Build a new, synchronized queue cache database.



    Command Qualifiers    Defaults

    None.                 None.

1  –  Restrictions

    Requires sufficient privileges to create a file in the PMDF_
    TABLE: directory, and to scan the PMDF_QUEUE:[*] directories.

2  –  Parameters


3  –  Description

    The CACHE/REBUILD utility creates a new, synchronized queue cache
    database. Although the new database will inherit the ownership
    and file protections of the previous database, it is a good idea
    to check afterwards that the new queue cache is owned by the same
    UIC as the QUEUE.DIR and LOG.DIR files in the PMDF_ROOT:[000000]
    directory and that the file is protected against group and world
    access (S:RWED,O:RWED,G,W).

    Rebuilding the queue cache database with this command should
    only be performed as a last resort, e.g., if disk problems
    have corrupted your queue cache database, as it will cause loss
    of some information from the queue cache database. (The sort
    of information lost includes, but is not limited to, message
    creation dates, message deferral dates, message expiration dates,
    and the original message owner information used by the PMDF QM
    utility to allow users to bounce their own messages.)

    The command PMDF CACHE/CLOSE should be issued immediately after
    building the new queue cache so as to ensure that any detached
    processes close any I/O channels to the old database and open new
    channels to the new database.

    The queue cache database is the file pointed at by the PMDF_
    QUEUE_CACHE_DATABASE logical. Normally, this is the file QUEUE_
    CACHE.DAT in the PMDF_TABLE: directory. This file should be
    protected against world and group access and be owned by the same
    UIC as the directory files QUEUE.DIR and LOG.DIR in the PMDF_
    ROOT: directory.

4  –  Examples

      To build a new queue cache database issue the commands

        $ ! wait a minute or two
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