, if you want a huge or short
    database instead of a long one, you must create a database file
    of the desired size either (e.g. for a huge database) using "pmdf
    crdb/huge", or by using the DB "open other-file huge" command
    then renaming other-file to the PMDF_PERSONAL_ALIAS_DATABASE

7.8  –  Override

    Syntax: override on|off

    The override command is useful when looking at or modifying
    databases other than an alias database. Ordinarily the database
    manipulation commands, add, copy, modify, rename, remove, set,
    and show will only operate on aliases with the mail-address
    attribute. When the command "override on" has been issued, these
    commands can be used to manipulate any entry in the database
    regardless of its attributes (or lack thereof).

    The "override off" command negates the "override on" command.

7.9  –  Quit-Program

    Syntax: quit-program

    The exit-program and quit-program commands are identical and each
    causes DB to close any open database and then exit. Note that
    in FAX mode there is no exit-program command, only an exit-mode
    command. To immediately exit DB from FAX mode, use the quit-
    program command.

7.10  –  Remove

    Syntax: remove alias-name

    With the remove command, one or more aliases can be removed from
    the database. Wild cards can be used when specifying aliases to
    be removed. For instance, to remove all aliases from a database,
    issue the command "remove *".

7.11  –  Rename

    Syntax: rename old-alias-name new-alias-name

    The rename command is used to rename an alias without altering
    its expansion value:

    db> add postmaster ""
    [Entry added to database]
    db> show postmaster
    Key         Value
    ----------  -----------------------------
    [1 entry shown]
    db> rename postmaster post
    [1 entry renamed]
    db> show post
    Key         Value
    ----------  -----------------------------
    [1 entry shown]

7.12  –  Set

    Syntax: set alias-name attributes[,...]

    The set command can be used to grant or remove attributes from
    aliases. The alias name specification can include wild cards.
    The allowable attribute names are listed in the add command
    description described under the "add" command.

7.13  –  Show

    Syntax: show [alias-name [attributes]]

    The show command is used to list the contents of a database. The
    optional attributes keyword, when supplied, causes the attributes
    associated with each alias to also be displayed:

    db> add postmaster ""
    [Entry added to database]
    db> show postmaster attributes
    Key         Value
    ----------  -----------------------------
    Attributes: private,expand,block-receipts,mail-address
    [1 entries shown]

    The alias name specification can contain wild cards. To see
    all entries with the mail-address attribute, issue the command
    "show"; to see absolutely all entries, first issue the command
    "override on" followed by the command "show"

7.14  –  Wildcards

    Syntax: wildcards ignore|interpret

    By default, the characters * and % in alias names are interpreted
    as wildcards: an asterisk, *, will match zero or more characters
    while each percent sign, %, will match precisely one character.
    The command "wildcards ignore" will cause DB to not interpret
    asterisks or percent signs as wildcards; the command "wildcards
    interpret" will resume interpretation of wildcards.

7.15  –  Write

    Syntax: write file-name [alias]

    The write command is used to create a command file which, when
    fed back into DB with the < or << commands, will recreate the
    entire database. If the alias keyword is specified, then a PMDF
    alias file (using PMDF's alias file format) will instead be

    For instance, the following commands will create a database named
    DB2.DAT which duplicates the database DB1.DAT:

    db> open db1.dat
    db> write
    db> open db2.dat
    [creating database]
    db> <<

    The above example presupposes the existence of a database named
    DB1.DAT. The file MAKE.COM created with the write command is an
    ordinary text file which can be edited with any text editor.

    Note that this is not an efficient way to duplicate a database
    - the DCL COPY command works much faster. The write command is
    intended as a means of creating a textual representation of a
    database which can be edited as a text file and later turned back
    into a database.
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